JUNE STARTERS - Monday Weigh In - September 7



  • Finally hit the 25lb mark this week! down 3 pounds.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Mags - YEAH for the 170's!:flowerforyou:

    Schlieffen - Yeah for the 150's :flowerforyou:

    Derocco - You are rockin' it! :drinker:

    ilike2moveit - a lb on vacation is awesome! :flowerforyou: I will keep Jake in prayers. My 4 year old son had cleft lip surgery at 4months and nothing is worse then seeing them as they wake up...poor babies. My son is actually having oral surgery on Friday:cry:
    Thank you! When I left the hosptial he was finally sleeping and I will be heading back to the hospital soon. Does your son need more than one surgery to correct the cleft lip? Is the oral surgery related? I'll be praying for you all as well.
    Glad to hear he's doing well!!! It's so scary when they put little ones "under".:flowerforyou:
    My son has a "tumor" on the roof of his mouth (Dr's word not mine!) We think the "mass" (my word, I like it better) is filled with teeth parts (it's been there since birth and he had a pre-tooth at age 2 days)..It had been planned to come out after age 5 but we went in a few weeks ago and the Dr. said I want it out now (that'll send a mom into freak out mode). Anyways I think I'm in shock they are actually removing it. 4.5 years of fighting with Dr's and dentists about it!! It's not a huge deal, just a huge deal to his mom! I've seen him "put under" and I'm not looking forward to it again. His lip looks awesome so hopefully no more surgery, maybe a little plastic surgery on his nose when he grows up if it gets uneven as he gets big...but most people don't even know he has a cleft! Thank you so much for asking.:flowerforyou:
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Finally hit the 25lb mark this week! down 3 pounds.

  • ok... I have been seriously slack on reporting. I teach fifth grade and since school started it is all I can do to find 5 minutes for myself. My two teenagers are on the high school swim team and all I do is drive them to and from practice "in my spare time". I try to log everything but for about a week I just didn't. We bought a house and moved the first week back to school! So don't know the how or when but I still watched what I ate and went to the gym.

    Here is what I have

    SW- 181 June 14
    CW 156...25 pounds lost.

    Still going strong........:smile:
  • LW: 195.5
    CW: 193.5

    Down 2 lbs in about a week and a half, not bad. I've been hovering around this number for awhile now so I'll be happy to leave it for good. I changed my goal weight from 179 to 172, I know it doesn't seem like a big difference but if I can get to 172 I will have lost 52 lbs in a year, which when i started this journey was my ultimate goal so here we go!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Very cool!

    My wii is mad at me for ignoring it all last week but my weigh is was GREAT!

    LW on the work scale I wasn't sure about 173-174
    CW- 173.00 actual!!


    Thanks Derecco, even compliments like that rock! I'm totally motivated!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    SW 176.5
    LW 160.2
    CW 158.0:happy:
    *I've lost my 10%
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Ok I just have to share this. My daughter is 18 months old and she is a very stubborn 18 month old. She can talk and will talk but only if/when she feels like it. So I'm throwing my fiance a surprise birthday party this weekend and I'm trying to teach her to say "surprise". Now, like I said she can talk perfect sentances when she wants. In fact I asked her if she wanted to give grandma a hug last week and she told us she was "much too busy" :grumble: :laugh: :huh:

    So yesterday, I'm setting my SO up by telling him we've got too much going on this month with the wedding and pictures we want to do, he'll have to settle for a movie and we'll do something better next month. My daughter climbs onto the couch with us and screams: "Surprise daddy, Surprise!!" :huh: :noway: :noway: :sad:

    Well, now he's onto us! lol I told him I have no clue why she said it but I know he knows. *shrug

    It was still really cool to hear her talk so well as she just doen't flaunt her ability yet. :laugh:
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Ok I just have to share this. My daughter is 18 months old and she is a very stubborn 18 month old. She can talk and will talk but only if/when she feels like it. So I'm throwing my fiance a surprise birthday party this weekend and I'm trying to teach her to say "surprise". Now, like I said she can talk perfect sentances when she wants. In fact I asked her if she wanted to give grandma a hug last week and she told us she was "much too busy" :grumble: :laugh: :huh:

    So yesterday, I'm setting my SO up by telling him we've got too much going on this month with the wedding and pictures we want to do, he'll have to settle for a movie and we'll do something better next month. My daughter climbs onto the couch with us and screams: "Surprise daddy, Surprise!!" :huh: :noway: :noway: :sad:

    Well, now he's onto us! lol I told him I have no clue why she said it but I know he knows. *shrug

    It was still really cool to hear her talk so well as she just doen't flaunt her ability yet. :laugh:
    Too funny!!! Kids are great:laugh:
  • I did weigh on Monday but only getting to the computer now....


    Good Luck Everyone!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    SW 176.5
    LW 160.2
    CW 158.0:happy:
    *I've lost my 10%
    CONGRATULATIONS on the 10%
    WAY TO GO!!!!!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Ok I just have to share this. My daughter is 18 months old and she is a very stubborn 18 month old. She can talk and will talk but only if/when she feels like it. So I'm throwing my fiance a surprise birthday party this weekend and I'm trying to teach her to say "surprise". Now, like I said she can talk perfect sentances when she wants. In fact I asked her if she wanted to give grandma a hug last week and she told us she was "much too busy" :grumble: :laugh: :huh:

    So yesterday, I'm setting my SO up by telling him we've got too much going on this month with the wedding and pictures we want to do, he'll have to settle for a movie and we'll do something better next month. My daughter climbs onto the couch with us and screams: "Surprise daddy, Surprise!!" :huh: :noway: :noway: :sad:

    Well, now he's onto us! lol I told him I have no clue why she said it but I know he knows. *shrug

    It was still really cool to hear her talk so well as she just doen't flaunt her ability yet. :laugh:

    OMG ... Kids crack me up :laugh:
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hi all!

    I hope everyone is having a good Wednesday. :flowerforyou:

    busymom74: That is so adorable. Kids really do say the darndest things...lol.

    I did C25K, Week 1, Day 2 last night and my 11 year old daughter even came with me and we both did awesome. She has decided she wants to do it too so she can try out for the track team in the spring. I rejoined the gym this weekend and I am hoping to go tonight depending on whether the kids have homework.

    Now that I am working out more, my weight will probably plateau for awhile since I find that generally happens to me even if I am increasing my calories to match my body's needs. I am not worried though because in the long run I will lose plenty and be much healthier.

    Well keep working hard everyone and have faith in yourself.

    Take care,
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Hey everyone! Weighed in this morning and wasn't too happy...but I had a slight binge last night so I'm hoping it's leftover from that. Had soup for dinner and by 9:30 it wasn't enough so I raided the fridge. Did about 200 calories in damage, possibly more because I didn't want to log it all :angry:

    Anyway, lost 1/2 pound so at least it's a loss!

    LW: 166
    TW: 165.5

    On a more positive note, my family FINALLY noticed that I had been losing weight. I am only down about 7 more pounds from when I last saw them, but this time they asked me what my secret was and how much I had lost. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I think I may have recruited one of my family members to MFP as well....we will see!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    SW 176.5
    LW 160.2
    CW 158.0:happy:
    *I've lost my 10%

  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    I'm thoroughly pissed with myself....

    SW 230
    LW 217
    TW 219

    That's right... 2lb GAIN. There's no excuse. Its all me... I have GOT to get my butt back up and moving!!!!!! I think I needed this really bad news on the scale to shake me up..... I'm getting back on my routine REGARDLESS OF TIME RESTRICTIONS ASAP... I'm going to make the time ... some how, some way.... I'm going to do it....
  • yolie1220
    yolie1220 Posts: 223 Member
    Well, I haven't been exercising at all but I've managed to lose 1/2 pound. For those of you who are keeping up with me, the hubby and I started trying to conceive in August but I got my TOM today so I guess August wasn't our month :frown: Oh well, I'm feeling good about September!

    SW: 134.5
    LW: 124.5
    TW: 124
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Mags - YEAH for the 170's!:flowerforyou:

    Schlieffen - Yeah for the 150's :flowerforyou:

    Derocco - You are rockin' it! :drinker:

    ilike2moveit - a lb on vacation is awesome! :flowerforyou: I will keep Jake in prayers. My 4 year old son had cleft lip surgery at 4months and nothing is worse then seeing them as they wake up...poor babies. My son is actually having oral surgery on Friday:cry:
    Thank you! When I left the hosptial he was finally sleeping and I will be heading back to the hospital soon. Does your son need more than one surgery to correct the cleft lip? Is the oral surgery related? I'll be praying for you all as well.
    Glad to hear he's doing well!!! It's so scary when they put little ones "under".:flowerforyou:
    My son has a "tumor" on the roof of his mouth (Dr's word not mine!) We think the "mass" (my word, I like it better) is filled with teeth parts (it's been there since birth and he had a pre-tooth at age 2 days)..It had been planned to come out after age 5 but we went in a few weeks ago and the Dr. said I want it out now (that'll send a mom into freak out mode). Anyways I think I'm in shock they are actually removing it. 4.5 years of fighting with Dr's and dentists about it!! It's not a huge deal, just a huge deal to his mom! I've seen him "put under" and I'm not looking forward to it again. His lip looks awesome so hopefully no more surgery, maybe a little plastic surgery on his nose when he grows up if it gets uneven as he gets big...but most people don't even know he has a cleft! Thank you so much for asking.:flowerforyou:
    Bless his heart! Hopefully, no more surgeries after this! I'll pray for you guys. :heart:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Well, I haven't been exercising at all but I've managed to lose 1/2 pound. For those of you who are keeping up with me, the hubby and I started trying to conceive in August but I got my TOM today so I guess August wasn't our month :frown: Oh well, I'm feeling good about September!

    SW: 134.5
    LW: 124.5
    TW: 124
    Wishing you lots of fertility in the month of September! :love:
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