intermittent fasting



  • ShrinkingLauren88
    ShrinkingLauren88 Posts: 197 Member
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    If you need any advice on IF just watch these guys videos:
  • razamakaz
    razamakaz Posts: 5
    Hi there. I have been doing the 5:2 diet since March and have lost 18 pounds and feel much better in myself. I have never been able to stick to any diet and this is working for me because i only have to fast two days a week and eat what I want the other five, so no waiting long weeks (or months) before I can have a treat.

    I find it a little hard on fast days, but I can have 500 calories so I try and make the most of those 500 and have an early night as well with a good book so I don't get tempted.
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    I have accidentally greatly reduces caloric intake to maybe 500-600 a day for a few days due to being not hungry. I found I dropped weight fast and then gain it fast the second I eat remotely normal again.