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Horrible mothers :(

Today my mum really upset me but it's common

She's 62 always looking for a man to settle down with & when she can't get one she takes it out on me

Now being 42 you'd think I would politely tell her to go away until she realises its not my fault

Back in November pre weight loss she did the usual to me
She was talking about a large women , I said how large was this women tbh I didn't know why she had to mention her size she said oh very large like you but larger!!! I had that many times.
Not now ;)

Today she got real nasty over something really small thus made me cry as its all the time, I lived away for 15 years came back she hadn't changed

How do I simply tell her she's got to stop it as its not my fault she can't meet a guy ?


  • TaxGirlxo
    TaxGirlxo Posts: 27
    I can relate. I have a mother who is unhappy with her life and blames me for it.. .almost every day. I've worked so hard on my education and all areas of life to try to please her, and it's disappointing that nothing I do ever makes her happy. It's always a focus on the negative.

    A while ago I went to counseling. Although I know she is unhappy because of her negative attitude on life, it helped to hear someone independent reaffirm that it's not me. I've realized that I just need to live for myself and my son, while doing my best to support her emotionally. I wish I could help her find more joy, but I can't.

    I usually stay strong, but there are days when this relationship gets me down. Staying healthy helps!

    My only advice would be to possibly withdraw from her for a while, so that she doesn't have you as a punching bag. Maybe that would give her a chance to think about what she is doing?
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    distance yourself from her.
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    I know she's your mom, and that makes it hard...but stay away...no point in letting someone else bring you down n talk crap to you..mom or not.
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    I have a different point of view.

    My mom's been dead for 5 years now and I'd give ANYTHING to have her back here with me...even annoying me.

    I didn't really appreciate her motherly concern when she was alive and now that she is gone, I truly miss it.

    That's all.
  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    Oh man! I am so sorry to hear this!

    I think you should distance from her for a bit. You need positive influences in your life. If she calls I would tell her you are busy and will have to call her later. You do not deserve to be her punching back.

    I dont know the whole story, but maybe she has issues and men are finding that unattractive. Keep on trucking! you can do this and there are alot of people here to help you.
  • MzCongeniality70
    MzCongeniality70 Posts: 352 Member
    Wow....this is a hard one! I had a toxic mother too. She gloated when I fell on my face, and never failed to point out how amazing my brother was! I would go for months without talking to her, she would do something nice, and I would be sucked right back in.

    Unfortunately there is nothing that will change this. The best I could ever do was realize that although she loved me, there was something about me that she felt the need to pick at all of the time. I tried to please her until the day she died. I would just withdraw to lick my wounds, and gather strength to go near her again.

    I'm sorry that it is like that for you. I fear that this is a common thing between mothers and daughters....sad! Keep your chin up and realize that whatever she says or does to you, does not define who you are! xo
  • Steve_Runs
    Steve_Runs Posts: 443 Member
    I have a different point of view.

    My mom's been dead for 5 years now and I'd give ANYTHING to have her back here with me...even annoying me.

    I didn't really appreciate her motherly concern when she was alive and now that she is gone, I truly miss it.

    That's all.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Personally, I would be blunt with her. She's an adult, you're an adult. Just because you're her daughter doesn't mean you can't be honest with her when she's being a pain in the *kitten*. If you don't want that can of worms, just distance yourself from her. Don't take her calls as often or cut them short, assertively change the subject if she's adamant, and basically just don't give her the room to make drama. You can love her, still be in her life, and so on without having to take her childish behavior.

    I'm 22, I live with my mother still and we have a fairly good understanding of what subjects don't get brought up because we know the other won't like it or will be hurt but sometimes there's stuff I'll say or she'll say that slips out and we let each other know that's not something we want to hear or discuss. My mother's subject vice tends to be race, she's going to be 64 in August, and I tend to have to say something along the lines of, "mom, please stop. We've had this discussion." She may not like it, but it's a respected thing.

    I'm not saying be a jerk to your mom, lord knows I wouldn't, but she's saying stuff that bothers you and continually bringing up subjects that frankly you can't do anything about so why should you hear about them. If she wants to whine, let her do it with friends or whoever else she talks to besides you. You weren't born to be her shoulder, her pin cushion, and her therapist.
  • pea1313
    pea1313 Posts: 9
    The only thing you can control in the situation is you. You cannot change her, or make her situation different. Some people in your life have limitations. Some people, who happen to be family, are not what they should be in your life. You can let the limitiaions upset you and control your feelings. Or you can accept that that's the way they are, and love them anyway. Or eliminate that person from your life.

    It would be so great if we could make the people who are supossed to love and support us the most be the people we need them to be. But we just can't.

    YOU are the only person you can control.....don't let ANYONE ever steal your sunshine!
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I have a different point of view.

    My mom's been dead for 5 years now and I'd give ANYTHING to have her back here with me...even annoying me.

    I didn't really appreciate her motherly concern when she was alive and now that she is gone, I truly miss it.

    That's all.

    This is how I feel too. My mom was a horrible alcoholic and we fought a lot, but I would still give anything to have her back.

    What are some good things about your mother? Maybe try to find the positive things about her and see if that helps.
  • ShazMc73
    ShazMc73 Posts: 106 Member
    Sorry to hear about this :(

    My mother has always told me that I am too ugly and fat for anyone to love, even when I was not fat!! As her daughter I still try to think about her and her feelings and for some reason allow her to continue with it. My mechanism has been to become far more successful than she could have dreamed of, but then, she just reminds me, every week that I am single and loveless... Given that I AM still single, well...

    I tend to leave the country for long stints through my career to avoid her... looks like you might be in a similar boat, am so sorry :frown:
  • sonic_the_cat
    sonic_the_cat Posts: 58 Member
    I think sometimes you just have to decide to love people for who they are and not who you want them to be. If figure if I can block out some of my son's music as white noise, then I can "white noise" negativity too :)
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Wow, pack up and GO!
    Get out.
    Send her an x-mas and mother's day card from somewhere far.
    Cry at her funeral.
    And enjoy life in-between.
    Good Luck
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I can relate. I have a mother who is unhappy with her life and blames me for it.. .almost every day. I've worked so hard on my education and all areas of life to try to please her, and it's disappointing that nothing I do ever makes her happy. It's always a focus on the negative.

    A while ago I went to counseling. Although I know she is unhappy because of her negative attitude on life, it helped to hear someone independent reaffirm that it's not me. I've realized that I just need to live for myself and my son, while doing my best to support her emotionally. I wish I could help her find more joy, but I can't.

    I usually stay strong, but there are days when this relationship gets me down. Staying healthy helps!

    My only advice would be to possibly withdraw from her for a while, so that she doesn't have you as a punching bag. Maybe that would give her a chance to think about what she is doing?

    ^^ Very good advice. If she keeps making these comments to you, the best thing you can do for yourself is to get some distance between yourself and her. If you think you can, sit down with her and tell how these comments make you feel. In my case, I wrote my mother a letter that included everything that bothered me. She got upset, like I knew she would, so I was able to give her the letter before she stormed out. Everytime after that, when she tried to drag me back in, I'd say, "Read the letter." We had no contact for several months/years. That was over 7 years ago. I have a distant relationship with her now, where we can tolerate each other. But she can't hurt me anymore.

    Only you know what's best for you and your mother. If this is bothering you, I highly recommend counseling to help you decide what to do. It was a godsend for me. Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • bodiva88
    bodiva88 Posts: 308 Member
    Just distancing yourself doesn't do much for you or her unless you let her know what's going on with you. You need to let her know (even if she won't hear it, it's important for you to verbalize it) what her behavior comes across as to you, how you feel about it, and that if she isn't willing to change you'll have to be less available to her. It may not change her behavior at all. But it will help you do what you need to do, knowing that there's no misunderstanding.

    Good luck to you.
  • DivaJadelyn
    DivaJadelyn Posts: 280 Member
    I'm of the type that says cut her off. My mother is certifiably insane. She's a hoarder, paranoid, cruel, abusive and all sorts of terrible things. Always told me how awful I was in comparison to my older sister. My older sister was a carbon copy of my mother. I moved out at 18, I am now 26 and I am so glad I made that choice. Yes, it's hard not to have a mother to support me and love me and be there for me, and I for her. But, *my* mother isn't capable of that so she might as well already be dead. If your mother is really *that* toxic you need to weigh if the damage she does is greater than the positives she brings into your life and decide from there what level o relationship (if any) you want to have with her.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Today my mum really upset me but it's common

    She's 62 always looking for a man to settle down with & when she can't get one she takes it out on me

    Now being 42 you'd think I would politely tell her to go away until she realises its not my fault

    Back in November pre weight loss she did the usual to me
    She was talking about a large women , I said how large was this women tbh I didn't know why she had to mention her size she said oh very large like you but larger!!! I had that many times.
    Not now ;)

    Today she got real nasty over something really small thus made me cry as its all the time, I lived away for 15 years came back she hadn't changed

    How do I simply tell her she's got to stop it as its not my fault she can't meet a guy ?

    If your Mom is not the type of person that looks inside and values personal growth, then don't try to convince her that YOU are Valuable. VALUE YOURSELF, tell her that she OFFENDS You and HOW she Offends you AND that if she does not stop or consider how you feel, then You will not be coming around very much anymore. STOP trying to make someone Value You who does not have the capacity or inclination to do so; she Values "A Man" so let them take care of her in her old age! There is NO law (Spiritual, Moral or otherwise) that says "we" have to be around or take care of parents-ESPECIALLY ROTTEN Parents! We just need to respect them, and if they don't respect us>>>Move On!
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    if she talks to you that way, i cant imagine what she says to them! lol no wonder no man wants her!
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I don't know this feeling but my fiance does. She is hell towards him ever since his father died when he was 9 years old. It was always about her and he got no support. She turns to alcohol, random men and verbally abused him for several years. When I came along I saw the brunt of it, he was about to choose the same death as his father. I get called fat, many cruel words and yelled at by her. I can't even stand being in the same room with her for what she has done to me and my fiance. She also turns her hate towards him because he is so much like his father, it's just so so sad to see. I don't want anything to do with her, ever. I will make nice for him but thats as far as I will go.

    It just won't get better unless she is ready.. Ready to be a mother. She is certainly more wrapped up in her own life than her daughters, and that is just so sad... I hope it gets better for you.
  • CaSome11
    CaSome11 Posts: 38 Member
    I can relate. I have a mother who is unhappy with her life and blames me for it.. .almost every day. I've worked so hard on my education and all areas of life to try to please her, and it's disappointing that nothing I do ever makes her happy. It's always a focus on the negative.

    A while ago I went to counseling. Although I know she is unhappy because of her negative attitude on life, it helped to hear someone independent reaffirm that it's not me. I've realized that I just need to live for myself and my son, while doing my best to support her emotionally. I wish I could help her find more joy, but I can't.

    I usually stay strong, but there are days when this relationship gets me down. Staying healthy helps!

    My only advice would be to possibly withdraw from her for a while, so that she doesn't have you as a punching bag. Maybe that would give her a chance to think about what she is doing?


    My husband's mother is toxic to the core. We've tried everything to help her see that her negativity is just pushing us away. However, she can't see that she is doing anything wrong and thinks that we are just "being too sensitive" or "nit picking". Unfortunately, she wasn't present at our wedding and has missed nearly two years of her son's life. She simply wont change and we can't have that kind of a strain on our marriage. This may sound selfish, but I just like myself too much to put up with it. We are happier and stronger together than we have ever been. My advice is life is too short to deal with anyone who doesn't want the best for you, even if it is a parent. Walk away, and hopefully in time she (and my MIL) will see the error of her ways.