How to stop night eating?

Hey guys i was just wondering if anyone had any suggestion as to how to stop night eating? Im one of those people that eat halfway decent throughout the day but as soon as nighttime comes i totally binge. Does anyone know of any tips or tricks such as mantras, foods that keep you full or any other ideas? I am also an insomniac and am usually up until 6am (i work afternoons)


  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    eat dinner later. or break it up into 2 meals.
  • jasonthekidd
    I'm interested in ideas problem is waking up in the middle of the night and eating junk. I guess we need to find something better to do than eat! LOL I feel like I get the munchies.
  • cece678
    cece678 Posts: 4
    This is my problem too! I find that brushing my teeth makes me not want to eat and drinking some water helps too while also making me feel fuller, But if I must eat or chew on something I will try to find something moderately healthy like veggies or fruits. If I want something sweet I try to eat something not so bad for me like a skinny cow chocolate bar or a individual sized ice cream. Hope this helps! I work at night and sleep well into the day.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    protein, fats, fibre(veggies). should keep you fuller for much longer.
  • RachelVon
    RachelVon Posts: 74 Member
    eat dinner later. or break it up into 2 meals.

    I totally do this ill have a 7pm dinner usually & a 9 -10pm later snack
  • slowly_changing12
    slowly_changing12 Posts: 192 Member
    The best way I know to stop eating at night is to drink lots of water. This helps to full up your stomach and helps you to not be as hungry.
  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
    I do the same thing - eat pretty good (and within my calories) throughout the day, then pig out at night... don't know why that is, but seems it's pretty common. Anyways, what *I* like to do is have a late breakfast, which pushes back all my meals throughout the day and allows me to indulge more at night. So I wake up around 11am and instead of having breakfast right away, I'll have it around 2 or 3 (if I can handle it lol), then eat every 3 hours. Usually I'm left with about 500 or 600 calories (allowance is 1900) before I go to bed, which is typically around 2am.

    Of course, that doesn't work for everyone. Lots of people are totally hellbent on having their breakfast and are strongly against skipping... personally, I don't think it even matters. It's worked well for me in the past, and it's working well for me now. ;)

    Other than that, I'd suggest filling up on high protein/high fiber dinners and sipping lots of water (or 0 cal flavored juice/water) throughout your nights to refrain yourself from going overboard. Maybe munch on some raw fruits/vegetables if you get hungry.

    Hope this helps. :)

    Love and Alohas,
    Ihilani Kapuniai
  • AlexJourneyHall
    AlexJourneyHall Posts: 137 Member
    Oh I used to be the same way (and may still be this is only week 2) but I've started writing my cravings down or writing about my day when it comes to eating and working out. Somehow writing helps keep you in a good frame of mind and keeps you from eating the wrong stuff if you can see how well you've done. Also, try having small amounts of what you might crave earlier in the day so you can burn it off later. There are more solutions. Friend me if you want, I would love to help you!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Plan for night eating. Save a bunch of calories so you can eat at night while still moving toward your goals.
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    I'm chewing on Trident layers gum right now to stop myself from snacking. It helps b/c it keeps my mouth busy and it tastes sweet. The Extra dessert delights gums are all awesome too! Or if you do have to have a snack have a chocolate peanut butter fiber one bar, filling and only 90 calories. I also like the special k 90 calorie bars (the raspberry cheesecake one is amazing!)
  • DivaJadelyn
    DivaJadelyn Posts: 280 Member
    I went cold turkey as far as night eating. No matter what my tummy supposedly said I refused to fiill it. Food logging, and measuring portions/eating clean has seemed to curb my desire to eat at night though.
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    try to eat in moderation every 2 hours and since you started you may think this will be hard but stick to your guns and after a couple week you will get used to it by not eating alot. as long as you dont go over your daily calories you will start to lose weight
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    low carb diet helps me a lot too btw.
    it curbs my appetite and makes it so easy for me to stay on track.
  • subcult
    subcult Posts: 262 Member
    Mostly said but push meals back later. If possible go to bed an hour earlier or only allow your self carrots cucumbers s etc aft night.
  • Secondgoround
    Sometimes you are actually thirsty, not hungry. Try drinking a big glass of water and then rethink your hunger.
  • shadesofjade77
    I was told to eat a handful of almonds or eat a spoonful or so of almondbutter. It's good protein and will keep you full through the night. Also, after you've eaten what you want to eat for the night, try brushing your teeth. If that just brushed feeling fades, go brush them again. I know it works for me. If you start getting tired, don't stay up. I've noticed that my inhibitions are lowered if I'm awake, but probably shouldn't be. And of course, drink lots of water.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I'm suffering the same thing. I do great all day long but then the night hits and I can't sleep and I just lose it.

    I have tried saving calories so that I can have something to eat and notruin my calorie count.

    I try setting aside something to eat so I know what I will/can eat without messing up my count.

    I know that my mind does not always function well when it's late and I'm not sleeping and I just want to sleep, so I've written a big sign telling myself what I can eat tonight, instead of just going for the junk food or whatever I can find. Sigh: Eat blueberries and yogurt.

    It is a BIG problem for me, and I would appreciate any other ideas to get through. I know that if I could just go to bed and sleep, that I would be a lot skinnier because I wouldn't be getting all the extra calories during the nght.

    GOod luck!!!
  • hope76579
    hope76579 Posts: 53 Member
    I am on my second month of becoming a healthier me and struggle with night time binges also. It helps me to keep out of the kitchen. I think about all the healthy choices I have made during the day and promise myself not to undo because I am bored. I keep the dumbbells near the couch and do reps while drinking water. If I can't beat the urge, I have 100 calorie popcorn or a pear. I started making projects with beading or sewing to keep me distracted...or I clean. If you are in a safe neighborhood taking walks at night when all is quiet are very peaceful.
    I have also taking a bath is a very nice reward for a good day, plus I won't eat in the tub. When I start thinking that I could eat whatever and not log it, I surf m.p.f. And read success stories, cause darn it! I am going to do this!
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    I love going to bed with a full belly. Why fight it? Just rearrange your calories so you can eat more at night. You're not going to get fatter if you're eating at a daily deficit.
  • dbevisjr
    dbevisjr Posts: 183
    When I first started this I decided to go to bed an hour earlier for that very reason. Not sure if that will work for an insomniac but give it a try. Also I can take a walk if I feel hungry late. Just a mile or so and the hunger is gone.