Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle (BFFM)



  • AnotherJenn
    AnotherJenn Posts: 62 Member
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    i get his free stuff, the emails, newsletter stuff...... i like reading it :-)
  • rosawash
    rosawash Posts: 26 Member
    is anyone here a member of his inner circle?

    I want to read the article entitled - The New Rules of Cutting Calories: What is the "Real" Ideal Calorie Deficit? - but need to be subscribed.


    I'd like to read that, too, so I went hunting. I noticed on his site he has a pic of the International Journal of Obesity next to that article. I checked the college library and he's never been published in any journal that I can see. But he might've been referring to an article that was published in that journal.


    Here's Venuto's deficit recs from that one:

    "You can still use the standard calorie formulas to figure out how much you should eat, and you can use a 500-1000 calorie per day deficit (below maintenance) as a generic guideline to figure where to set your calories to lose one or two pounds per week respectively (at least that works "on paper" anyway).

    Even better however, you could use this info to fine tune your caloric deficit using a percentage method and also base your deficit on your starting body fat level, to get a much more personalized and effective approach:

    15-20% below maintenance calories = conservative deficit

    20-25% below maintenance calories = moderate deficit

    25-30% below maintenance calories = aggressive deficit

    31-40% below maintenance calories = very aggressive deficit (risky)

    50%+ below maintenance calories = semi starvation/starvation (potentially dangerous and unhealthy)

    (Note: According to exercise physiologists Katch & Mcardle, the average female between the ages of 23 and 50 has a maintenance level of about 2000-2100 calories per day and the average male about 2700-2900 calories per day)

    Usually, we would suggest starting with a conservative deficit of around 15-20% below maintenance. Based on this research, however, we see that there can be a big difference between lean and overweight people in how many calories they can or should cut.

    If you have very high body fat to begin with, the typical rule of thumb on calorie deficits may underestimate the deficit required to lose a pound. It may also be too conservative, and you can probably use a more aggressive deficit safely without as much worry about muscle loss or metabolic slowdown."

    I'm a member of his innercircle and I love it. It's constantly updated with knew information, and I love reading the articles.
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    I can't maintain a 6-meal per day routine, but what I do like about his book is the goal setting tactics!
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Rosawash, are you able to access this article?

  • linda1243
    linda1243 Posts: 166
    I know it's an old fashioned concept, but there is always the library if you don't want to pay.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I know it's an old fashioned concept, but there is always the library if you don't want to pay.

    Nice idea, but I believe it's an ebook only. not available in paper format
  • laurenleekong
    laurenleekong Posts: 2 Member
    I've incorporated his theories into my training and have seen nothing but steady great results. Coming from someone who's tried to lose the belly fat for years, it's a sound plan and has all the info you'll ever need. The only thing I had never done before was apply dedication and commitment to it. The only way it works! Do it.
