Will my stretchmark tummy shrink up at all?Pics?:)



  • sandrajune72
    sandrajune72 Posts: 550
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Two words. Cocoa Butter. I used it during and after all three pregnancies and I don't have a mark. However after losing several pounds, my stomach looks like cottage cheese. Any advice for that/
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
  • raerae514
    raerae514 Posts: 171 Member
    There is an ad at the bottom of this page for


    which is apparently great at getting rid of stretch marks.

    They really know their audience, eh?
  • margojr4
    margojr4 Posts: 259 Member
    No before photo, but when I was in the 180s I had large red marks and skin. Two 10lb babies will do that to ya! :(

    I'm not good at uploading photos, look in my profile there's a recent belly photo. I know everyone hates hearing this when I say it - to achieve what I have it has taken me nearly 2 years of strength training, core work and a clean diet. I still have skin and visible marks, though don't feel embarrassed in a bikini anymore.

    Hard work and patience!! Not all results are typical, this is what worked for me!
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    With my two pregnancies, I carried WAY out in front. I had small babies (about 6.5 lbs each) but docs swore I would have at least 8-9 pounders because of how big my belly was (lots of amniotic fluid). I had lots of extra skin after my first which gave me the appearance of still being a little pregnant without seriously sucking it in. After losing 20 pounds with MFP, I still had the pooch but it was a lot smaller. The stretch marks will fade to flesh tone but still visible. I'm working on losing the baby weight after baby number two right now. Hoping I have the same results as last time.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I haven't done 30DS, BUT with MFP I've made some pretty good mom-tummy progress :smile: I'm a little over halfway to my goal right now. Trust the process!


  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Yes it will shrink. The stretch marks won't go, and the skin will never be super tight if it's no longer attached to the muscle below, but it will definitely improve. I don't have any before pics but my profile pic is how I am now. Not exactly "after" but a much improved work in progress.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    thanx so much for replying:)I forgot to mention ive had 2 surgeries that went thru my belly button(tubal ligation and Gall Bladder removal)...so im not sure how that will affect how it looks later,lol.....im excited to see any "after" pics!

    I have this SUPER weird stretch mark/scar thing going on just over my belly button bc I used to have it pierced. I took it out when I was like 3 months pregnant and gained about 70 lbs during my pregnancy, so the piercing took on this really weird stretched out quality. Slowly but surely though it's becoming a lot less noticeable as I firm up and lose fat. :smile:
  • BluEydDreamer
    I don't get on here much but I wanted to reply to this. I am a mother of three, and my daughter, the youngest, really did a number on my body. But, it can be done. The main factor people don't always realize is, don't overdo your abs training. Too much is not a good thing. Cardio is great for losing weight, also, carb cycling and proper nutrition are excellent. The most important factor is that it doesn't matter how much ab training you do, until you lose the fat covering your abs you won't see any definition at all. Check out Jaime Eason's 12 week Livefit trainer on bodybuilding.com, that is also a great site. I have seen people join who were really overweight, and with proper nutrition, training, and dedication, they are proud to post pics of themselves. That site has given me a lot of great information I use daily. But the 12 week Livefit trainer is great for getting to your goal weight and shredding fat. I had a few issues last year which caused me to gain weight and no matter what I did I could not seem to get to where I wanted to be. Within that 12 weeks I dropped down to the leanest I have been for a while and am now able to get back to working on my main goal. Also, at this point my stretch marks are minimal, and I have almost gotten all fat off, just that last hard to lose bit to go. Hope that helps.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I can say that my tummy isn't as big as it was when i was 243 (may 2011), and a pregnancy later along with being on mfp again since march, i'm down 195, and my stretchmarks sadly are white. But I am worried that my skin won't shrink, though i heard it could take two years (please let me know if this wrong) before it shrinks.
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    your stretch marks look like mine in fact your tummy looks like mine ...

    I have no after pics, Im still in the before stage lol ... watching this thread for a glimmer of hope :)

    Im also a mum of 4

    edited to say WOW!!!! to the ladies who have posted after pics ... you look amazing x
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    Yes, they will shrink over time. You may never get rid of them, but they will becomes way less visible the tighter your tummy gets!
  • GlitterMamma11
    GlitterMamma11 Posts: 143 Member
    After 4 kids your stomach looks way better than mine after 2! :smile:
  • laursey
    laursey Posts: 307
    <---- Mom of two here. One of my babies was 9 pounds 10 ounces, a biggy and stretched my poor tummy to the max! I started at 171 and am down to 128. I have been on maintenance for 10 months and things are tightening and getting better day by day. The Jillian Michaels programs are absolutely awesome. My favorites are 30 DS, Ripped in 30 and 6 week 6 pack. I'm on week three of Insanity because I wanted to change it up a bit and am finding incredible results so far. Keep working hard and you will get results!
  • CynthiaAnnGA
    I've had 4 children too & adopted another when I was 50! Your tummy will tone up when you lose the weight, just excercise along w/the weight loss. I was lucky enough not to have very many stretch marks, but have had surgery for a tubal preg. when I was about 30 & have a pretty bad scar along my bikini line. I use raw africian shae butter I get through Amazon on my skin & my son who had acne uses the black africican soap. It cleared his skin right up, when all the dermatologist couldn't. Anyway, you look great for have 4 big babies in that tummy & you will look fabulous at the end of your weight loss. Can't wait to see the after shots. I might even be brave enough to show you my after tummy pics!! (Ha)
  • ifonly49
    ifonly49 Posts: 8
    Ladies Ladies Ladies please, don't refer to them as stretch marks to be ashamed of... A new way to think of them is that there life lines and something to be proud of.... trust me it helps to think of them that way, but yes do understand how they make you feel as i have them myself and trust me 2 normal births and a c section later i had the map of the world on my tum... Oh i would like to say my youngest is 18 now and my oldest is 31... But, with exercise and core strength exercise (Pilate's) and weight loss combined plus a few years or so down the line mine are barely visible, however, the skin is still a little baggy but no where near as bad as it was... You have to remember the skin has stretched and got little scares now.... remember to walk tall pulling in the tummy and remember posture will also be a great help... It wont be long before you start to see the difference... and remember there not stretch marks there life lines... Keep up the good work health benefits far out weigh them... your confidence will grow and you will be proud of them...
  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 447 Member
    Stretch marks will never totally go away but mine are showing I've carried my 2 girls :) I can't access the pics but if you go on my profile and to the threads I've posted you'll see my mummy tummy progress pics!! Your tummy will go down but you do have to keep working at it!!! Mine is not where I want it to be but it's getting there! Good luck x

    Edit: I've completed 30DS, RI30 and I'm currently doing Killer, buns & thighs along with Zumba plus occasionally do banish fat, boost metabolism and no more trouble zones (I'm a Jillian Michael's fanatic lol) x
  • leahkathleen13
    leahkathleen13 Posts: 272 Member
    Yes, with time and effort you can definitely change your belly back. I totally agree with the 2x daily use of cocoa butter and/or vitamin e oil for about 2 years while you are working on it. It took about two solid years of working out 3x a week and then I noticed that my belly was transformed. If I ever gained 5 lbs, the wrinkley areas come right back. The marks faded to a very light silver. I'm expecting baby #3, so my stretchmarks are re stretching now, it's pretty cool! I was very worried about this too, but it can be done! I got really interested in belly dance DVD's during that time and it did wonders for the task at hand, plus was fun and I never dreaded a workout. Best wishes from one mom to another..
  • theNurseNancy
    My stomach looks exactly like yours! Stretch marks in all the same places. I'm doing Insanity right now, and on day 10 of 60.