Posting pics in underwear



  • definitelyval
    definitelyval Posts: 104 Member
    Honestly... If my body was rockin' like some of these ladies, yup, I would strip down to the undies and let them have their look! When you work hard enough for something, why not show it off, especially to those on here that are going to give that boost you may need to keep going.
    I took those dreaded before shots... will I ever post them? I don't know, perhaps, perhaps not.

    AMEN TO THAT!!! If I had as hot a body on the outside as I feel like I am on the inside?? I would NEVER be clothed, so the point of asking me to stip would be moot. :tongue:
  • softballsharie
    softballsharie Posts: 176 Member
    I wouldn't strip down if they asked me to... then again if a stranger asked me just to take off my hoodie and I had a t-shirt underneath it I wouldn't because that's creepy.

    However, if I was in a public pool and all I had to swim in were a bra and undies (that covered my goods as much as a bathing suit would) I would have no problem stripping down to them there.

    Also, if someone on MFP asked me to take an undies picture for them, I wouldn't because that's creepy. lol

    If this makes any sense. Maybe I'm just cukoo!
  • thebaconbeast
    thebaconbeast Posts: 560 Member
    Once I posted a picture in underwear and got a 1 month photo ban.

    Was the picture of you? :wink:

    Haha it was , but the mods didn't take too kindly to it :grumble:
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Once I posted a picture in underwear and got a 1 month photo ban.

    Care to email me that one I must have missed it LOL:smokin:
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Sports undies reveal way less than a bikini. I wear bikini at the beach, hey I even go topless. random people can see me, not in a posed pic, but when I'm walking swimming ect. It's not a big deal to me.

    This is fitness site and to show my progress I will post pics in undies, if somebody chose to flap to them, then hey good for them :drinker:

    EDITED to fix pathetic spelling mistakes
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    If I get a good angle of my self in a photo, then damn yes I'll post it :laugh: , but in real life, I actually don't even feel confident wearing a bikini to the beach, so I guess I have a bit of a weird double standard here...I like bits of my body, and am happy to post pics of those bits, but it doesn't mean I like the whole package. (though I'd prefer to post in my bikini than my undies, only cause they are cuter, but yes, I have got some undies shots too LOL!
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Once I posted a picture in underwear and got a 1 month photo ban.

    I got 14 days
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Actually, we think it's anonymous, but the internet is not at all anonymous. I would think a more likely scenario is that you might see someone on MFP in real life, and recognize them.

    I have co-workers on this site, and a co-worker recommended it to me. We're not friends on MFP but it's possible that I'll see them here.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Like HappyPath
    I haven't even taken pictures of myself in my undies or swimsuit - even for my own reference.... HOWEVER, I say things on here that I'd never say in my regular life .....
    online or offline. I don't know where the photos will end up, who will copy/paste them to what and I want to be in full control of who sees what, where & when. I give credit to those that do share and I will say it gives me motivation to stick to trying to lose weight but I don't do pics (clothed, skimpily clothed, or in the buff) at this point in time.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    ... what would you do if a complete stranger walked up to you and asked you to remove your clothing down to your bra and undies so they could admire your body for several minutes? Would you say no, or would you strip and show them?

    To answer that, I wouldnt.

    Now to expound a bit.

    I did take an underwear shot of me before. I haven't posted it and am not sure if, when I reach my goal, I will. However, looking at that photo, I can guarantee no one would be offended by the fact that I am wearing underwear. Offended by how awful I look?? Well, that's another matter entirely...LOL!

    Will I post an AFTER pic in my underwear? I don't know yet. Probably not only because I don't feel the need. I think I can wear something else that will get the point across. But nothing gets the BEFORE point across like that photo I took.

    I figure I have a plenty of time to ponder the dilemma. But am I worried about what might happen to said photos? No, not really. If someone is THAT desperate to use MY photos out of all the gazillion photos of much more attractive (and revealing) ladies online.....well, I will probably never know about it anyway. ;D
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I wouldnt do that in person where they could grab me if they so chose. As far what someone may do with my pictures, well... whatever. Cant stop someone from thinking about you whether they see you on the street, in a picture, at the pool/beach/dressing room/locker room/etc. Shrug.
  • jeccaerin
    jeccaerin Posts: 124
    Once I posted a picture in underwear and got a 1 month photo ban.

    Care to email me that one I must have missed it LOL:smokin:

    :) Cute!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I have a follow up question. Why would you pose for and post pictures on MFP in your underwear and then use your whole name in your screen name? Do you realize that anyone can then google just your name, see that you have an MFP account and then look at your page, your posts, and your pictures? I'm picturing maybe....oh I don't know....your boss.... your teenage children's friends? Maybe some people just don't care. Go figure!

    I have no kids.

    I am my own boss

    If someone wants to search me to look at pictures they'll probably find a lot more than just pictures of me in my undies. Just sayin' :smokin: