Why did you gain weight?



  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I'm pretty sure it's because I ate a ridiculous amount of food over a period of roughly 30 years. :laugh:
  • Lainnee
    Lainnee Posts: 61 Member
    I broke both arms in a rollerblading accident 12 years ago....one was so bad that I had to have 7 pins placed in there with 4 screws and marrow from my hip to glue it all together. The other arms elbow was broken...which I did not have fixed. (the thought of no arms to use was just too much!). The pain meds they prescribed were not working on me....but they didn't know that at the time! All I did was cry...the pain was unbearable, so they put me on Prozac....and I gained 40 lbs, which I have yet to lose....but I dumped the Prozac! As you get older you realize that "if you have your health, it's worth more than gold". Time to get "rich"!
  • SBHWeav
    SBHWeav Posts: 89 Member
    I had my daughter. I only gained 32 pounds with her, lost almost all of it immediately (all except what the extra flab skin weighed) but gained it all (plus 10) back. And the sad thing is I wasn't eating a lot. Even when I was pregnant I ate small amounts. It was a combination of the type of food I ate and the stress/depression. Every few months I say I am going to really do it this time and really lose weight, but I can't get myself motivated enough to get off my *kitten*. I know that my lack of energy is due to thyroid issues (overactive, oddly enough) and depression. Neither of which are being treated as of right now.
  • jcamby
    jcamby Posts: 200 Member
    I had 2 kids....never really was overweight before them.
  • amymoore12
    amymoore12 Posts: 46 Member
    I have always been overweight since I can remember, but I put alot of weight on at the beginning of university... drinking more, eating pizza, chicken nuggets and chips alot, and doing no exercise.
  • jones137
    jones137 Posts: 89 Member
    Paxil & Fast Food!
  • piesbd
    piesbd Posts: 196 Member
    I was always a heavy child. In high school I was 145 at graduation. I did ""okay" keeping the weight down for a bit, but after I graduated college, was married, working, it crept up. When I was pregnant with my daughter, i reached 198lbs, but got it back down to ~188. During the time I was pregnant with her, my husband was deployed. He got home when she was 8mo old. It was horrible. He was so different. We fought all the time, he was very reactionary and suicidal. I became depressed, ate a TON, and gained to ~220lbs. I started getting help, and so did my husband. Ultimately he was diagnosed with PTSD, depression, anxiety.Seven years later, we both are much better.... still married.... and weigh less ;-)

    (ETA: Spelling.... can't do it :wink: )
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    Ugh, so many reasons. Top 5 tho would be....

    1) I am an emotional eater, and I think I was on the cusp of being a binge/closet/hidden eater too. I know I have had times where I found myself binging on McDonald's in my car in the parking lot where no one I know can see me as I work my way through the 2 large fries, large shake, 20 piece nuggets, and 2 small burgers as I read my book. This didn't happen often tho, just maybe 2 times a month or so, so not sure if I qualified as a binger or not.

    2)I have always had a rather low self esteem <thru years of teasing from classmates etc calling me Land Whale or Blubberella, or Shaiasaurus>, and it really killed me. Looking back I was never really fat as a child, just slightly overweight and out of shape but it affected me majorly. It sort of sent me into a never-ending spiral where I didn't care about how I looked or cared what I ate etc when I was an adult. Sad thing is I still hear echoes sometimes, but they are less than they were. I think its cos I am with someone who loves me for me and not what I look like.

    3) I have always been overweight slightly, <140ish at 18> , but I ballooned up when I was on Depo for a year. I never realized how much I put on until I went for my 4th shot and they said "You have gained 60 pounds." I didn't get the shot. I knew there was a chance of weight gain but I never actually noticed it on me if that makes sense? I was in kind of a denial.

    4) Food is my comfort. I love to cook and bake. I have a terrible sweet tooth. Soda and sweets and breads are my downfall. Nuff said there.

    5) I am lazy. I HATE exercise. Seriously. I do not like to sweat etc. I am happiest on the couch with a good book and my cat with my music playing or a TV show on in the background. OR on the computer playing a video game for hours.

    So there we go...my top 5 reasons.
  • piesbd
    piesbd Posts: 196 Member
    1) I am an emotional eater, and I think I was on the cusp of being a binge/closet/hidden eater too. I know I have had times where I found myself binging on McDonald's in my car in the parking lot where no one I know can see me as I work my way through the 2 large fries, large shake, 20 piece nuggets, and 2 small burgers as I read my book. This didn't happen often tho, just maybe 2 times a month or so, so not sure if I qualified as a binger or not.

    I used to run through Wendy's after work, eat in the car, then throw the bags in the outside dumpster so my husband wouldn't find them!
  • QuirkyPanda
    QuirkyPanda Posts: 44 Member
    I was studying for the GRE over the holiday season -- BAD combination!
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    I quit competitive gymnastics and did not supplement the lack of intense workout. That was the first and I was still young, just entering the teen years, then self-esteem crashed causing even more issues. My mother was a closet eater and morbidly obese. Lead by bad example. During my late teens I started to become more socially integrated and lost a bit of weight from binge drinking and other less savory behavior. *hang head in shame*
    Once my husband and I became pregnant with our first child I was carefully watching my diet as to do the best for myself and the baby. I had no problem loosing all the weight. In fact I looked great! Then I had a false sense of confidence, oh I can eat anything, I am skinny and breastfeeding, blah blah blah. Stopped breastfeeding and starting eating crap and boom!
    Now after baby #2 I am determined to remain vigilant and watch my caloric intake, exercise and reinstate the care and confidence I had previously.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    food is friggin tasty
    i'm lazy
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    I love snacking way too much
  • mminter22
    mminter22 Posts: 29
    Well 3 kids a husband and a job...didnt make working out or eating right a priorioty...and my kids got into sports and running them around 50 differant places ate out way too much!
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I was a petite 106 lbs when my husband and I met. We started dating, going out to eat wasn't a problem at first, since I went running daily. As we dated longer, I quit exercising, started eating like him (he has a much better metabolism), and then I went to college. After we go married, I cooked for him and ate what he liked to eat, and next thing I knew, I was (at my biggest) 194 lbs. I'm 5'2" on a good day, so that's very overweight. I got pregnant with my daughter and ended up losing a bunch of weight while I was pregnant and then BFing with her, I got down to 145. But, I stopped BFing, and kept eating like I was. I got back up to 180's. My son is 18 months, and I didn't lose as much weight with him, I was only 160 after having him. And it's crept back on...
  • MessyLittlePanda
    MessyLittlePanda Posts: 213 Member
    I had been very fit - kickboxing, played football (soccer) and mountain biking a few years ago, did amateur MTB competitions and adventure racing. Then I injured my knee and stopped doing anything. That started the weight gain.

    Next, a couple of courses of steroids for a health problem - that put on a few lbs.
    Next 6 months of hell with a Mirena IUD which made me retain water like nobody's business
    I drank too much alcohol because of stress in my life, then became very ill with stomach problems and found out I had coeliac disease and that explained why I was gaining weight and couldn't lose any - although I was overweight I was malnourished and had anemia (why I was tired all the time) and low B12.

    Now I'm on my way back to not just losing the weight but being fitter, stronger and much healthier.
  • juliemarie911
    Depression, Anxiety, Bad break-ups, School, Time management, Sexual Abuse, Low self esteem
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    I was studying for the GRE over the holiday season -- BAD combination!

    :laugh: I love holiday food! Stress or no stress... Just be careful when you plan to do your thesis or dissertation!!
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    I gained the most weight when I was having a really rough year at university. Retrospectively, I was obviously depressed. I started comfort eating and then it became like this endless cycle. I was fed up because of how I looked and felt, so I comfort ate, which made me even more fed up, so I comfort ate etc. I'm much more likely to run to cheer myself up than gorge on junk food now.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    it started after i tore my acl 10 years ago. it was gradual though because i've always gone the gym. i would tell myself i'm fine i work out but really looking back i was doing the same thing over and over and over again. i'd read my book while i was on the eliptical i'd do some sit ups and a few weights but that was it. i ate as if i was burning 1000 calories at the gym but wasn't so i packed on the pounds. 4 years ago we moved from massachusetts to virginia and that's when i decided it was time for me to stop slacking and do something about my weight. i did loose 20 or so pounds but feel like i need the help to get the rest off so here i am.