Looking for friends with 1200 calorie range



  • Sules02
    Sules02 Posts: 19 Member
    I just started today MFP and I am at the 1200 calorie range too! I changed my dinner plans when I realized was almost at 1200. I just stir fried up some vegetables with some House of Tsang spicy stir fry and called it dinner. I have already lost 12 lbs this spring by cutting out sugar, unhealthy carbs and any packaged foods. I eat as clean as possible and as sugar free as possible. It is amazing how great you feel. Please add me to anyone out there struggling. I would love to hear from others that are trying to stay on clean foods.
    Also, anyone out there doing P90X or Insanity? I am curious why I cannot find the exercises in the database. Thanks so much! and Happy 4th of July!! Suzy
  • Lovestoscrapbook
    Lovestoscrapbook Posts: 295 Member
    I just started today MFP and I am at the 1200 calorie range too! I changed my dinner plans when I realized was almost at 1200. I just stir fried up some vegetables with some House of Tsang spicy stir fry and called it dinner. I have already lost 12 lbs this spring by cutting out sugar, unhealthy carbs and any packaged foods. I eat as clean as possible and as sugar free as possible. It is amazing how great you feel. Please add me to anyone out there struggling. I would love to hear from others that are trying to stay on clean foods.
    Also, anyone out there doing P90X or Insanity? I am curious why I cannot find the exercises in the database. Thanks so much! and Happy 4th of July!! Suzy

    I'm just starting 30 days Shred and was wondering the same thing - I looked it up on another website and their comments indicated it is recorded generically as "circuit training"
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I eat 1200 calories and I find it to be easy most days. What helps me is I eat my main meal for lunch and then I eat snacks through the rest of the day. Your welcome to view my diary for ideas, I'm not the most healthiest eater but I'm not the worst either.
  • StellarChick85
    StellarChick85 Posts: 33 Member
    I have the same target of 1,200 a day so feel free to add me! I first started at 1,500 calories but I wasn't really losing that much so I reluctantly lowered it to 1,200. My body did have to adjust to it and not think it was "starving" but now I'm used to it. I want to lose another 50 lbs or so but I've learned to try and eat a ton of fruits and veggies cuz it fills me up and it helps me stay under my target.
  • wreckedredhead60
    wreckedredhead60 Posts: 40 Member
    Please feel free to add me...have 60 to lose and am in the 1200 calorie zone. Find myself trying to save as many calories as I can for my evening meal - they add up so fast.
  • Fluffywhip
    Fluffywhip Posts: 20
    I'm trying to stick to 1,280 calories... Man it is hard work! I'd be more than happy to have friends in the same boat!
  • taypaaige
    taypaaige Posts: 3
    Hi :) I'm in the 1200 calorie range and I was under my calorie 1200 today, but I still had food I like.

    For dinner I ate steak and potato, and I also had 2 cups of cookie dough ice cream through out the day.

    To fill in for snacks, though, I ate cherries (not the processed ones that go on ice cream sundaes), and grapes :)

    I'm fully satisfied, too! I feel great today!

    Hope this helps
  • taypaaige
    taypaaige Posts: 3
    I just started today MFP and I am at the 1200 calorie range too! I changed my dinner plans when I realized was almost at 1200. I just stir fried up some vegetables with some House of Tsang spicy stir fry and called it dinner. I have already lost 12 lbs this spring by cutting out sugar, unhealthy carbs and any packaged foods. I eat as clean as possible and as sugar free as possible. It is amazing how great you feel. Please add me to anyone out there struggling. I would love to hear from others that are trying to stay on clean foods.
    Also, anyone out there doing P90X or Insanity? I am curious why I cannot find the exercises in the database. Thanks so much! and Happy 4th of July!! Suzy

    I'm doing p90x!
  • kellie0407
    kellie0407 Posts: 21 Member
    I am in this range and it is really difficult. Many times I mess up and then I just binge, thinking I will start fresh tomorrow. I can't believe I do that, but I do...so add me in...I need motivation and inspiration to help me.

    ^^This is me! I'm 5'0 and in the 1200 range, need people to motivate me and keep me on track.
    Feel free to add me :happy:
  • SBHWeav
    SBHWeav Posts: 89 Member
    I'm in the 1200-1300 range. Well, trying to be! lol I am 5'10" and currently 190ish. I am looking to get back down to 140. AH! 50 pounds sounds like a lot to lose now that I have typed it all out. But I am totally willing to do this with other who will help keep me motivated!
  • thistooshallpass7
    I'm in the same range as you with about the same amount of weight to lose! Feel free to add me, were in this together!!
  • LelaYang
    LelaYang Posts: 43
    Add me! I'm 5'2" as well! Trying to stick to 1200 cals is killer, but hey we can do it!!!
  • rpounds1957
    rpounds1957 Posts: 177 Member
    I'm male, 5'11" and 196 pounds or so. However, my calories are set at 1,210, the same general range you are. I have been very successful in staying under my calorie goal without feeling deprived. If you think my food diary might help, by all means add me. Just don't look at my diary for yesterday and today :-)
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    I'm at 1200 calories also, and usually don't end up eating back my exercise calories. And I don't cut out anything I love. Anyone feel free to add, but I'm pretty sure my diary is public as well.
  • Ellevated
    Ellevated Posts: 192 Member
    Hi everyone :) I am 5'2 and have about 30 lbs to lose. I am looking for supportive friends to add on here that are in a similar 1200 calorie range. I find it really difficult to stay within this number and am hoping friends on here with similar goals can help!

    Hi! I joined the site 2 days ago and was shocked to find that my calorie intake goal was 1200 a day. I'm also 5'2" with just shy of 30lbs to lose.

    Let's do this!
  • bridies01
    bridies01 Posts: 57 Member
    I am only looking to lose about 10 lbs, but I am also at the 1200 calorie level. I can't stay within that at all, so it motivates me to work out even more. I have done a pretty good job at exercising at least 60 minutes most days, I take at least one day off a week from exercise - usually on the weekends but then I am running around the house cleaning, running errands, playing with kids - so I don't worry too much if I am a little over on cals that day. Feel free to add me. I am vegetarian, but still find a way to get plenty of protein. My diary is open to friends.
  • bioqueen66
    Hi! Feel free to add me as well. I'm stuck at this 1200 calorie a day. Some days I can do it, but other days (like yesterday when I had Mexican and ice cream) I blew it. :smile:
  • lambch0ps
    lambch0ps Posts: 79 Member
    I just started today MFP and I am at the 1200 calorie range too! I changed my dinner plans when I realized was almost at 1200. I just stir fried up some vegetables with some House of Tsang spicy stir fry and called it dinner. I have already lost 12 lbs this spring by cutting out sugar, unhealthy carbs and any packaged foods. I eat as clean as possible and as sugar free as possible. It is amazing how great you feel. Please add me to anyone out there struggling. I would love to hear from others that are trying to stay on clean foods.
    Also, anyone out there doing P90X or Insanity? I am curious why I cannot find the exercises in the database. Thanks so much! and Happy 4th of July!! Suzy

    I'm doing p90x!

    You can get p90x calories here:


    I have been eating 1200 calories for 3 1/2 months and lost 18 lbs (10 before I joined MFP) and not eating any exercise calories back unless I am really hungry, but I'm in week 10 of p90x and I'm starting to feel like I need a boost so I'm trying to go up to 1500. Its actually hard if you stick with high protein/low carb (and eat NO sugar and as clean as possible) - protein fills you up! Sugar gives you cravings! My diary is open and feel free to add me.
  • kateanne27
    kateanne27 Posts: 275 Member
    I recently went down to this range too so feel free to add me!
  • serguapa
    serguapa Posts: 2
    Hi! I just joined Monday, and I'm really enjoying this tool! I am 5'2", and I'm looking to lose more like 50 pounds, but my calories are in the 1200 range and I am finding it very difficult. I can't imagine how many calories I must have been eating before! Have you found any secrets to staying within the calorie range without starving?