Mid-30s - New Beginning - Would love similar age support!



  • armishia
    armishia Posts: 34 Member
    I would like to add you. I just started my journey 6/19. I am looking to loose 80 pounds, and I am searching for support and giving encouragement as we progress.
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • jmp1031
    jmp1031 Posts: 95 Member
    feel free to add me :) i'll be turning 30 in 3 months and hoping to get as close to my goal as possible by then! 37 more to go :)
  • melann1974
    melann1974 Posts: 84
    I'm 38 and been trying to lose weight (this time around) since March 1. I have lost 25 lbs since then. My DR recommended this app. I've lost 9lbs using this tool (June 11th). Please add me, I could use all the support possible.

    ** A little about me. I've always struggled with my weight. I've been a size 6 and I've been a size 18. I thought I had finally lost the weight for good, but obviously not. After a rough year, I gained 10-15lbs. Then after my Dr put me on new meds, I gained an additional 25lbs. She had warned me about gaining weight and suggested that I exercise 30 minutes a day to counteract it. It was hard getting out of bed, let alone try to exercise. After 9 months on the meds, I figured enough was enough. I am on a new medication (not supposed to make me gain weight) and have a lot more energy. I need to lose weight to feel better about myself, to be healthier overall (high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease run in my family), and to live a longer better life. I have asthma, high blood pressure, one of my knees is damaged, so losing weight will help these. I have a 12 year old son and I want to see him graduate, get married and have kids of his own.
  • Heather_RT
    Heather_RT Posts: 24 Member
    I'll be 35 tomorrow. Feel free to add me. I've been on since the april sometime but started my weight loss journey on March 1. I've lost 35 lbs and i'm hoping to lose about 25 more and then we'll see what happens after i hit that goal.

    Wow, dancngdolfn, good for you!
  • CopyCat97
    CopyCat97 Posts: 75 Member
    Im 33, looking for more friends, feel free to add me
  • boombamum
    boombamum Posts: 6 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm 32 looking to lose 10kg.
  • esposims
    esposims Posts: 7
    Mid-30s too and looking for support. Feel free to add me.

    Good luck!
  • GlitterMamma11
    GlitterMamma11 Posts: 143 Member
    33yrs old here. Feel free to add me as well! :o)
  • n_m_b
    n_m_b Posts: 5
    Happy for you to add me too, I just joined today - 39 years and looking to lose around 20 pounds.
  • jazzedorange
    jazzedorange Posts: 184 Member
    Oh Add me as well. I am always open to new friends!!! I'm 34 from the NW with 15 lbs to loss!
  • LittleNicci
    LittleNicci Posts: 284 Member
    add me deary, turning 31 on the 28th of this month and just weighed in today, 4 lbs down!
  • Hi all :)

    Please count me in -- trying to get back on my fitness track. So far, I went from 175 to 135-140. My weight fluctuates a lot. Wanting to get it right. Started July 1 at 140 lbs.

    Will sync my fitbit to myfitnesspal for more accountability.

    I also blog about my journey -- so send me a message if you would like to connect and follow me :)

    We can do this :)
  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    I'm 38 with 30-40lbs to lose, just started back on MFP a week ago (I tried it once before with some success before life did its usual spanner in the works/spoke in the wheel thing).

    Nice to meet some fellow 30-something MFPers. Feel free to add me, and good luck everyone!
  • Hi there!! I'm totally new here as well. I just finished my first week using this program and I really love it. I have been on the weight loss kick for a month now and go to the doctor this morning to weigh in and see how the month has been. I have about the same amount to lose that you do and would love to be support for you. Feel free to ad me. It's a lot easier if you have someone to support you and be your biggest cheerleader on the days that you really feel down and need it. Good Luck to you!!!!:smile:
  • I;ve just added you. :D This time is the last time I lose weight....!! :)
  • niesje520
    niesje520 Posts: 8 Member
    I am 31 started in Feb 2012, I have already lost 40 pds....I havent been taking pics I still have about 40 pds more to go. I think then I will do some before and after pics! I wish I would have started this program a long time ago. MFP has given me something priceless.....CONTROL!
  • Jenvan78
    Jenvan78 Posts: 50 Member
    It's getting so hard to lose....I just turned 34 on the 19th. Feel free to add me too. I need to lose almost 20lbs but my small goal is 5 this month. Do you have kids?
  • Hi there, early 30's, recently started and online support would be great! Need a little push sometimes to stay away from the fridge!
  • dustinsmith1010
    dustinsmith1010 Posts: 29 Member
    34 and in my final month of P90X.

    Anybody in this thread can feel free to add me if you want. The more encouragement the better!