I ruined what I have worked so hard for...

hey guys.. So I joined a loong time ago, I am 5"2 short, and started out with 70 kg (very overweight) and reached my goal weight - 56kg (normal weight) - this was my weight in February. Then I stopped dieting, just ate normal foods and didn't gain any weight. UNTIL my exams at college came - I had so much stress and just ate everything that was in the fridge and I ruined it all.

I did focus on exams and did them well, which is good, BUT I ruined everything I worked so hard for..

I am scared to go on a scale but I feel like an elephant... I am starting again. I must go back to my 56 kg because I felt really good and proud of myself then and I finally fit size 10 clothes instead of 14 !

I am not going to lie - I lack motivation, but I believe I can do this because I've done this before.

I am scared to go on a scale because if I see anything close to 70kg I will just cry....

Wish me luck :( !!!!!


  • tadpole242
    tadpole242 Posts: 507 Member
    hey guys.. So I joined a loong time ago, I am 5"2 short, and started out with 70 kg (very overweight) and reached my goal weight - 56kg (normal weight) - this was my weight in February. Then I stopped dieting, just ate normal foods and didn't gain any weight. UNTIL my exams at college came - I had so much stress and just ate everything that was in the fridge and I ruined it all.

    I did focus on exams and did them well, which is good, BUT I ruined everything I worked so hard for..

    I am scared to go on a scale but I feel like an elephant... I am starting again. I must go back to my 56 kg because I felt really good and proud of myself then and I finally fit size 10 clothes instead of 14 !

    I am not going to lie - I lack motivation, but I believe I can do this because I've done this before.

    I am scared to go on a scale because if I see anything close to 70kg I will just cry....

    Wish me luck :( !!!!!
    Don't step on the scales. Back away from them and put them away for a month. Start eating right, and your clothes will tell you which way you are going. Weight is just numbers,
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member

    I did something very similar, I lost a bunch of weight rather quickly in 2009 (almost halfway to goal) was lookin' good and got my heart broken a little bit. Ate myself back to my starting weight plus some extra. I decided when I started over that it was for the last time. I'm going slow and I'm doing it for good. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • MrTypical
    MrTypical Posts: 24
    The good news is you know the formula... you've already been succesful once. Just rinse and repeat.
  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    Get on the scale and see the number, no matter how bad it gets.

    Use that horror/sadness to fuel your weightloss again.
  • Jayneopopsidoodle
    Jayneopopsidoodle Posts: 63 Member
    Totally recognise this scenario, this is me over and over again. I get half way to my goal weight and something mad happens and then boom starting weight plus a half stone. Not good! I've lost 17lbs so far since a few months and I'm trying my best to stay motivated.

    Good Luck and if you've done it once you'll do it again - get out some inspirartion pics and go for it :)

    Add me if you wish - I always need support :) x
  • edyta70
    edyta70 Posts: 47 Member
    stfuriada- I will get on the scale but I will measure it in Pounds because I don't know how to measure in them so I won't know how many kg that is haha! :)

    MrTypical - yes it is good because I know what kinds of foods I should / shouldn't eat and how many calories roughly they have. thanks

    Jayne- added you :)

    Thanks to all of you. God, I LOVE MFP, so much support from other users! I will be more active on here to get support and motivation.
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    I did something very similar too. Five years ago I lost 30 lbs, about half way to goal. I'm not sure what happened, I think I thought I could maintain without giving it an effort. I gained it all back, then last summer I started graduate school and I gained another 10 lbs! I was so mad at myself. I have now lost 20 lbs, but I still have a long way to go. The good thing is, we have done this before so we know what we are doing. Good luck!
  • dcain2
    dcain2 Posts: 102 Member
    Totally recognise this scenario, this is me over and over again. I get half way to my goal weight and something mad happens and then boom starting weight plus a half stone. Not good! I've lost 17lbs so far since a few months and I'm trying my best to stay motivated.

    Good Luck and if you've done it once you'll do it again - get out some inspirartion pics and go for it :)

    Add me if you wish - I always need support :) x

    This is me too!! I seem to lose the same 5 to 6 pounds over and over and over. :( It is very frustrating but I refuse to just give up. One day I hope to break the barrier and get past this cycle. Until then I keep plugging along!
  • Pilcrow_
    Pilcrow_ Posts: 27 Member
    Totally recognise this scenario, this is me over and over again. I get half way to my goal weight and something mad happens and then boom starting weight plus a half stone. Not good! I've lost 17lbs so far since a few months and I'm trying my best to stay motivated.

    Good Luck and if you've done it once you'll do it again - get out some inspirartion pics and go for it :)

    Add me if you wish - I always need support :) x

    Nothing like exams to tip you over either! I think most importantly, you didn't let negative eating affect your ability to cope with the stress of exams, you got through it so congratulate yourself on that. And then further congratulate yourself for now recognising where things went a bit awry and taking the first step to fix it. This isn't all about weight loss, it's about making the right choices and keeping strong even when things threaten to hold you back, and you're doing that.
  • edyta70
    edyta70 Posts: 47 Member
    I did something very similar too. Five years ago I lost 30 lbs, about half way to goal. I'm not sure what happened, I think I thought I could maintain without giving it an effort. I gained it all back, then last summer I started graduate school and I gained another 10 lbs! I was so mad at myself. I have now lost 20 lbs, but I still have a long way to go. The good thing is, we have done this before so we know what we are doing. Good luck!

    It is a huge plus that we have actually done this before! and good luck xx
  • edyta70
    edyta70 Posts: 47 Member
    Nothing like exams to tip you over either! I think most importantly, you didn't let negative eating affect your ability to cope with the stress of exams, you got through it so congratulate yourself on that. And then further congratulate yourself for now recognising where things went a bit awry and taking the first step to fix it. This isn't all about weight loss, it's about making the right choices and keeping strong even when things threaten to hold you back, and you're doing that.

    Yeah it's about feeling good about yourself and damn I feel good about the exams, hope the results in August are good, because damn I sacrificed a lot of KGs for them! ;)
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    please feel free to add me as a friend. something very similar happened to me. i gained about 10 lb back after losing 25. i know it's not exactly the same but i do also feel like i ruined what i worked hard for. but we can get it back!
  • Well now you know your problem lies with emotionally reactive eating. Just ask yourself next time 'am I eating this because I'm hungry or because I am stressed/bored/etc?'
  • edyta70
    edyta70 Posts: 47 Member
    please feel free to add me as a friend. something very similar happened to me. i gained about 10 lb back after losing 25. i know it's not exactly the same but i do also feel like i ruined what i worked hard for. but we can get it back!

    Of course it's the same - you feel bad for it and trying to get it back - same thing :) and YES we can ! Good luck :)
  • edyta70
    edyta70 Posts: 47 Member
    Well now you know your problem lies with emotionally reactive eating. Just ask yourself next time 'am I eating this because I'm hungry or because I am stressed/bored/etc?'

    Thank you, I will do that :)
  • I understand your trouble. I have put off weight loss for 3 years. Ever since I had my daughter. I am almost 40 and my matabolism is super slow. You have all the toos and people who will support you right on this sight. Be strong, put your mind to it that you want this and you will be cool. Good Luck.:happy:
  • edyta70
    edyta70 Posts: 47 Member
    I understand your trouble. I have put off weight loss for 3 years. Ever since I had my daughter. I am almost 40 and my matabolism is super slow. You have all the toos and people who will support you right on this sight. Be strong, put your mind to it that you want this and you will be cool. Good Luck.:happy:

    Yes you're right, everything I need to loose weight is right here on this site, thank you! :heart:
  • redscylla
    redscylla Posts: 211 Member
    And don't think that you've "ruined" anything. You just had a setback. As you return to healthy eating and exercising, it might also be helpful to look back at exactly what went haywire when you were under stress. If you can identify some things that led to you regaining weight, maybe next time you can identify them *before* you fall victim to them.

    Good luck! And you can totally do it.
  • cavewoman15
    cavewoman15 Posts: 278 Member
    story of my life. trying to do it slow and right this time. good luck!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    So cry, then get over it and do what you know you need to do. I think though that you will find more long term success if you stop thinking of junk as normal food.

    Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats, fish, nuts, seeds, these are normal foods. Don't feel you have to eat salads and yogurt all the time to lose weight. If that's what you like and intend to eat forever, then that's fine. Those are good foods. Just eat foods that you like. Try to keep it mostly healthy and within your calorie goals.

    And find ways to deal with your stress that do not involve food. Exercise, meditate, phone a friend, whatever. Stress is very bad for weight loss.