Gamers Unite



  • gloryofthis
    gloryofthis Posts: 46 Member

    Best of luck as you gain experience and battle calories
    Just remember -
    The cake is a lie

    BWAHAHAHAHAHA i love this!!
  • gloryofthis
    gloryofthis Posts: 46 Member
    im an xbox/ps3 gamer, love fable 2 and 3 (didnt care for 1 but thats just me) on xbox and had my social life obliterated by skyrim on ps3 but my xbox has a new home now and my ps3 got RSOD so i figured now is a good time to get into shape.
    i adore nintendo for my handhelds total pokemon geek, replaying yellow right now on GBC and replaying black on ds =]
    feel free to add me
    <3 bev xx
  • FuneralDiner
    FuneralDiner Posts: 438 Member
    im an xbox/ps3 gamer, love fable 2 and 3 (didnt care for 1 but thats just me) on xbox and had my social life obliterated by skyrim on ps3 but my xbox has a new home now and my ps3 got RSOD so i figured now is a good time to get into shape.
    i adore nintendo for my handhelds total pokemon geek, replaying yellow right now on GBC and replaying black on ds =]
    feel free to add me
    <3 bev xx
    Oh gosh. Sometimes I wish my PC would pack in so I would get off my *kitten*, but in reality, if that ever happened, I'd be straight down the computer shop in tears mourning over "my baby."
  • Thaelvyn
    Thaelvyn Posts: 67
    Hi all,

    I am a serious gamer as well. Owning over 20 consoles and 4 PCs, and even working in the games industry ;). I am also new to the site, so /wave all.

    I wish there was an autorun in real life as well, those extra pounds would wear off super fast :p
  • FuneralDiner
    FuneralDiner Posts: 438 Member
    Hi all,

    I am a serious gamer as well. Owning over 20 consoles and 4 PCs, and even working in the games industry ;). I am also new to the site, so /wave all.

    I wish there was an autorun in real life as well, those extra pounds would wear off super fast :p
    Heheh welcome to the site. Hope you stick around!
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    I'm a gamer as well, feel free to add me. I'm fairly new to this site having converted over from fitday. i could use more awesomely geeky friends who are fighting the weight loss battle at the same time as grinding new toons.
  • Kailuen
    Kailuen Posts: 58 Member
    I'm a gamer as well=) I play LOL and runescape mainly. Feel free to add me.

    I'm am currently looking at yoga balls, resistance bands, and hulahooping. :P
  • Altarian
    Altarian Posts: 230 Member
    Old school gamer here. Started back in the 80's with D&D all nighters with a mixture of Final Fantasy, Phantasy Star, and Wild Arms when i got older. Currently am playing WoW (since two months after the opening of the game and have been fortunate to beta test all the expansions since) and Diablo 3. With all my years of Table Top gaming, Video Games, and delivery food it shows. Add me if you want and we can try to keep each other on track.
  • Thaelvyn
    Thaelvyn Posts: 67
    I'm a gamer as well=) I play LOL and runescape mainly. Feel free to add me.

    I'm am currently looking at yoga balls, resistance bands, and hulahooping. :P

    Haha! You play on one game I used to work on, and the other one I am currently working on it :)

    Good luck with your exercises!
  • 1LRoy
    1LRoy Posts: 95 Member
    @ spanglemagnet, WoW is one thing I cut out in college, I just didn't have enough time to really immerse myself into it. My problem would be my ADD mentality of always having to be playing something. I usually get home and jump on a handheld while I'm cooking and stuff, then move to my computer and play some Diablo 3 then jump onto my xbox and play a few hours of Fifa, Skyrim & Battlefield.

    @ naptasticDiva, the active kinect games are great ways to include gaming into your healthy lifestyle. I also like to place Dance Central, specially with a group. Its a good time while be active.

    Previously played WoW, currently addicted to Skyrim. Have been playing video games since I was 4, Feel free to add me. =)
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    No love for the boardgamers.... we are indeed the geekiest :sad:

    My videogame playing has sever limits as my hand-eye-brain coordination leaves much to be desired, poor xbox. We are talking something like Legos... love the Legos, so do four year olds but hey, who said you have to be good at what you enjoy!

    I use the Kinect for at home fitness.
  • nichojanes
    nichojanes Posts: 76 Member
    Wow, there's a lot of xbox gamers here, not many PS3 folk like myself it would seem. Just finished Skyrim which was awesome and am looking for my next game. Any suggestions? Haven't played much this year as Skyrim had taken over my life.

    Please feel free to add me.
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member

    looking forward to the Game of Thrones RPG, even though I'm hearing that it sucks

    I am a huge AGOT fan and agree the RPG may not be the best but there is a great board game and card game though! (If you like the theme)
  • Kailuen
    Kailuen Posts: 58 Member
    I'm a gamer as well=) I play LOL and runescape mainly. Feel free to add me.

    I'm am currently looking at yoga balls, resistance bands, and hulahooping. :P

    Haha! You play on one game I used to work on, and the other one I am currently working on it :)

    Good luck with your exercises!

    You used to work for jagex? lol. And thank you, I'm hoping switching to low resistance exercises will help me prevent fractures.
    Do you play them or just work on them? And what do you plan on doing to lose weight?
  • PastryWizKid
    PastryWizKid Posts: 23 Member
    xbox 360 gamer here add me
  • Onemoodycuss
    Onemoodycuss Posts: 95 Member
    Currently playing Skyrim under cover of darkness while the children are asleep. I'm always looking for new gamer friends, so feel free to add.

    Don't like my jiggly parts shaking in front of strangers at the gym, so I shake them at home with Zumba for the kinect and Wii Fit.

    Off to try and get my little girl to yell "fus ro dah."
  • tempestrising
    Hurray..fellow gamer here too.!!


    LOVE..LOVE DANCE CENTRAL 2....We did play that alot this past winter. Totally rocked Darude's- Sandstorm.
    TBH...not gonna brag..LOL.

    Ahh..I was addicted to 1 VS 100 LIVE. So bummed that they didn't bring it back for a third season. Ughh!
  • snake13211
    snake13211 Posts: 23
    Im a gamer!! :D I love videogames, and im constantly playing them! whether it be cod or halo, or super mario world or contra, smash bros, dead island, all sorts of games on all sorts of consoles :D!!! anybody wanna add me i'll be more than happy to talk about games and stuff :), and fitness ofcourse since this is a fitness site ;D
  • AndiSho
    AndiSho Posts: 2 Member
    HAHA this is so awesome to find other gamers! I am a PC gamer, never owned a console. Played WoW and EQ2, tried SWTOR and TERA, and my love for loot and grinding is totally showing on my butt. Time to grind OFF this behind!! Please feel free to add me, I am new here as well and would love to have new friends to keep me motivated and on track.
  • LittleNicci
    LittleNicci Posts: 284 Member
    <<<<<~~gAmEr/NeRd :-) FINALLY getting my computer fixed and internet so I can play WoW again! YAY! PS3 is addictive, zombie killing is so theraputic sometimes!