Anyone else afraid of flying?



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I read the whole post and so far no one has addressed the main reason I haven't flown since prior to 9/11 and will do my best to avoid doing in the future--the nosy. intrusive screenings--ncluding having to take your shoes off and possible partly undress if someone doesn't like your "looks", and the fact that I can't bring simple implements like a tweezer or a cuticle scissor with my on carry on, or a simple bottle of water.

    If what they were doing actually promoted air safety, I would go along with it, but I have seen two recent documentaries where industry safety/security experts said most of what we are being subjected to is to promote the ILLUSION of security to ease the minds of the public, The checked baggage screening still doesn't prevent a really determined terrorist from doing something we would all rather not think about. That is only one small part of the shortcomings of the current system.

    I don't know what the answer is to security concerns, but detaining and searching congressional representatives, as happened to one from Oregon last year, and making little old ladies take off their shoes, and refusing me the option of bringing a bottle of water on the plane, does NOT make me feel more secure!! If anything, it makes me wonder what threat will pass the screeners by while they are busy with folks who don't pose a threat.
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    You are absolutely correct about the intrusions. We shouldn't have to deal with it but since its not going away anytime soon (unless we all write our lawmakers the letters they deserve) here are tips to help:

    1. Search for a list of prohibited items beforehand so you don't have to guess. There is a TSA site.

    2. Bring an empty nalgene water bottle in your bag and fill it at the water fountain.

    3. Wear sandals or flip flops for ease, or socks and slip-on sneakers if you don't like people looking at your feet - you get to leave your socks on.

    4. I believe you can bring un-opened food items (please check) so pack your own snack don't let them price gouge you.

    5. Keep your ticket and license out and handy so you don't have to dig.

    6. If you have the nightmare of being "randomly" searched - they will flag American women to offset the number of their foreign male searches to not seem racist - be polite but remember you have a right to privacy and this usually just means someone taking you aside and shuffling through your stuff while they ask you questions about your travel.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Thank you for your tips. I am familiar w/ the "list" you refer to. And your other tips sound like you are an experienced air traveler. I have done my share of flying, but it would be much better, in my opinion, if takeoffs and landings could be eliminated!!:laugh: :laugh:

    The strange thing is, I have flown on two different occasions in single engine aircraft and in a helicopter, and taking off and landing didn't bother me, but I DETEST takeoffs and landings on commerical jets. I can only figure that it is the noise and the G forces, since the jets go faster than non commercial craft.

    I don't have any reason to fly anywhere for the foreseeable future, but I am going to mark this thread so I can refer to your comments later.

    Thank you.
  • barry1992
    barry1992 Posts: 692 Member
    Never fear flying , its such a safe and great thing to do..............crashing hurts.
    If you do crash heres what to do ..... seperate your limbs very quickly and spread yourself over several square miles.
    Only kidding.......planes rarely crash......well only once after which they dont work very well and its best to get a new one.
  • davesgalforever
    davesgalforever Posts: 220 Member
    Don't wear bling jeans, you will get patted down every time. I have flown twice and hated it. I will be flying to vegas in april sans kids so I'm ready to embrace flying.
  • Timbur_Wolf
    Timbur_Wolf Posts: 116 Member
    Flying spiders kinda creep me out, does that count?
  • barry1992
    barry1992 Posts: 692 Member
    Not unless they have a ticket ! Its so annoying that all insects travel free and can easily upgrade to first class. I once knew a flea that travelled all the way to the U.K on a bikers moustashe. The flea previously resided in a very damp but warm place ..........
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    This thread is 6 years old - maybe OP has gotten over it now.
  • barry1992
    barry1992 Posts: 692 Member
    Probably not posted for six years as her plane crashed
  • barry1992
    barry1992 Posts: 692 Member
    That or she is still walking >:)
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    edited March 2015
    I used to have panic attacks every time I flew. Then two years ago my daughter who was 2600 mi away had premature labor at 23 weeks and they didn't expect the baby to make it. I had to grab a standby flight with 4 plane changes and ended up stuck in Atlanta for nearly two nights desperate to get to my Daughter, and was devastated every time I didn't make the list on each flight. Finally at the end of day two I got the last flight out of Atlanta literally the last person on and couldn't have been more happy to get on that plane! I never experienced those panic attacks again!!! We were very blessed with a 1lb4oz baby girl who spent 6mos in NICU. I flew back and forth nearly a dozen times that year and now flying doesn't even phase me. Best advise I can give you is to take a breath, remember that it's safer to be in the air than on the street and take a good movie on your laptop or hopefully if your lucky you'll get on a flight with your own TV screen in front of you. This is the best distraction and makes the flight time go by very fast! I hope you enjoy your trip to Vegas! :smiley: Have Fun, Have a Very Happy Birthday and don't go broke!!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    I love to fly and I'm not scared of it, but no one likes turbulence........ that *kitten*'s unnerving. One thing someone told me once that always helps me is, think of the turbulence bumps as waves in the ocean. Flying a plane is very similar to driving a boat.... you're floating around and subject to the matter you're in shifting and changing. It happens, and it's just part of the ride. So -- I always think, it's just like waves in the ocean, waves in the ocean.......... and that helps relax me.
  • JZygmunt72
    JZygmunt72 Posts: 262 Member
    im actually in a training school for flying :P the truth about flying is that there are more car crashes than plane crashes, they just blow them up on the new because its a plane, is spectacular. when was the last car crash you heard on the news? you probably cant remember. but plane crashes, since there is so few they bring them up day after day, year after year, just to have some sort of news. the aviation safety board works hard finding ways to not let crashes happen again. im sure you will be fine!
  • pechepanda
    pechepanda Posts: 7,939 Member
    nope, flying is boring, the people i usually sit next to are annoying.
    dont worry, the chances of a plane crash are slim, youll be fine.
    bring headphones, pretend youre in a car and dont look out the window, and breath, focus on your breath when you get anxious, look up breathing exercises for anxiety
    GDLAZ Posts: 3,784 Member
    I used to love to fly, but now I avoid it as much as possible. I will drive across country if I have the time. EVERY time I fly now I get pulled for a "random" inspection. Last time they checked me twice, once before I entered the security line and again on the other side. Did they think I may have picked something up while standing in line?
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Still afraid to fly, but I've done it quite a bit so it gets easier. You can't be terrified for hours straight in the air. I know the stats, but it's a control thing (all in the hands of one dude). Also, cars crash more often, but they are on the ground and people are more likely to walk away. Planes are 10,000 feet in the air minimum, and if they crash, it's pretty unlikely anyone walks away.
  • barry1992
    barry1992 Posts: 692 Member

    As previously stated , it is the lack of flight that we should be frightened of. I have put up this picture to demonstrate "lack of flight". This should not under any circumstances be confused with actual flight. Flight does not involve any such physical contact with mother Earth. (Unless flight takes place in a simulator...which isnt really flight at all.......a bit like fairies......imagined !! ).
    I would like to point out that no planes were hurt during this MFP production and that the plane pictured is actually just resting having arrived from Australia. :D
  • Spnneil06
    Spnneil06 Posts: 18,745 Member
    I love to fly, I laugh as everyone else is sitting with their heads down!
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    My father-in-law hasn't flown in a plane since he came back from Korea...where he served as an air traffic controller (we think he knows something and he's just not sharing). In 1950something he flew from Seoul to San Francisco, then hopped on a train back to NYC.

    My husband (his son), on the other hand, had some 150 USAir segments last year...and that's not the only airline he flies.

    I don't mind's just the hassle of getting through the airport I don't care for.
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    I actually love flying. I find it to be relaxing. When else can I just sit in a seat and have no agenda, no pressure, and am able to do whatever I want to do, even if that's just stare off into space for a couple of hours? Never. The safety aspect has never concerned me.