Confused about Atkins

So I was talkin to a friend the other day and she said she was going to start the Atkins diet. My first thought as "so you can only eat red meat?" she said no, so that peak my interest and I started to look at the diet. After doing so i searched the boards for topics on Atkins and there are many different thoughts.

Some people had great success, some gained the weight right back, and some say it's a health risk.

I'm not sure what to believe. I'm looking at Atkins or something like it to cut out carbs since I feel as though i have been carb-dependent.

Any advice would be great - but please no bashing on this thread :)


  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    You will probably lose weight. You won't lose any more weight than any other well-balanced diet with a calorie deficit.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    So I was talkin to a friend the other day and she said she was going to start the Atkins diet. My first thought as "so you can only eat red meat?" she said no, so that peak my interest and I started to look at the diet. After doing so i searched the boards for topics on Atkins and there are many different thoughts.

    Some people had great success, some gained the weight right back, and some say it's a health risk.

    I'm not sure what to believe. I'm looking at Atkins or something like it to cut out carbs since I feel as though i have been carb-dependent.

    Any advice would be great - but please no bashing on this thread :)

    You will gain weight when you reintroduce carbs, but it will only be water weight. That is unless in addition to adding them back in, you are eating in a surplus.
  • vsecret921
    vsecret921 Posts: 100 Member
    won't it help me with my carb cravings? I crave them and I find that my diet is so carb loaded
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    If you have health issues that would caution limiting your protein, (kidney stones perhaps) then it may not be for you.

    I did have to change my macro percentages to be more realistic for "how I eat" not that I follow atkins or anything but it did take 35% protein to get to a level that works for me.
  • mary_kate23
    mary_kate23 Posts: 156
    My honest opinion, is that I'm not a huge fan, for two reasons. 1. i love carbs. but 2. i see carbs as a natural brain food and something the body needs to sustain long term normal functioning. However, I think using it for short term isn't bad, but long term dieting with Atkins is not recommended. I've never done it, but I always hear about how they gained the weight right back. I guess as long as you use it short term to lose weight, but when going off the diet, ease back into a better, healthier lifestyle than before the Atkins diet, it would be successful. Best of luck!
  • vsecret921
    vsecret921 Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    So is looking at the program it is basically eliminating carbs. So all those other people out there that are "cutting carbs" are basically doing the atkins diet in a sense?
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    I do a modified version as I don't think the unlimited idea of Atkins works. I count my calories here and watch my carbs. My carbs only come from fruit and veggies mainly. I also count my calories to stay within perameters.

    Once withdrawl from carbs is over you don't crave them at all. The only time you will crave them again is if you have some and have to start withdrawl over again.

    I have PCOS so it's the only way I have found to get my body to shed fat. Plus I feel great when I don't have refined carbs in my body. It's great not getting sleepy an hour after eating all the time!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.
  • sailorsiren13
    I'm doing a cross between South Beach and Perfect 10 no processed meat like bacon and pretty clean eating. It mainly makes me feel better no PMS, cramps or migraines. Good luck to you!
  • Serenstar75
    Serenstar75 Posts: 258 Member
    Deprivation. I have a friend doing this and he eats a ton of oil, because he read it was good for him, and has lost weight. He's also complaining that he feels his weight is more changing and that he's more saggy than fit. He's very unhappy with that part. I did it once. I will never do it again. It's More expensive, because it's primarily meat and veggies and protein-based snacks. If you eat other stuff that is healthy for you eventually it seems you gain the weight back just because the diet is so restrictive. It DOES help with your carb cravings, but just lowering your carbs will do that too. Oh and when I gained the weight back, I wasn't eating in excess.

    I do like lower carb (though affordability counts for me right now) rather than NO carb.
  • vsecret921
    vsecret921 Posts: 100 Member
    I do a modified version as I don't think the unlimited idea of Atkins works. I count my calories here and watch my carbs. My carbs only come from fruit and veggies mainly. I also count my calories to stay within perameters.

    Once withdrawl from carbs is over you don't crave them at all. The only time you will crave them again is if you have some and have to start withdrawl over again.

    I have PCOS so it's the only way I have found to get my body to shed fat. Plus I feel great when I don't have refined carbs in my body. It's great not getting sleepy an hour after eating all the time!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.

    Thanks! I think that is more what I am looking to do - is a modified version. I used to eat pasta almost every day but once i got married I went to Maui for 2 weeks and didn't have 1 pasta dish and since January I think I've had pasta 4 times. I think I just need to go cold turkey.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    i'd just try cutting (i hate to say it as people will shout at me) 'bad' carbs e.g. white bread, white rice, sugar, potatoes, pasta, cake :( etc.

    try to have mainly veg for your carbs and a small amount of wholegrain bread, pasta, rice etc. i have my macros set at 40(carbs)/30/30 and i wouldn't advise going any lower on carbs than this.
  • lrkidd
    lrkidd Posts: 74 Member
    The amount of weight you may or may not lose is completely dependent on your body type. My doctor has put me on a strict low carb diet because I have insulin resistance and am unable to properly process sugars in my body. Atkins is the perfect diet for me. If you follow Atkins properly and slowly add back the carbs at a rate that works for you then back off when you begin to gain, you can and will lose and keep your weight off. Bottom line it is a lifestyle change and not a diet. For us to succeed at any “diet” we must remember that.
  • dusty_712001
    dusty_712001 Posts: 172 Member
    I did adkins years ago and had great results. I kept the weight off for many years. It wasnt till much later when I let my eating habits turn to crap that I gained my weight back.

    Some people make it sound like the minute you stop adkins the weight comes back overnight. When you stop you will gain a small amount in water weight, but if your calorie intake does not exceed the energy you use in a day you can maintain what you lose with adkins.
  • debbiestine
    debbiestine Posts: 265 Member
    Google the primal blueprint (mark's daily apple) instead. You can still have carbs- try to keep it under 100/day.
    You can also have :
    dairy- cottage cheese, greek yogurt plain, real butter, cheese, heavy whipping cream
    fruits- just limit to a small amount each day. berries are the best/lowest carbs
    veggies- as much as you want
    protein- yes, eggs/bacon,chicken,fish,meat etc
    carbs- you are gettting them in your other foods. I also occassionally have .5 Ezekial english muffin, organic red quinoa, quick oats or steel cut oats.

    I love eating this way and it helped me lose the last 10lbs. I'm wearing a 0/2 and I keep telling people to up their protein to 100grams/day (it should be 1.1x your lean body mass) and decrease their carbs(most people eat over 200/day). good luck I hope you try it- you will love it.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,975 Member
    I have tried Atkins, and although it addresses some of the diet lies that push high-carb, low-fat eating, I know that eating sensibly is the better plan. I lost on Atkins, and I gained it back when I went back to eating normally.

    Think about it: I love bagels and cream cheese. On a high carb diet, I can eat the bagel; on Atkins, I can eat the cream cheese. Eating sensibly, I can split a bagel with cream cheese with a friend. What am I more likely to do for the rest of my life?

    I encourage everyone to STOP dieting, and change his or her lifestyle. Thus endeth the lesson for the day.

    Good luck with your weight loss!:flowerforyou:
  • galededras
    galededras Posts: 45 Member
    It's only a health risk if you use the Atkins diet guidelines as a way to kid yourself into believing that a diet of nothing but bacon, eggs, ribeye, and cream cheese is good for you. You still have to eat responsibly. I am on a generic low-carb diet, and while I do eat bacon, eggs, ribeye, and cream cheese...I also make sure my diet is balanced with plenty of green vegetables. I also still monitor my calories, and try to eat as close as to my macros as possible. If you've read the Atkins book, and feel like it's too restrictive you might look into other plans like South Beach or Primal Blueprint. If you can give up dairy, I think Primal Blueprint is a very healthy way of eating.

    I can say that if you lose a ton of weight on any low-carb diet, and don't reintroduce carbs back into your diet in a slow and methodical manner, you will gain weight back at an alarming rate. It's much more beneficial to look at low-carb as a lifestyle change, and not just a method of weight loss that you will discontinue once you reach your goal weight. That's true for most diets though, isn't it?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    won't it help me with my carb cravings? I crave them and I find that my diet is so carb loaded
    The induction phase is designed to do that, yes. It does rely on your compliance though.
  • vsecret921
    vsecret921 Posts: 100 Member
    For the last couple posters it looks like you are all saying the same thing. just limi the carbs. I don't eat white bread I have changed to wheat. So perhaps I will just limit my carb intake and not go the Atkins route.

    Thanks for all the advice!!!

    i just don't want to do something to my body now that will have long term effects later
  • adamsurpren
    Hey, just a tip from someone who did atkins (lost 52 lbs on it)...stay away.

    It's great at first, quick and easy. Then you reach your weight, have an impossible time maintaining, your blood pressure and cholesterol are out of whack, and your breath stinks.

    Very very difficult to keep the weight off, and switching to a new diet will bounce you back quick because of the carb difference.

    Don't get fooled, quick fixes aren't good. Be natural and healthy, eat right and exercise, I'm doing it now and look at the weight loss, and I have more energy and am healthier.
  • vidwiz811
    vidwiz811 Posts: 1
    I used the Atkins and lost 50 lbs and havent gained it back. read the book though, because most people don't understand what it actually is or how to do the diet. it works on the science that carbs are the main cause of weight gain. i wont go into that but study's have been proving that for sometime, but its been ignored. the health risk are from people who do the diet wrong and eat nothing but red meat and cheese, turns out that leads to heart attacks. I would suggest giving it a try and seeing if it works for you. after all every person's body works different for them. mind you that like any diet if you go back to eating poorly you will gain the weight back.