Mythical BMR



  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I assume he's simplifying the terms for the 2 min. window and the unsophisticated audience.

    I would take more issue with his site. :laugh:

    I can't find non-internet-world authorities that say "it's safe to eat under BMR" because no one outside of internet forums says it's not. All I can show, and I've done so repeatedly, is that authorities don't use BMR in that fashion, they use calorie floors like 1200. And beg someone to show me an authority who advises specifically against eating below BMR, which no one has done.

    I know I won't convince you, ladyraven, and that's ok. Peace and weight loss and LBM to all. :heart:

    Nope you won't change my mind, and I know I won't change yours, but life would be boring if everyone thought the same.

    I'm glad there are lot's of different people on here with lot's of different ideas, because many people come here with absolutely no understanding of weight loss at all, MFP spits them a number and they just accept it.

    It's only when they hit a problem that they start questioning things.

    Yes they will get differing advice,

    1 - stick with MFP
    2 - Use TDEE - 15-20%
    3 - use TDEE less a defict up to 1000

    But it's great that there are people here who have already done a lot of research and had success in their own way, to help them along the way.

    I actually don't like the MFP method with the exercise added on, like you I prefer the TDEE minus a defict. We' can definitely agree on that.
