What foods to and not to eat?????



  • coalboilermanBryan
    mg234080, I am just not a big fan of walnuts or almonds. I love peanuts, and cashews.....but I guess I need to change my thinking and force them down....Can't I eat more red, black and navy beans instead? LOL
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    The strawberries thing really confuses me. I have a thyroid condition which has caused by thyroid to be enlarged. I was diagnosed almost 5 years ago, and my doctor has NEVER suggested that I cut strawberries out of my diet. So I think that theory is bunk.
  • LynC33
    LynC33 Posts: 196
    If you dont like almonds or walnuts, you can try grinding them or chopping them into very fine pieces and mixing it with yoghurt and berries.. Try blueberries and raspberries instead of strawberries. Ive cut way back on bananas, most nutritionists have told me that its the worst fruit to eat if you want to lose weight. If I eat it, its only half of a very small one. To be honest, Id rather spend my cals somewhere else.
  • LynC33
    LynC33 Posts: 196
    Also if you like peanuts, a great way to still have them and eat less is to garnish stir fries with a handful chopped up. Raw of course and unsalted.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    OK so I was doing some searching on line, and found that eating fruits and veggies with whole grains, and chicken breast, turkey breast, and fish are the aultimate foods. So i have been living on them for the most part. I love strawberries, and pinapple and cantalope, etc. so then I search more and find out that I should be also eating beans, and nuts....so I start eating cashews, and peanuts, and kidney beans, and navy beans. first off the calerie content drives me almost over the edge.but the fat content I am told is ok because it is the good healthy fat that we need. I am actually starting to think hard about becoming a vegitarian as eating this way helps me to really feel good. But My wieght loss has almost stopped inspite of my increased length of walking, and adding arobics. I still come in under my goal for caleries even...So I bought this book by Jillian Micheals about how to increase your metabolism with eating right. Guess what two foods she says to avoid? Peanuts, and Strawberries???? Wait now...I just got through reading that all fruits and vegies are good for you? Now strawberries increase the size of your Thyroid which control the amound of calories your body burns, as well as heart rate, and digestion, and body temp... I forget why she said not to eat peanuts...This is driving me crazy..It seems like I can't find two dietitions who agree on what to eat and what not to. So After I eat up the peanuts I have, I won't buy anymore of them...I love strawberries so much...but maybe they are the reason My weight loss has slowed down...I have eaten at least an entire container of fresh strawberries a week...They seem to stop my hunger also....


    Interesting that OP because it contradicts the Atkins diet which allows strawberries but does not allow many other fruits.

    I love strawberries too, I used to only be able to eat them when dipped in lots of sugar, but I don't find that necessary now and can eat them on their own, they are beautiful! They are low in calories too.

    I would look more closely at the calories in the nuts, nuts are quite high in calories (albeit they are enormously high in protein, which is great) bit of a predicament really.....

    Personally, if you find eating strawberries keeps you from snacking on undesirable foods, that MUST be good surely.

    Just ensure you stay within your daily calorie allowance and do your exercise. Don't guess on the weight of food either and do not guesstimate the calories burned during exercise and by all accounts, your weightloss (although eventually it will slow down) will continue.
  • coalboilermanBryan
    Lync33, I am just stubborn enough to make my self start to eat those other nuts....I am not really sure why I don't like them....But I just never have....That being said, If it will help get this last 20 pounds off of me....It is worth it to choke them down. :)

    Di3012, you are correct that the strawberries do seem to kind of sour my stomach just enough that my cravings stop...And that is another reason besides the fact that I just love them, and anything with them in them....That I was about to cry at the thought that I had to give them up! LOL but now so many here have told me different. I am happy! I get to keep my strawberries.

    This question is for anyone out there.......So looking over my food diary, what would you change????
  • tnqnt
    tnqnt Posts: 397 Member
    Not sure why there is an impression that legumes are not good for you? Most legumes are very healthy, high in fiber and nutrients. Peanuts do have fat, but fat is not bad for you in moderation.
  • coalboilermanBryan
    tnqnt, I think it is because the peanuts are so high in calories, and fat content. Even though it is a good fat, if you eat more than a hand full your body might still not be able to use it all and it will get stored....Just my guess?
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    With your diary, I'd suggest that you start tracking protein. Make sure you hit your target for that, which should be about 1 gram per lb. of lean body mass. It looks like you tend to eat the same sort of thing repeatedly, so I would suggest branching out a little, and eating a variety of fruits and vegetables.

    Make sure you have your calorie intake and expenditure pegged correctly. Are you using a HRM, and weighing/measuring food? Are your calorie goals set correctly, based on your TDEE and BMR?
  • coalboilermanBryan
    All I have to go buy is what is on the package. Thus I count out every piece of Shredded wheat so that I match what is on the box as a serving. As to the other things...Again, like when I eat mixed veggies....I buy the steam in a bag, and I eat the entire bag for a meal. thus I log all 4 servings that are in the bag. I don't have a scale to weigh my food, so I am careful to eat only what I can account for accurately by the info printed on the package.
    As to my goals....I am not really sure how to change that...I mean I put in what I want to loose in the settings part, and I put in my current weight. This web page did the rest for me..and I personally think the protein part is to low? Especially if I am trying to build some muscle..well tone some muscle...don't I need a large amount of protein? What is TDEE? I don't know my BMR?
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    word vomit. my eyes hurt, needs paragraphs. haha. Okay, I'm done teasing. :tongue:

    from what I gather, you're confused. it's a confusing process, this whole weight loss thing.

    the cut and dry of it, if it comes from the earth, eat it.

    if it comes from a lab, eat it still, in moderation.

    drink plenty water, move your body, and you're golden.

    you can find any information to support any claim and diet, eating pattern, lifestyle you can think of on these internet(s). all the info will conflict and make you crazy.

    common sense is key, and patience as well
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    My sister is a dietician also. Strawberries are considered a 'negative calorie' food- they take more energy to digest than they give you, whilst you benefit from the vitamins and fibre they contain. Don't give them up!

    All nuts are great- they contain protein and fat to keep you fuller for longer- just watch your portion sizes. You don't need too many, and watch out for salted nuts! Peanuts are higher in fat- pistacio's are a good choice :smile:

    Your sister needs to recheck her thermodynamics books if she believes in the negative calorie food bunk. There is not a single food that takes more energy to digest than it contains, not even celery. The myth comes from confusion over calories and kilocalories.

    OP: You don't have to cut anything out of your diet if you don't want to. Weight loss is about calorie deficit, as long as you are under, you are good. However, healthfulness is about nutrition. Eating nutrient rich foods is great, but that doesn't mean something "empty" will kill you when consumed in moderation.
  • coalboilermanBryan
    Yes, I am seeing that. Actually I am reading about a fast don't fast, and skipping breakfast type set up now....It does seem there are facts to support no matter what you believe or want to believe? But I guess i will say that if Adam and Eve ate it, I should be able to also...god did make them perfect. Not fat. did they eat meat? Well I know fish was consumed at a later date....Even Jesus fished and ate fish. So maybe those who only eat fruits and vegetables and fish are on to something..After all, I have yet to meet a fat Vegetarian? Unless he or she just started the process....As I still might just do.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Never met a fat vegetarian? This site has plenty. Oreos are technically vegan.
  • coalboilermanBryan
    LOL You know....I never though of an Oreo as a vegetable? LMAO I guess I stand corrected! :)
  • splucy
    splucy Posts: 353
    Clean eating is the ultimate diet imo

    unfortunately I don't clean eat enough.

    Eat organic foods if you can afford it (not sure about the rest of the world but in Australia, organic is damn expensive!)

    Avoid refined sugars, preservatives and anything artificial. Get 5 serves of veg, 2 serves of fruit a day. Get some healthy fats, protein, natural sugar and sodium in. Not sure what the deal is with carbohydrates however I find that I need grains around midday to keep me from feeling weak later on.

    I've even heard that cutting out gluten is a good idea.

    I would do all of this if I could. I think I would be amazed with how many toxins would leave my body and how much healthier I would look, however I'm a sucker for a coffee with sweetener in it. :P
  • Crazy4Healthy
    Crazy4Healthy Posts: 626 Member
    Hey there, you already have lots of good info here, but I wanted to mention that you can manually adjust your macros. Go into your goals from your main page and select change and then use the custom option. Once there you can manually adjust your percentages. I would personally recommend setting protein to 30, carbs to 40 and fat to 30, but you can do whatever you feel works for you. I do agree on getting more protein and MFP doesn't set it high enough in my opinion. I get more than 100 grams of protein a day (often more than I should). I've also been told that you should get 1 g for every lb of lean body mass, but you can't set it that way in here. :smile:

    Best of luck to you, congrats on what you have already lost. You are doing great!! You might also try increases your calories to maintenance level for a week or two and then going back down. That could shock your system. I also wouldn't worry too much about the weight gain. If you recently started working out more, you could be retaining water to help your muscles repair.
  • Akious
    Akious Posts: 71
    If strawberries were bad for you, I would be dead. People always joke that if i went to a "pick your own strawberries" place, they would have to weigh me going in and coming out.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I wouldn't pick Jillian, charming though she is, as my fitness or nutrition guru. Despite her marketability, she has no training in either. Even her one fitness cert. is 'honorary' (because she 'taught' a course for them).
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    I stay away away from nuts because of the calories myself, I eat strawberries maybe once in awhile and I eat them raw with my dinner. I stay away from pastas mostly, I work my butt off and I eat back my calories sometimes more sometimes less depending on what my body says. :) But pastas, potatoes, and bread are a big no no for me. If I eat bread I eat it occasionally just like red potatoes, but I eat lite wheat bread, its very low in cals, 35 cals per slice, schwebel hearth lite whole wheat bread. adn I eat red potatoes. I talk to a nutritionist who said starchy foods can cause weight gain, she said mostly stay away from the nuts n starchy foods, so I do for the most part, adn I already lost 41 pounds, But she never said anything about strawberries so its news to me too. But I eat ground turkey and mostly as lean of meats I can get my hands on. I stay away from beans also, I only eat those in moderation