There's noting really freak you out.



  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Putting on a shirt and breaking open a spiders nest hidden inside the sleeve and getting blisters all over your arm from the 100's of bites. It happened to me.
    I would die of a heart attack.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    There's nothing like going to the bathroom late at night and finding a snake in the toilet. I'm not afraid of snakes but I nearly stroked out from the shock.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Any bug trapped in your car while you're driving. It doesn't matter what kind it is... It suddenly becomes a voracious face eating giant.
  • anels449
    anels449 Posts: 3,187 Member
    Pulling into the parking lot of your apartment complex and seeing a shirtless old man with one arm missing shuffling along like a zombie. New neighbor? Newly changed zombie? Waited until he walked into an apartment booked it to mine.
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    Nothing like dreaming you are eating a giant bowl of chocolate ice cream and waking up with a spoon hanging out of your butt.

    Okay I'm in a silly mood....but it's funny! :laugh:
  • Bucky83
    Bucky83 Posts: 1,194 Member
    Not realising there's a furry spider sitting on your rearview mirror while driving....until you go to break, check the rearview mirror and just about have an accident!

    Or when you find a rat scuttling from back of fridge to back of entertainment furniture. Got him good with a bit of chocolate/guillotine though!
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Had a man try to steal 12 oz Corona from my store tonight by putting them in his pants. When he was called out, he ran to the door and we flipped the door lock on him (there's a switch right next to the register that does this). There were other customers in the store and he starts flipping his lid. Jumping and beating on the door trying to get out. Talk about adrenalin rush.
  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    Being in a restaurant and feeling something heavy, soft and furry on your foot.Looking down with thoughts of kittens in your mind and seeing a wolf rat perched on top of your foot! Ew, he was big. I tell you what... I come unglued. Owner said they put out poison and that's why he was casually crawling across my foot.
    Seagulls. I hate them. They make my skin crawl off me. I had potatoe chips on the beach one time stuck under my chair. A herd of them creepy things flew over me and dropped rocks on me. And it hurt. I,ve had two very strange run ins with them but I better not tell the other story.
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    Morning people...before my coffee has kicked in.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Had a man try to steal 12 oz Corona from my store tonight by putting them in his pants. When he was called out, he ran to the door and we flipped the door lock on him (there's a switch right next to the register that does this). There were other customers in the store and he starts flipping his lid. Jumping and beating on the door trying to get out. Talk about adrenalin rush.

    :noway: When I worked in convenience stores, we were told get the plate number off the car if you can but in no way try to try to stop someone from leaving the store. I wouldn't work somewhere that told me to lock some crazy thief in there with me!

    One time some guy did walk in with no pants on, though. He came in when I was turned around, so I didn't even notice until I'd sold him his beer and he was on his way back out! Too bad he didn't have a nice butt.
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    Had a man try to steal 12 oz Corona from my store tonight by putting them in his pants. When he was called out, he ran to the door and we flipped the door lock on him (there's a switch right next to the register that does this). There were other customers in the store and he starts flipping his lid. Jumping and beating on the door trying to get out. Talk about adrenalin rush.

    :noway: When I worked in convenience stores, we were told get the plate number off the car if you can but in no way try to try to stop someone from leaving the store. I wouldn't work somewhere that told me to lock some crazy thief in there with me!

    One time some guy did walk in with no pants on, though. He came in when I was turned around, so I didn't even notice until I'd sold him his beer and he was on his way back out! Too bad he didn't have a nice butt.

    This brought back memories. I worked in a convenience store. One night this guy came in and handed my co-worker a gun and said, "hold this until I'm done." I was in back figuring our shift sales when she came running back holding this gun in a paper bag. Yeah, I called the cops. The guy was ticked off for a long time after. I don't know what he expected. When you walk into a store and hand a gun to the cashier with the "hold this till I'm done comment". Especially when it's 11:30 at night and it's 2 young females working.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Had a man try to steal 12 oz Corona from my store tonight by putting them in his pants. When he was called out, he ran to the door and we flipped the door lock on him (there's a switch right next to the register that does this). There were other customers in the store and he starts flipping his lid. Jumping and beating on the door trying to get out. Talk about adrenalin rush.

    :noway: When I worked in convenience stores, we were told get the plate number off the car if you can but in no way try to try to stop someone from leaving the store. I wouldn't work somewhere that told me to lock some crazy thief in there with me!

    One time some guy did walk in with no pants on, though. He came in when I was turned around, so I didn't even notice until I'd sold him his beer and he was on his way back out! Too bad he didn't have a nice butt.

    This brought back memories. I worked in a convenience store. One night this guy came in and handed my co-worker a gun and said, "hold this until I'm done." I was in back figuring our shift sales when she came running back holding this gun in a paper bag. Yeah, I called the cops. The guy was ticked off for a long time after. I don't know what he expected. When you walk into a store and hand a gun to the cashier with the "hold this till I'm done comment". Especially when it's 11:30 at night and it's 2 young females working.

    People with less common sense than I have should not be allowed to have guns, and that guy qualifies! :laugh:
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    Had a man try to steal 12 oz Corona from my store tonight by putting them in his pants. When he was called out, he ran to the door and we flipped the door lock on him (there's a switch right next to the register that does this). There were other customers in the store and he starts flipping his lid. Jumping and beating on the door trying to get out. Talk about adrenalin rush.

    :noway: When I worked in convenience stores, we were told get the plate number off the car if you can but in no way try to try to stop someone from leaving the store. I wouldn't work somewhere that told me to lock some crazy thief in there with me!

    One time some guy did walk in with no pants on, though. He came in when I was turned around, so I didn't even notice until I'd sold him his beer and he was on his way back out! Too bad he didn't have a nice butt.

    This brought back memories. I worked in a convenience store. One night this guy came in and handed my co-worker a gun and said, "hold this until I'm done." I was in back figuring our shift sales when she came running back holding this gun in a paper bag. Yeah, I called the cops. The guy was ticked off for a long time after. I don't know what he expected. When you walk into a store and hand a gun to the cashier with the "hold this till I'm done comment". Especially when it's 11:30 at night and it's 2 young females working.

    People with less common sense than I have should not be allowed to have guns, and that guy qualifies! :laugh:

    And he was mad at ME!
  • cherisekntz
    cherisekntz Posts: 8 Member
    LOL! I do the same thing with any insect or bug, also when I am outside I will run circles around my husband thinking it will attack him and not me! I know so mean but I am alergic. He can take one for the team!
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    I sleep with ear plugs in to combat the significant others snoring issue. The ones I had in at the time were bright yellow with pink stripes on them. I woke up from a dream in which I was eating a candy to find that I was gnawing away on the ear plug that, when I fell asleep, had been in my right ear... So gross, but I laughed my *kitten* off!
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    Nothing like getting caught at a red light digging for gold while you make direct eye contact with your audience.

    What's the protocol? Do you continue with your business? Do you pick it out and flick it with some attitude? Do you discretely look away while whistling? Freaks me out because I just don't know what to do.
  • 33neenaj
    33neenaj Posts: 306
    Taking a huge dump only to realize you have no more toilet paper!
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    Taking a huge dump only to realize you have no more toilet paper!

    I think it's worst when the toilet paper is just far enough out of reach to where you have to stand up.
  • 33neenaj
    33neenaj Posts: 306
    Taking a huge dump only to realize you have no more toilet paper!

    I think it's worst when the toilet paper is just far enough out of reach to where you have to stand up.

    lol true