Help!!! I can't kick diet soda!



  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    For me, cutting anything completely out of my diet makes me want it (the forbidden fruit! LOL!) so I allow myself one mini can of Diet Coke a day with supper and that's enough to keep me satisfied. Other than that, I have a cup of herbal tea in the morning and it's water the rest of the day.
  • rmac18
    rmac18 Posts: 185 Member
    A question for all those that quit the soda habit and haven't addressed the caffeine withdrawal aspect--did you switch to other caffeinated drinks (coffee/tea), or just go cold turkey? I personally have gotten such bad withdrawal symptoms that I threw up for the better part of a day and a half on vacation until I realized what what was going on and started chugging a diet coke. An hour later, I was a new person. While I'm with those that crave the carbonated goodness, the caffeine is what keeps me coming back...and that's the part that I'm dying to kick.

    I drink tea and coffee (though I've always drank coffee). I'm not planning to kick caffeine. From what I understand if you don't have blood pressure issues then it may actually slightly increase your metabolism. The main reason though is I really like coffee and tea and I don't have the sweeteners, sodium, acid, etc. to deal with. If I had issues with blood pressure then I would certainly decrease or eliminate caffeine but with all the cardio I do and where I am now it really isn't an issue and as I said I like it.