STUPID SCALE!!! I'm getting soooo mad!



  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    i'm just so frustrated. I want the scale lower and I guess I figured that by now it would be a lot lower than where it really is. I know the weight doesn't come on overnight, and it doesn't go away overnight. I guess I'm disappointed because I thought I would weigh less/be smaller by now.
  • libro55
    libro55 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm at the beginning of my weight loss journey, but I joined a fitness club and met with a nutrition counselor, and the big changes that I've had to make to diet are to (1) try to eat at least 100g of protein a day, (2) reduce sodium to 1,500mg a day, and (3) try to keep sugar at 35mg a day. It's very hard to get the sodium AND sugar at those levels. Seems if I get the sodium right at 1,500, the sugar is high, and vice versa. But protein and sodium--I've never been told to track those before. I feel it is making a difference. It certainly is where hunger is concerned. I eat 3 meals plus 2 snacks, each about 20 grams of protein (cottage cheese--low sodium kind--Greek yogurt, and natural peanut butter are all high in protein).

    Good luck - and congratulations on getting down to 157. That is terrific, and you sound like you are doing a good job with the exercise. I agree with others, too, about looking to other measurements besides the scale to note your achievements. You are doing great with the exercise.
  • ChaoticMiNd
    ChaoticMiNd Posts: 247 Member
    The scale is the Debil.
  • PeaceCorpsKat
    PeaceCorpsKat Posts: 335 Member
    Eat clean - like if you are eating anything with artifical perservatives, colors or sweetners get rid of it. I honestly think that is how I have been so successful.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    The MFP exercise database is way off. Invest in a heart rate monitor - you will be glad you did, trust me. I have been using one since June 4 after a LONG and frustrating plateau, and I have lost 7 lbs since then. It all comes down to numbers. If your numbers aren't right, you won't lose weight. Eating clean of course is going to get you healthy and help you get through the workouts, but weight loss itself is a numbers game.
  • Ilangilang
    Ilangilang Posts: 37 Member
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,894 Member
    I've been on MFP since January 2012. I log my foods and exercise as I should, yet lately I'm getting so frustrated with myself. I started at 1200 calories and was there forever. I lost about 15 pounds, but I keep gaining and losing a pound or two. I've upped my calories to 1533 after a long (7-8 week) plateau. I am now weight lifting (circuit training at my home gym) for about 5 weeks, every other day. I can see the muscles in my arms and legs changing and shaping some, but I am so frustrated that my scale doesn't want to move any lower. I need to lose more weight so I can be considered in the 'healthy' range. Technically by doctors statistics, I was 'overweight' at 172 for 5ft 4. I am now 157 but need to get lower.
    UGHHHHH!!! I'm trying to get healthier and be fit. I've been weight lifting, riding a bike, jogging, walking, and swimming. I don't know what else to do or what will help me...Anyone have any ideas?
    Yep, dump the scale. If you looked the way you wanted, fitted the clothes size you desired, felt great and was healthy, would a number on the scale change all that if it were higher than you thought?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Scribetoo
    Scribetoo Posts: 181 Member
    Anyone have any ideas?


    Put the scale in the trunk of a car that belongs to a friend and only use it once a month.

    Take your measurements and track those instead.

    You are building muscle and replacing fat -- muscle is denser and takes up less space than fat.. How do your clothes feel?

    The scale is the LEAST reliable gauge of your fitness. Get off the hamster wheel.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    Look, you said this week there was more junk than usual but going back to the week before and the week before and there is pizza, curly fries, and everything looks pre packaged.

    300 calories of Pizza and 300 calories of Veg is going to treat your body (and the scale) completely differently. Stop relying on pre packaged processed food and cook from scratch more. Eat at least half a plate of veg with every meal and I guarantee you the scale will start to move.

    You don't track salt and I think you'd be shocked if you saw how much you were taking in.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,894 Member
    The answer is simple. You're putting on muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat so your scale won't be dipping any lower but you are actually getting smaller. If the scale is frustrating you so much, put it away for a while. Start tracking your inches instead. You'll see you really are making progress.
    It's rare to put on muscle while on calorie deficit. More than likely it's water and glycogen retention in the cells.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member
    If you are lifting then make sure you are eating alot of protein and eat clean. Make sure you are doing cardio ALOT and eating back atleast half of your work out cals but atleast not neting below your BMR.
  • jones137
    jones137 Posts: 89 Member
    i'm just so frustrated. I want the scale lower and I guess I figured that by now it would be a lot lower than where it really is. I know the weight doesn't come on overnight, and it doesn't go away overnight. I guess I'm disappointed because I thought I would weigh less/be smaller by now.

    Please don't take this the wrong way......

    If you want the scales lower you need to recommit. You can't expect to eat Arby's, Little Caesar's, Cheescake Factory and lose weight because you workout. If you want to change your life, you need to change your lifestyle. You need to completely revamp your eating habits.....completely. You barely ever get enough protein, you consume large amounts of simple sugars....not a good weight loss combo.

    I hope I'm not offending you but I'm trying to offer some real advice that I think may help you. It's not the scales fault.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Because you've been adding muscle you may not see the number on the scale move for a lil while. But it's a 3-part system: the weight on the scale, your measurements, and how your clothes fit. Although the number on the scale didn't change for me when I started ChaLEAN Extreme 3 months ago, I'm down a size and down several inches so far yet I started at 137 and I'm 136 now...
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    i'm just so frustrated. I want the scale lower and I guess I figured that by now it would be a lot lower than where it really is. I know the weight doesn't come on overnight, and it doesn't go away overnight. I guess I'm disappointed because I thought I would weigh less/be smaller by now.

    Please don't take this the wrong way......

    If you want the scales lower you need to recommit. You can't expect to eat Arby's, Little Caesar's, Cheescake Factory and lose weight because you workout. If you want to change your life, you need to change your lifestyle. You need to completely revamp your eating habits.....completely. You barely ever get enough protein, you consume large amounts of simple sugars....not a good weight loss combo.

    I hope I'm not offending you but I'm trying to offer some real advice that I think may help you. It's not the scales fault.

    She's ignored both your comments. I agree. Fast food it not a friend of those trying to lose weight. I hear you.
  • konerusp
    konerusp Posts: 247 Member
    Very high carb and bad fats in your dairy.
    Processed food has to be cut out.We have spent years storing junk in the body,no point burning the same junk and eating the same junk right?
    Dont eat processed food.Lot of fried food,let your sugar sources be natural and limited.
    you might want to change your macros to 50:30:30,ur carb ratio to protein looks off in your settings.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,894 Member
    What I see is that practically all your food is high in sodium. High sodium usually equals high water retention. Even more if you're working out hard. Eat more whole foods. Reduce some of the processed. 80/20 is a good rule to follow if you don't want to give up everything for clean eating.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    i'm just so frustrated. I want the scale lower and I guess I figured that by now it would be a lot lower than where it really is. I know the weight doesn't come on overnight, and it doesn't go away overnight. I guess I'm disappointed because I thought I would weigh less/be smaller by now.

    Please don't take this the wrong way......

    If you want the scales lower you need to recommit. You can't expect to eat Arby's, Little Caesar's, Cheescake Factory and lose weight because you workout. If you want to change your life, you need to change your lifestyle. You need to completely revamp your eating habits.....completely. You barely ever get enough protein, you consume large amounts of simple sugars....not a good weight loss combo.

    I hope I'm not offending you but I'm trying to offer some real advice that I think may help you. It's not the scales fault.

    She's ignored both your comments. I agree. Fast food it not a friend of those trying to lose weight. I hear you.

    There are lower calorie options at all three of those places. If you stay within your calorie budget (over BMR, under TDEE), you really can eat whatever you want and lose weight. I'm proof positive. I haven't eaten clean constantly, I make smarter choices and cook more of my own foods, but when I can't, I look up the calorie counts for something and go get it from a takeout window. I eat more vegetables now and have learned to cook lower calorie, but I still save most of my calories for dinner because, if I'm in charge, there's going to be extra cheese on whatever's for dinner. You learn to live within your calorie limits, eat healthIER things, and don't think of it as "all or nothing" ... that's a sure way to sabotage yourself.
  • Springer007
    Springer007 Posts: 84 Member
    i'm just so frustrated. I want the scale lower and I guess I figured that by now it would be a lot lower than where it really is. I know the weight doesn't come on overnight, and it doesn't go away overnight. I guess I'm disappointed because I thought I would weigh less/be smaller by now.

    It can be overnight... There are a ton of posts out here but if you happen to read this here is what will work.

    You go back to 1250 calories. Start running for 30 minutes or more every night. Get to your "target heart rate" and hold it for a good 25 to 30 minutes. When you are done you should be sweating pretty good. It will probably hurt, it will take some digging into your soul to hang in there for the entire 30 minutes. Once you are done. DO NOT eat back the calories. Many people will tell you to, but that will get you nowhere. As long as you eat your 1250 base calories there will be no "Starvation mode BS" going on. You bank that calorie deficit and lose weight. IT WILL work.
  • Deltafliers
    Deltafliers Posts: 201 Member
    I agree about measuring your inches; I also agree on watching what you are eating. In your food diary I notice you only track the big three: carb, fat, protein. I also track sodium and fiber in mine.

    At first, I didn't really care about my sodium, but I have noticed that as I have worked to remain close to the daily allotment of sodium I have been feeling better and losing weight. Excess sodium is a big cause of retention. Watching my sodium intake has forced me to eat cleaner and healthier too. I plan my meals when possible in regards to sodium; this might mean I need to add more veggies or fruit to my meal or instead of getting seconds of a yummy box mix, I might need to get seconds of something else. Now, I won't lie, this is difficult--this week has been rough and I am not always successful, but it is a lifestyle change in progress.

    Fiber....keeps the system moving (think wd-40=no squeaky or sluggish gears). I saw an improvement in my weight loss when I added fiber gummies and fish oil to my diet.

    Also, think about working to not go over your fat allotment. It is difficult but doable. I once had it explained to me (to paraphrase): What is the point of getting upset about not losing fat when you go over and put the extra back into your system...

    Hope this helps.

    PS: Sometimes you also need to consider, as a female, you tend to gain weight either the week before or during your menses, depending on the individual. Keep track of when you gain the weight, it might be in a pattern similar to your cycle I have see and experienced weight gains of 2-4 pounds during this time, in which the following week it corrected itself.