Foods I have found that help me stay on track :)

When I first started dieting and exercising, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to find enough healthy, low calorie foods that are delicious that I could keep eating. I was thinking of the dreaded carrot stick. Carrot sticks all day lol. But I have found these few products that keep me full and focused and on track.

-Crystal light drink packs in quart sizes. Because drinking calories is silly in my opinion.
-Tropicana Trop 50 orange juice. I love my OJ. Can't live without it. This is only 50 calories per 8 oz.
-Green Giant boxed, frozen vegetables. The ones you cook in the microwave. They're around 90-110 calories per serving with only 2 servings inside each box so i never feel bad if I eat too much.
-Strawberries, blueberries - I was so excited when my Walmart had 11 ox cartons of blueberries for $1.78.
-Melons! - full of sugar, I know. But so low in calories.
-Peaches, nectarines, etc...
-Chicken breast. So versatile! Just don't fry ;)
-Seafood - shrimp especially. I like Tilapia, tool.
-Low fat yogurt. Yoplait has a great variety
-Ground beef (believe it or not!) - I buy 90/10 or even 93/7 meat if I can find it. Sirloin is another great option.
-Kikkoman panko bread crumbs - for that crispy goodness without the frying.
-Real spices - especially ginger. I love grated, fresh ginger root.
-Avocados - a little bit higher in calories than other fruits (yes, it's a fruit!) but packed full of other fats and other good-for-you things.
-Corn. Corn corn corn. Just skip buttering it so much.
-Steak isn't that bad for you either. Skip the 16 ounce big boy. Stay with the 6.
-Frenches Mustard - has no calories in either the Spicy Brown or Regular. I coat chicken breasts in mustard then in bread crumbs then bake :)
-Silk Organic Low-Fat Vanilla- 70 calories per 8 lactose. Perfection times 3!!

Feel free to comment adding more great diet friendly foods!!


  • sueannerojas
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    wyler light packet half tea half good :)

    strawberries and bananas help get rid of my sugar craving for alot lower then the donuts and candy bars that constantly surround me
  • auzziecawth66
    auzziecawth66 Posts: 479 Member
    Hot sauce!!! Great if you like spicy, has no calories and adds lots of flavor
  • heatherab78
    I hate hot sauce unfortunately :( But isn't it just amazing that so many natural spices are calorie free or almost calorie free? :)
  • kristi5224
    kristi5224 Posts: 98 Member
    those are great.
    Yoplait lite- every day
    edemame beans
    grilled vegetables ( zuchini, sweet bell peppers, sugar snap peas, green beans asparagus, beets)
    berries fo any size and flavor.
    pasture raised eggs (poached, deviled, omlettes)
    Skinny cow Vanilla Ice cream sandwiches.
    chicken breasts.
    grilled fish
    corn on the cob
    fresh and basil are my favorites.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Please, NOBODY RESPOND BUMP. It's totally pointless and is unrelated to what I'm saying. If you do not have anything to say about food, GO AWAY.

    So if someone doesn't have anything to add, but would like to see what other people add they aren't welcome on the thread?
  • XtyAnn17
    XtyAnn17 Posts: 632 Member
    People respond bump so they can check back at the post later, get over your attitude
  • skinnyby30
    skinnyby30 Posts: 14
    Please, NOBODY RESPOND BUMP. It's totally pointless and is unrelated to what I'm saying. If you do not have anything to say about food, GO AWAY.
    what does the BUMP mean any way?? I have seen this and I am confused?
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Good choices! The only thing I question is the corn (high starch). I would add greens (collards, spinach, etc.) and broccoli (w/o cheese sauce) to my list. They add plenty of nutrition and very few calories. When I need something sweet, a graham cracker or a few animal crackers do the trick without adding excessive calories.
  • auzziecawth66
    auzziecawth66 Posts: 479 Member
    Yeah, I love cooking with natural spices instead of BBQ sauce etc since they are usually packed with sugar and calories that you don't even realize are there.

    Also Greek yogurt instead of sour cream with those dip packets, great for making dips for fresh veggies as a lower calorie/fat option.
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 273
    Taco cupcakes. I got the recipe from here...

    Also Sara Lee 45 calorie bread :)
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    Frozen right out of the back as a really sweet snack.

    Brown rice....filling and can be used in so many dishes or with so many things piled on top of it.

    Fat free yogurt....tasty and low cal. Make a fruit salad out of it by slicing up various fruits and mixing with it.

    Cottage cheese.....I eat it on top of salad. It replaced Ranch for me.
  • heatherab78
    Please, NOBODY RESPOND BUMP. It's totally pointless and is unrelated to what I'm saying. If you do not have anything to say about food, GO AWAY.

    So if someone doesn't have anything to add, but would like to see what other people add they aren't welcome on the thread?

    Obviously they are welcome. I just don't want "BUMP" on my post hundreds of times like I've seen on other threads. Everyone is free to browse. But if you're not posting something related to my article, then don't post at all.
  • MissLynne10
    MissLynne10 Posts: 64 Member
    Please, NOBODY RESPOND BUMP. It's totally pointless and is unrelated to what I'm saying. If you do not have anything to say about food, GO AWAY.

    People reply bump to keep your topic visible to others so you can get the answers you want or else your post ends up in the dark abyss of ignored posts.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Please, NOBODY RESPOND BUMP. It's totally pointless and is unrelated to what I'm saying. If you do not have anything to say about food, GO AWAY.
    what does the BUMP mean any way?? I have seen this and I am confused?

    It adds the topic to the 'My Topics' thread, so you can follow it.

    To me, it's the person saying "I have nothing to add, but would love to see what others say". It's not rude, so I'm not sure why it upsets the OP.
  • heatherab78
    Please, NOBODY RESPOND BUMP. It's totally pointless and is unrelated to what I'm saying. If you do not have anything to say about food, GO AWAY.
    what does the BUMP mean any way?? I have seen this and I am confused?

    People say bump to get your post more popular by giving the impression that lots of people are commenting on it. But in reality, there is just 8 pages of the word BUMP and 3 or 4 real comments. It's annoying.
  • yamira2282
    yamira2282 Posts: 3 Member
    I love jalapenos. But for those who dont like hot. Garlic and fresh orange or lemon makes great marinate to any meat and poultry.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    - Quest protein bars (I don't know what I'd do without them, actually)
    - Kashi Go Lean cereal
    - Greek yogurt with frozen berries
    - Hard boiled eggs dipped in hummus
  • sueannerojas
    Please, NOBODY RESPOND BUMP. It's totally pointless and is unrelated to what I'm saying. If you do not have anything to say about food, GO AWAY.

    So if someone doesn't have anything to add, but would like to see what other people add they aren't welcome on the thread?
    THIS!!!!!Im sorry i thought you were sharing to give people ideas WOW
  • XtyAnn17
    XtyAnn17 Posts: 632 Member
    Please, NOBODY RESPOND BUMP. It's totally pointless and is unrelated to what I'm saying. If you do not have anything to say about food, GO AWAY.
    what does the BUMP mean any way?? I have seen this and I am confused?

    People say bump to get your post more popular by giving the impression that lots of people are commenting on it. But in reality, there is just 8 pages of the word BUMP and 3 or 4 real comments. It's annoying.

    Completely incorrect