How hard is it to start running?



  • adam1885282
    adam1885282 Posts: 135 Member
    I ran a bit in highschool (decades ago) so I was comfortable with the idea of running. I promptly hurt myself and took 2 months recovering. What I should have done, which I'll recommend, is to increase your walking speed and distance for a month or so, then get into couch to 5k. I never did c25k but my wife is and it really works! She went from being a non-runner and she's up to 25 minutes without stopping! And, as others said, SHOES!
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    I use to run on a tred.
    I would start out at a low pace and run for a minute, and each week up the speed. but still only run for one minute. The more you do the longer you can go at a better pace. :) I was up to 7.5 speed and two minutes. Then I had surgury and stopped running poo
  • Lbekah72
    Lbekah72 Posts: 89 Member
    Yep the couch to 5K app is awesome..
    I have like 80 pounds to go and at 218 pounds I ran a 5k a few weeks back and am currently training for a half marathon in October..
    I have NEVER been a runner..
    I have always been athletic.. Softball, basketball BUT NEVER a RUNNER..
    I’m actually learning to love it, and of all the exercises I do Running is the one that produces the quickest results in your body..
    GO SLOW and realize it’s not easy but if you follow the program before you know it you will be running..
    When I started I almost quit right away because I was like WHAT THE HECK… I can’t even run for a minute without dying.. lol But it changes fast! 3 weeks into the 5k program I was wanting to continue running when it told me to walk… 
    Hang in there and enjoy..
    Oh and if you can train on the road... The treadmill is night and day to the street.(much easier on a treadmill)
  • skinnyby30
    skinnyby30 Posts: 14
    best of luck to you! the 5k101 on itunes is what taught me to run as well as I have friends who used the couch to 5k and loved it :) get a running program and get going :) I wish you the best on your running
  • MissChile007
    MissChile007 Posts: 4 Member
    First of all...I apologize if I make any grammar mistake. English is my second language.

    Now..about running. I was just like you, even worse. I used to play soccer but I stopped like 2 years ago. But I wasn't a great athlete. I mean, I didn't like running. Anyway, thanks to this site I discover this one:

    There are podcast that help u run from FIRST DAY TO 5K. You walk and run until the end of the music. It beeps when you have to change from walking to running. There are different podcast for every week. I really recommend this one. I couldn't finish the first day, but then, something changed in my mind and now I'm on week 3 and I'm so happy!!

    Our mind is powerful. If we think that we can do it, we will.

    Good luck!
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    I've downloaded C25K where did you start did you go to a quiet place like a park or didn't care and went where you wanted bit concerned jogging and walking intervals will look odd?
  • boldonbiglad
    boldonbiglad Posts: 8 Member
    I have tried teh couch to 5K plan as well and it is a very good plan. My asthma give me some issues but I would recomend it.
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    I've downloaded C25K where did you start did you go to a quiet place like a park or didn't care and went where you wanted bit concerned jogging and walking intervals will look odd?

    I used the treadmill in the gym or a local cycle track near me as i wasnt comfortable running on the road (too many idiot drivers around) as for looking odd NA listen to your music and ignore them your doing it for you

    good luck:drinker: