is it possible/has anyone lose 15kg/33lb in 5 months?



  • tammyandzach
    tammyandzach Posts: 922 Member
    34 in 4 months
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    If you just want to LOOK like you belong, then build up some muscle and work on reducing your body fat. Your weight will be inconsequential when you look trim and defined. 5 months can show a very big difference. Start tonight by making a plan for yourself and stick with it. You can really change your body in 5 months!

    I really hope you can stick and post again to show us what you've done by December. :D

    Yeah I'm working on hypertrophy atm, it's not exactly easy to gain muscle when you're a chick though.
  • julesw734
    julesw734 Posts: 100
    I believe if you set yourself with a plan you can do it and it is physically possible to lose that in a healthy way...
  • recoiljpr
    recoiljpr Posts: 292
    Just depends on the person, diet, size, etc. I've lost 18 lbs in the past 27 days. I'm starting to learn that each of us is different and our bodies all respond differently. The only thing that I question is an imposed timeline. I think if you try to rush things that will only lead to frustration, anger and eventually quitting trying to lose the weight. Just set your goal weight, work as hard as you can, and let things happen on their own time. I like to think it, I didn't put my weight on in a few months or a year, so why should I expect to take it off that quickly?
  • RegalSeagull
    I've lost 29 since April 25th. Not really doing anything too crazy. Walking a fair amount, Started C25k, 1500ish cals a day with a 40/40/20 carbs/protein/fat diet. I'm not sure how quick it would be for your height/weight/gender and such though, I'm male 6'0 212.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    If you just want to LOOK like you belong, then build up some muscle and work on reducing your body fat. Your weight will be inconsequential when you look trim and defined. 5 months can show a very big difference. Start tonight by making a plan for yourself and stick with it. You can really change your body in 5 months!

    I really hope you can stick and post again to show us what you've done by December. :D

    Yeah I'm working on hypertrophy atm, it's not exactly easy to gain muscle when you're a chick though.

    Awesome. I know it isn't easy, but 5 months is many days of hard work (and well deserved rest) that can really accomplish something great for you. :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    If you just want to LOOK like you belong, then build up some muscle and work on reducing your body fat. Your weight will be inconsequential when you look trim and defined. 5 months can show a very big difference. Start tonight by making a plan for yourself and stick with it. You can really change your body in 5 months!

    I really hope you can stick and post again to show us what you've done by December. :D

    Yeah I'm working on hypertrophy atm, it's not exactly easy to gain muscle when you're a chick though.

    Awesome. I know it isn't easy, but 5 months is many days of hard work (and well deserved rest) that can really accomplish something great for you. :)

    Haha thanks :) I've been working on it for just over a year, when the fat leaves I should have awesome muscles though ;) I can already see some definition in my arms/legs though :)
  • Cherp18
    Cherp18 Posts: 224 Member
    28 in 4 months. A little exercise, a little mod to the diet and it's totally possible. Best Wishes :)
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    I lost 34 in that time frame. Bear in mind that the first two weeks I lost a good deal of water weight, over 7 pounds in fact (there is no way I burned that many extra calories). Went from 181 to 147 on a 5'8" medium build frame.
  • PrayerofAmity
    PrayerofAmity Posts: 176 Member
    I've lost 22.4 pounds in 30 days. I don't even exercise and I am eating constantly. I'd say its entirely possible.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Absolutely... I have lost 81 lbs in 6 months... That being said, I am TALL (6'3"), male, and was morbidly obese (344)... These factors when combined make it easier to lose weight faster and still lose primarily fat as opposed to muscle. Remember that very rapid weight loss usually is due to a loss of the denser muscle mass and can be dangerous. Since I was very obese @ 344, I was able to lose more weight faster since my maintenance level was so high... The closer you get to your optimum weight, the slower the weight will come off because you would have to go so low to get a calorie deficit. 33 lbs in 5 months is well within the recommended maximum loss of 2 lbs per week (2 lbs per week X 21 +/- weeks would allow you to lose 42 lbs and still be within the range that is considered safe). Best wishes on your journey... Hope you attain your goal but keep it safe and once you are done... keep it off.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Lost 42 in 4 months.

    And until winter sickness and then new baby, probably would have lasted. Gained 20 back through several attempts again with injuries.

    For that loss, I did the Zone diet, and I did 6 day workouts with cardio in MAF zone to encourage fat burning, 2 weight lifting days.
    Every 6 wks a rest week of no exercise. Even those weeks lost 2-3 lbs.
  • tzeoli86
    tzeoli86 Posts: 75 Member
    Lost 53 lbs in 4.5 months...its possible :)
  • AnewMe2cor5seventeen
    AnewMe2cor5seventeen Posts: 16 Member
    I have lost 48lbs since February 3rd... So I would say If you work your butt off...literally can do it...just eat really healthy...complex carbs lots of fiber lots of water and lean protein...Good Luck! Oh and God...He's a big Help on the days you dont have strength!:wink:
  • lauralu89
    lauralu89 Posts: 6
    it is possible if you put your mind to 2008 i lost 60 pounds in 3 months so if you put your mind to it then it is possible
  • littlebuddy84
    littlebuddy84 Posts: 1,000 Member
    Yes! I've lost 35lbs in 5 months :-)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I started the mediweightloss clinic diet which is supervised by nurse practioners and test such as EKG and labwork are done before start diet. I have lost 36 lbs in 12the weeks. It takes discipline but the appetite suppressant helps until your stomache shrinks. And the vitamin shots give rbergy and metabolize fat. I have gone from sizee 16 to size 8 and am wraring a bikini for first time in 18the years. The prigram has 3 phases medically supervised with weekly weigj ins and counseling. Check out website

    Uhh... no?

    I'm in this for a lifestyle change, not a diet. No matter how long it takes.
    I'm not shrinking my stomach and I sure as hell do not want loose skin.
  • BecomingElle
    BecomingElle Posts: 112 Member
    Well just by looking at the math it seems completely doable! That's how much I'm hoping to lose so I hope it's possible! haha

    And while it's true that people look for the "best looking" trainers, personally, I would hire someone who had been through a weight loss journey over someone who had been thin their entire life. :)

    Just a personal preference really, but I think you could really relate to your clients. Best of luck :)
  • amanda_ataraxia
    amanda_ataraxia Posts: 400 Member
    I have lost 32lbs in 4 months. It can definitely be done.
  • tammyc226
    tammyc226 Posts: 158 Member
    Yes it is. I've lost 15kg in 5 months