What are some things you refuse to share with your SO?



  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Our toilet has its own lil nook...so I don't care, really.
    But I do like to have my privacy while droppin' a duce.
    We can share pretty much anything...
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Toilet time during a #2.
    Tooth brush
    Electric Shaver - She keeps using it on her legs. One time she used it on her arm pits and I just had to say something! Not cool.

    A desk at home. She can somehow focus on her laptop when she's working and ignore the piles of crap around her. I can't put up with that crap. I need to clean/organize my office before I begin working.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Toilet time...over 24 years of marriage, and the SO cannot be in the room when the toilet is being used!

    During both 1 and 2?

    During #2 or TOM, he cant be in there, i also wont share a toothbrush

    All of the above, except the toothbrush in an emergency(hell we swap spit on a regular basis, what's a toothbrush between lovers?)

    Eeep sorry but kissing isn't the same as brushing the food and germ particles out of my teeth!! I will NOT share a toothbrush lol
  • megmay2591
    megmay2591 Posts: 621 Member
    Literally nothing. I mean he's obviously not going to wear my clothes or shoes. We've shared toothbrushes, razors, food, cups, etc. I don't mean we each don't have our own toothbrushes and razors, but if either of us has forgotten our toothbrush or needs new razors, we don't mind sharing.

    We also share the bathroom, I'll take a shower while he takes a poo (lol) or vise versa. We are 100% open and comfortable with sharing with each other.
  • brokenartist
    brokenartist Posts: 52 Member
    Our toilet has its own lil nook...so I don't care, really.
    But I do like to have my privacy while droppin' a duce.
    We can share pretty much anything...

    BUT BABE!!!!....

    I want to be there to help if you need, sometimes I know I'd like some "who does number two work for?" encouragement while trying to launch the Titanic through the port hole...
  • EyeLikeTacos
    EyeLikeTacos Posts: 324 Member
    Tacos...I never share my tacos with my SO...

    Get your own woman!