For how long can you safely reduce/cut out carbs?



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The experts, and by that I mean nutrition researchers and doctors, will likely tell you there is not enough data to say cutting out carbs entirely is safe in anything other than the very short term.

    They'd also likely tell you that cutting out grains permenantly is probably not harmful, but also not desirable as whole grains have many nutritional benefits. But I imagine you would be hard pressed to find even one that thought cutting out all vegetables other than pulses is a good idea.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Don't get your "low-carb" info from the Atkins site. Get it from Primal,,, Hyperlipid (this guy has been doing VLC for quite a few years.)etc. Look at Primal/Paleo sites. (Atkins just pushes their low-carb crap that is still highly processed unhealthy "healthy" food like substances).

    Our body has its own antioxidant making system. And fruits/vegetables aren't all they're made up to be (I treat them as a garnish more than a meal - I eat them but I don't go out of my way to get them). All plants contain toxins. And too much can be detrimental (fructose is a toxin in the body - this is why it gets shunted to the liver and disposed of so quickly - so tell me how unlimited fruit is healthy?). There isn't a single nutrient in a fruit or vegetable that you can't get somewhere else. (and when you remove grains, legumes, and sugars from the diet your vitamin C needs go down. The Inuit live on protein/fat ONLY yet they don't suffer scurvy).

    And I wish I could find the link of the martial arts expert who has been Paleo for 15 years (less than 100g of carbs a day). He is a highly trained athlete that runs on FAT!!

    Lol a good example of why not to get your info from the sites listed in the first paragraph

    my thought EXACTLY!