Work Snackage



  • susanb8500
    susanb8500 Posts: 47 Member
    Great question. I'm enjoying reading what others have posted. I see some great suggestions.

    I have a similar schedule to what others have mentioned. I have breakfast at home, snack around 10:30, lunch at 1pm, and then a snack at 3:30. I also agree with the person who said to portion out your snacks so that you don't ruin it all by eating a whole canister of nuts.

    Snacks: hard-boiled eggs, almonds (100 calorie packs for portion control), laughing cow cheese (don't need a fridge), greek yogurt with honey, any kind of fruit (right now - cherries! Yum!), broccoli with hummus (I like the individual ones by Tribe or Sabra), carrots with hummus, sliced cucumbers, apple slices and peanut butter, thin bagels (we have a toaster at work and the chewy & crunchy texture of the toasted bagel takes care of any carb cravings).

    This is not a snack, but I also keep tea in my desk drawer. If I get hungry and my calories allotment does not allow for one of the snacks listed or one I have on hand, I'll make some tea. The flavor of the tea (green, orange, whatever) usually tricks my tastebuds into thinking I've had "something" other than plain water and the water fills me up. I have cinnamon apple spice in my drawer now (much better in the fall).