Denied health insurance for being too fat...



  • kirstenmaria
    kirstenmaria Posts: 112 Member
    They will also hold it against you if you previously sought treatment for an eating disorder.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Welcome to health care in the U.S.! Remind me again why people are opposed to overhauling the entire health care system...
    Because individuals who don't take care of themselves should not expect others to pay their way.
    You want to live free and get fat?
    You may also live with the consequences.
    Just don't make it my problem.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    According to a few articles I have read, Obamacare will allow 'penalties' for smokers and obese people. I was hoping all this would end in 2014, but it appears it won't.


    Honestly, those have already been in affect for years. This just means now it's sanctioned.

    Hey, I figure if we're all going to be TAXED and therefore get taxed even more when people are overweight... we might as well socialize gyms as well. I think the government should give everyone FREE gym membership. Lets start a petition...

    Socialize EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The GOVERNMENT knows what's best for us! All you have to do is trust them and health and happiness will be yours...
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    That qoute I just reposted a min ago was a little harsh! Obviously, A) she's on this site which is def a step in the right direction and b) did you not read how much she's already lost! I thought we were all on hear to support and motivate each other!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I can understand that this must be a hard pill to swallow, and honestly I don't know why insurance companies don't just charge more for people who fall into high risk categories. Especially catergories that are self inflicted, such as obesity or smoking or something along those lines.

    Keep in mind, that some obesity is due to medical conditions. For them to not be obese would be equivalent to you being a world-class athlete. Yes, it can be done but takes intense work and dedication and is not always compatible with gainful employment or life!

    "Yes it can be done" is all I heard. Every single person has their trials. Some people have to put more effort into things than others. That doesn't mean it's ok to just give up.

    It also would not pertain to an obese person who has no adverse medical conditions or diagnoses, as the OP described.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    I understand how you feel. I am 5'4" and currently 271 pounds...down from 292. My husband took a job that he could not pass up, but that does not have a group health insurance plan, so we went shopping too. All I can get, it seems, is discount programs...not actual insurance...until I get down to 230 pounds. I have no other diabetes, no high blood pressure, no anything. I am even doing C25K and TurboFire!

    If anyone knows of a health insurance company that will look at more than just that stupid scale, please let us know! This is simply ridiculous. Smokers with other chronic conditions can get coverage, but not me???? What the F!

    I totally understand. Luckily, we do have the option of continuing insurance through his school, but it costs an arm and a leg. I can see them charging MORE for overweight people, but denying altogether when they have abcolutely no other health conditions? Absolutely insane. Not to mention, none of the plans cover anything to help us lose weight. What a back-a$$ward society we live in.

    Your state (health insurance is regulated by the states) may not allow them to adjust premiums based upon weight or other conditions. I wholeheartedly agree that premiums should differ based upon lifestyle choices (i.e., smoking), but legislators and lobbyists disagree.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    According to a few articles I have read, Obamacare will allow 'penalties' for smokers and obese people. I was hoping all this would end in 2014, but it appears it won't.


    Honestly, those have already been in affect for years. This just means now it's sanctioned.

    Hey, I figure if we're all going to be TAXED and therefore get taxed even more when people are overweight... we might as well socialize gyms as well. I think the government should give everyone FREE gym membership. Lets start a petition...

    They do. They are called parks. Obviously there is a lot of room for improvement with them but supply follows demand; they aren't going to improve empty parks.
  • Jenn09870
    Jenn09870 Posts: 66 Member

    When I was younger, my dad had a brain aneurysm. He was in the hospital for six weeks and nearly died. Even with insurance, my parents owed more than 100,000 dollars. They had to file bankruptcy (back then you could file on medical bills). We lost our house.

    The current system works well until anyone gets struck with a catastrophic illness.

    This is a blanket statement that is so not true in a lot of cases. I know this for a fact because my husband had a catastrophic injury that cost a quarter of a million and our insurance covered it all. So, the current system did work for us as well as a lot of other people I've encountered along the way.

    Well I can't speak for anyone's case but my own...
    In my case I had health insurance that I rarely to never used in 7 years when I had to have spine surgery.
    I ended up paying for this spine surgery for over 4 years.
    Finally paid it off, which is a great thing but kinda sucks massively when the surgery didn't fix the problem and they scheduled a repeat surgery within 2 months of having the first. Added to the fact there were other mistakes and complications involved in my surgery. I cancelled the 2nd. I spent 6 months lying flat on my back, 6 months out of work between the injury, recovery, and second surgery that was scheduled. I went back to work a week after I cancelled the surgery. I was in a lot of pain but it was painful to do nothing, it was painful to move so what difference did it make, I was so lucky to be able to keep my job. If I had been out any longer it wouldn't have been an option.
    I now have 2 to 3 doctor appointments per month for a problem I paid an extremely high price to have fixed but it wasn't. I am on multiple medications where before I was on 0.
    But I have a great group of Doctors now. They are worth every penny (almost lol).
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    "People are opposed to Obamacare because for the VAST majority of people in the US the healthcare system is great. We need to fix it for the people it doesn't work for, but not take away what works very well for the majority of people. People are not opposed to fixing what's broken. FOCUS on the ~20% or so that it doesn't work for. "


    When I was younger, my dad had a brain aneurysm. He was in the hospital for six weeks and nearly died. Even with insurance, my parents owed more than 100,000 dollars. They had to file bankruptcy (back then you could file on medical bills). We lost our house.

    The current system works well until anyone gets struck with a catastrophic illness.

    Thank you! I bet you most of the people in this thread don't even read their plan documents. I've seen kids with cancer blow through their lifetime limits (That's right Americans. Some insurance carriers have lifetime limits) in a few months with cancer treatment and drugs and the parents end up with $100K in bills because the insurance stops paying.

    So many American's think they have unlimited insurance. Most of us don't. Most of you would be surprised to learn how rationed your care is here in America. Seriously, ask for a copy of your plan documents.

    My sister broke her neck in a motorcycle accident. Wasn't her or the drivers fault. A car cut them off and grazed the front of the bike. The *kitten* didn't even stop even though two of the other bikers that were with them tried to chase down the car. Anyway, she was in the hospital for about a month and had to have several surgeries. She still ended up getting a bill for $50k.

    What's the point of having insurance if you have to pay gross amounts of money for something that you had no control of?

    Anyway, it sucks that they pick and choose who they want to cover. Someone who is trying to lose weight is more of a risk than someone who drinks and smokes?
  • kikokateyy
    kikokateyy Posts: 136 Member
    According to a few articles I have read, Obamacare will allow 'penalties' for smokers and obese people. I was hoping all this would end in 2014, but it appears it won't.


    Honestly, those have already been in affect for years. This just means now it's sanctioned.

    Hey, I figure if we're all going to be TAXED and therefore get taxed even more when people are overweight... we might as well socialize gyms as well. I think the government should give everyone FREE gym membership. Lets start a petition...

    My gym memebership can be reimbursed thru my benefits plan or if I didnt want that, I can walk to the park that nice running paths and some TRX straps for anyone to use. Depends how you utilize what you have.

    To the OP, great job on losing the weight you already have! I hope the more you lose, you will finally be able to get insured :)
  • raggyanndoll
    raggyanndoll Posts: 176
    These companies are out to make money. Healthcare Insurance is not a social service yet.
    Obese people eat up more costs due to all the health issues they bring upon themselves.

    Once the government takes over, that will ruin healthcare for the healthy while all the resources are drained away to pay for those who do not take care of themselves. It will actually be worse.
    Everybody expects other people to pay their way.
    Few just want to carry their own weight and take ownership of their life as well as their health.

    I agree. It's a hard thing to swallow, but I agree.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    According to a few articles I have read, Obamacare will allow 'penalties' for smokers and obese people. I was hoping all this would end in 2014, but it appears it won't.


    Honestly, those have already been in affect for years. This just means now it's sanctioned.

    Hey, I figure if we're all going to be TAXED and therefore get taxed even more when people are overweight... we might as well socialize gyms as well. I think the government should give everyone FREE gym membership. Lets start a petition...

    My gym memebership can be reimbursed thru my benefits plan or if I didnt want that, I can walk to the park that nice running paths and some TRX straps for anyone to use. Depends how you utilize what you have.

    To the OP, great job on losing the weight you already have! I hope the more you lose, you will finally be able to get insured :)

    That's awesome that they have TRX straps. Heck its hard enough finding a park with a proper high pullup bar. Modern kids equipment is getting harder and harder to adults to use in a useful way; it seems high monkey bars have gone the way of the dinosaur.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    According to a few articles I have read, Obamacare will allow 'penalties' for smokers and obese people. I was hoping all this would end in 2014, but it appears it won't.


    Honestly, those have already been in affect for years. This just means now it's sanctioned.

    Honestly, I know. I am paying a penalty now because the state I live in allows it. But, now it will be sanctioned throughout the USA.
  • kikokateyy
    kikokateyy Posts: 136 Member
    According to a few articles I have read, Obamacare will allow 'penalties' for smokers and obese people. I was hoping all this would end in 2014, but it appears it won't.


    Honestly, those have already been in affect for years. This just means now it's sanctioned.

    Hey, I figure if we're all going to be TAXED and therefore get taxed even more when people are overweight... we might as well socialize gyms as well. I think the government should give everyone FREE gym membership. Lets start a petition...

    My gym memebership can be reimbursed thru my benefits plan or if I didnt want that, I can walk to the park that nice running paths and some TRX straps for anyone to use. Depends how you utilize what you have.

    To the OP, great job on losing the weight you already have! I hope the more you lose, you will finally be able to get insured :)

    That's awesome that they have TRX straps. Heck its hard enough finding a park with a proper high pullup bar. Modern kids equipment is getting harder and harder to adults to use in a useful way; it seems high monkey bars have gone the way of the dinosaur.

    Its awesome, especially when I dont want to stay indoors lol. Plus a few fire halls have adult parks which have a whole shwack of things adults can use to work out. Lol
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    I know, right? When I asked my life insurance company about taking up skydiving, they said they would raise my rates by a factor of 10 if I did! It's so unfair! It's almost like they're running a for profit business that uses statistical models to determine the relative risk of a policy and price the policy premium accordingly! I should totally be able to light my house on fire and get an insurance policy on it while it burns! Maybe we can pass some kind of law for that too!
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    I know, right? When I asked my life insurance company about taking up skydiving, they said they would raise my rates by a factor of 10 if I did! It's so unfair! It's almost like they're running a for profit business that uses statistical models to determine the relative risk of a policy and price the policy premium accordingly! I should totally be able to light my house on fire and get an insurance policy on it while it burns! Maybe we can pass some kind of law for that too!

    Good job reading the replies here, and the fact that I've already lost 60 pounds and they held the fact that I lost weight against me. Way to read!
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    I know, right? When I asked my life insurance company about taking up skydiving, they said they would raise my rates by a factor of 10 if I did! It's so unfair! It's almost like they're running a for profit business that uses statistical models to determine the relative risk of a policy and price the policy premium accordingly! I should totally be able to light my house on fire and get an insurance policy on it while it burns! Maybe we can pass some kind of law for that too!

    Good job reading the replies here, and the fact that I've already lost 60 pounds and they held the fact that I lost weight against me. Way to read!

    Regardless, though, are you saying that you agree that people who have weight problems should be denied medical care? And once they lose the weight, that should continue, because they were once fat? Wow.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I guess all you can do is lose weight and reapply.......use it as inspiration to keep going.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    I know, right? When I asked my life insurance company about taking up skydiving, they said they would raise my rates by a factor of 10 if I did! It's so unfair! It's almost like they're running a for profit business that uses statistical models to determine the relative risk of a policy and price the policy premium accordingly! I should totally be able to light my house on fire and get an insurance policy on it while it burns! Maybe we can pass some kind of law for that too!

    Good job reading the replies here, and the fact that I've already lost 60 pounds and they held the fact that I lost weight against me. Way to read!

    There's that victim mentality. Sigh.

    You've already been told that you can get state high risk insurance.
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    I know, right? When I asked my life insurance company about taking up skydiving, they said they would raise my rates by a factor of 10 if I did! It's so unfair! It's almost like they're running a for profit business that uses statistical models to determine the relative risk of a policy and price the policy premium accordingly! I should totally be able to light my house on fire and get an insurance policy on it while it burns! Maybe we can pass some kind of law for that too!

    Good job reading the replies here, and the fact that I've already lost 60 pounds (my tentative goal) and they held the fact that I lost weight against me. Way to read!

    There's that victim mentality. Sigh.

    You've already been told that you can get state high risk insurance.

    So basically, victim mentality is whenever someone calls something out for not being fair? Fine-- I'm willing to accept being denied now. But if I lose 60 more pounds (my tentative goal) and reapply, I'll still be forced into a high risk pool despite having no health problems and lesser risk of getting them since the fat is gone. I'll do what I have to do, but when the system is broken, it's not victim mentality to call it such.
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