Today was heartbreaking.



  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 477 Member
    Vodka and diet coke might not be helping your cause. Diet drinks can make some people hungry or crave sugar from what I read, and vodka isn't calorie free (sad to say, because I like the stuff once in awhile, too!). Also, I don't see many people on this site sustaining 2lb a week losses. A few, but it seems to me most are going along with 1-1.5 lost a week. It's slower than you want it to be, but it's still better than not losing at all.

    Totally agree with this! :)
  • emmabrackpool
    emmabrackpool Posts: 61 Member
    you could try a low carb lifestyle if counting cals isn't for you.

    I've stuck to the same amount of calories in recent week (1500) but ditched high carb foods - no bread, potatoes, rice or pasta has passed my lips in 3 weeks and I've suddenly gone from maintaining to shedding 8lbs so I would DEF recommend low carb all the way!
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Please don't give up. I finally decided that 2 pounds a week was pretty unrealistic for me. I am steadily loosing a half to a pound a week. Just something to think about, be sure to watch not only your calories but the nutritional values of those calories.

    Good luck to you!

    The only thing I struggle with is sugar. I don't understand how it's possible to eat fruit and not go over. I think the goal of at least 2lbs makes it disheartening when you fall short but I'm probably just moaning at the moment and should be patient!
    Thank you and good luck to you too

    Don't sweat the sugar from fruits, only processed sugars
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    you could try a low carb lifestyle if counting cals isn't for you.

    I've stuck to the same amount of calories in recent week (1500) but ditched high carb foods - no bread, potatoes, rice or pasta has passed my lips in 3 weeks and I've suddenly gone from maintaining to shedding 8lbs so I would DEF recommend low carb all the way!

    Just started Atkins to get serious about low carbs. Posts like this make me so happy!
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    For some reason your post came to my mind while I was in the grocery store the other day. I was thinking of 11 lbs and when I passed the butter in the dairy aisle. I picked up a pound of butter and then thought, "Aren't we all trying to lose fat? Imagine how much 11 lbs of fat would be." So when there weren't too many people around, I put 11 lbs of butter in my basket. That's a lot! So if you feel discouraged, try that next time you are in the store. You will be proud of yourself. Good luck and keep on going...

    I love this! I have lost 11 pounds in June and can't really 'see' it yet when I look at's nice to get a visual of just how much 11 pounds of fat is.
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    Hang in there. When I first started losing I was taking in 1500-1900 calories. Some weeks the scale wouldn't budge and then a week or so later it would show a 5 pound drop. Don't pay so much attention to the scale. Eat right and get enough exercise. For me to lose weight faster I had to get more active.
  • rosawash
    rosawash Posts: 26 Member
    Please don't give up. I finally decided that 2 pounds a week was pretty unrealistic for me. I am steadily loosing a half to a pound a week. Just something to think about, be sure to watch not only your calories but the nutritional values of those calories.

    Good luck to you!

    I agree with watching the nutritional value of the calories. Because a calorie just isn't a calorie if it's loaded with sodium and sugar. I notice when I eat too many foods with lots of sodium and sugar I tend to put on weight so I try to monitor how much sodium I eat in my meals, but everybody's different.
  • xcazax
    xcazax Posts: 43 Member
    Your weight loss is great! I seem to be loosing 1lb a week no matter how much exerc ise I do.

    Please ignore my ignorance but how does diet coke affect your weight loss? I drink it to help get myself through nightshift.
  • Dorkaleena
    Dorkaleena Posts: 59
    The only thing I struggle with is sugar. I don't understand how it's possible to eat fruit and not go over. I think the goal of at least 2lbs makes it disheartening when you fall short but I'm probably just moaning at the moment and should be patient!
    Thank you and good luck to you too

    Fruit is generally low in calories. Going over by eating it would actually be pretty difficult. Maybe try substituting fruit for things that are higher in calories that you're already eating would be a helpful option? (Not being snarky. I promise. It's just something you could try.)
  • spiregrain
    spiregrain Posts: 254 Member
    The only thing I struggle with is sugar. I don't understand how it's possible to eat fruit and not go over. I think the goal of at least 2lbs makes it disheartening when you fall short but I'm probably just moaning at the moment and should be patient!
    Thank you and good luck to you too

    Fruit is generally low in calories. Going over by eating it would actually be pretty difficult. Maybe try substituting fruit for things that are higher in calories that you're already eating would be a helpful option? (Not being snarky. I promise. It's just something you could try.)

    I agree, fruit is great, and if you're a sugar junkie it can save you. Plus, it tends to have a lot of fiber, which is good. If you're struggling with the sugar content, consider planning your fruit snacks around fruits that are lower in calories and thus you can eat bigger portions. Papaya and a lot of orchard fruits like peaches, plums, apricots, and pluots are good that way. Strawberries too. On the other hand. Stuff like grapes and watermelon are a little higher.

    It can be hard, staying under goal. Every little bit you can shave off helps! Even when it's from healthy fruit. I whittle away calories WHEREVER I can stand to do it.

    What I usually do is set my goal at 1 lb per week. When I make or exceed that goal, I feel like a BAMF. But if I set it at 2 lbs per week, I'd be feeling pretty negative, too! It's part of the deal that you've gotta approach this in a way you can feel good about: if you're DEPRIVED and still not seeing the results you hoped for, it all seems totally impossible. If you're comfortable and eating almost enough, and seeing results, it's easy to feel positive. Do what you can handle and you'll be able to keep it off. Keeping it off is a more important goal than losing it in the first place, I think?

    My husband has the hilarious goal of eating so little during the day that he is able to have a big ice cream cone at the end of the day and still be under goal. He's so motivated by this! He could shave all his other meals down to basically being snacks but giving up ice cream every night was too much. For me, I can give up sweets totally, but I need to eat "meal-like meals" more often. Everyone is different.

    I also love reading the Success Stories boards and watching So You Think You Can Dance. Seeing successful weight loss and the wonders of being super athletic are so motivating to me. Dancers always look like they are wearing spring shoes! I'd love to feel that light and springy one day, it looks so fun. And seeing people my size or bigger who are now rocking it in their skimpy bathing suits after sticking to it, sometimes for 6 months, sometimes for 2 years, makes me feel like I can earn this.

    What motivates you? Figure that out and then make sure you get a daily does of it, no matter what!
  • MissCassieHughes
    MissCassieHughes Posts: 53 Member
    I can't begin to explain how helpful the posts and messages I received are. I definitely sat back and looked at my diary and examined where I am going 'wrong' and what needs tweaking. I switched to vodka and diet coke on nights out instead of wine but I think I may need to give up alcohol all together until I'm a little closer to my goal! I struggle to Get calories up because I end up so busy and I now watch what I eat which is hilarious because before I started mfp my day would consist of a massive bag of M&M's, crisps, sin etc.

    I know I'm not quite at the stage of resisting all temptation but I feel way perkier than I did on Friday. I think I would become obsessed if I was weighing every day and I like looking forward to that once a week weigh-in so I can hopefully see progress!! I always see Monday as a new start so hopefully I can keep that sugar down and cals up!

    Impatience is a killer and an enemy of progress!! I will chill out a bit and be less obsessed about how It looks for now! I shed a silent Tear of me relinquishing diet coke!!!

    I was getting a bit bored of the gym for toning so I joined a tap dance and pole dance class as well. If you never hear from me again I've fallen off the pole and don't have the guts to admit to my nearest and dearest I thought it would be cute to be swinging around metal in 6 inch heels
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    My calorie intake on here is 1200. Sometimes i go over, sometimes I dont. I have lost 1 pound in about 3 weeks. dont give up
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    Remember that your body will burn alcohol before fat...... celebrate what you have done too! Slow and steady wins the race!!

    Good luck! Remember that it's a learning experience too so you will find what works best for you.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    I looked at your diary...many day you have a negative net calories...YOU NEED TO EAT MORE!!! Check out the eat more to weigh less threads. good luck!
  • kimmieyr1
    kimmieyr1 Posts: 189
    Hey!!! I lost 11 pounds in 44 days too!!! I thought it was great!! I am just quite happy to see some results and realize that I am on my way to a happy and healthier me! I know my ticker says 7 pounds but I put the wrong weight in at the beginning. It is annoying because I can't fix it, but it just makes me work harder.
    Good luck!! As I put in my Facebook status, "Slow and steady wins the race".
    Keep at it and you will succeed, stop and you will never know if you could succeed.

    I changed mine under settings. I had to do it twice before it took.

    P.S. love your ticker!
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Options've lost 11 lbs in 44 days and you're not happy? Why on earth not? That's a pound every four days...pretty darn fast. Jeeeeez.

    Seriously! It's taken me 6 months to lose about twice that much!
  • kimmieyr1
    kimmieyr1 Posts: 189
    Pick up a ten pound weight as well to see what you lost.

    Here is a picture of 1 lb of fat:
  • starfishth
    As someone already said, your weight loss to date as been great, you are going to slow down at some point! Just keep it up and you will start to lose again
  • MissCassieHughes
    MissCassieHughes Posts: 53 Member
    Pick up a ten pound weight as well to see what you lost.

    Here is a picture of 1 lb of fat:

    That picture was traumatising... I should make it my wallpaper
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I think 11 pounds in 44 days is cause for celebration, not depression. It's a wonderful accomplishment! Remember that we all have different metabolisms, and sometimes it just takes longer.