Guys; Who cleans in your house?



  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I do it ALL. Clean, cook, take care of kids (8 yrs and 5 mths) and work full time!!! My husband works out of town and is only home once in a while. It is kind of bullsh*t, but I just do it. He does do the outside stuff if it still needs done by the time he's actually home! Maybe I need a cleaning lady???

    He's actually home today and I'm working, wonder what I'll go home too. He does suprise me by picking things up like once every 6 months.

    Why is that bull****? When he's gone he's cooking for himself and cleaning for himself, just like you do.

    Maybe you should see a marriage counselor. Sounds like you have resentment issues.

    Wow, that was kind of harsh. Maybe you missed the part where she said she does all that AND works full time. Might be a different story if she was a SAHM. Or maybe she just meant that him having to work out of town so much is bullsh!t. When he is gone he is only cooking and cleaning for 1, she is cooking and cleaning for 3 plus working.

    Don't know the situation but just think it is a little harsh to suggest marriage counseling to a total stranger. :noway:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    We pretty much have the pink/blue divide too...I do the food planning/shopping, house cleaning and most of the cooking and he does the yardwork, grills and takes care of any handywork or repairs that need to be done.
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    I do it ALL. Clean, cook, take care of kids (8 yrs and 5 mths) and work full time!!! My husband works out of town and is only home once in a while. It is kind of bullsh*t, but I just do it. He does do the outside stuff if it still needs done by the time he's actually home! Maybe I need a cleaning lady???

    He's actually home today and I'm working, wonder what I'll go home too. He does suprise me by picking things up like once every 6 months.

    I think that you need a cleaning lady! Sounds like you have a lot on your plate.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    I do it all....did it back when I was married as well.
    I cook, laundry, sweep, mop vacuum etc.
    I'm quite the

    Now taking applications from you single hotties:flowerforyou:
  • trm981
    trm981 Posts: 42 Member
    I do all of the cooking, cleaning and laundry. I'm a stay at home mom and my husband works full time as well as goes to school full time. He helps pick up or does the dishes once and awhile, I always appreciate it when he does but I never expect it. I am much happier if he has free time for him to spend it with the kids or relaxing than spend it cleaning. But he does take out the trash and take care of the lawn.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    I do it ALL. Clean, cook, take care of kids (8 yrs and 5 mths) and work full time!!! My husband works out of town and is only home once in a while. It is kind of bullsh*t, but I just do it. He does do the outside stuff if it still needs done by the time he's actually home! Maybe I need a cleaning lady???

    He's actually home today and I'm working, wonder what I'll go home too. He does suprise me by picking things up like once every 6 months.

    Why is that bull****? When he's gone he's cooking for himself and cleaning for himself, just like you do.

    Maybe you should see a marriage counselor. Sounds like you have resentment issues.

    Because he's a slob! The messes I clean up all day everyday, aren't just mine. He could pick up after himself and our child when he is home. If I only had to pick up after myself, cook clean just for me, how easy that would be. And thanks but no thanks for the advice, don't need marriage a councelor! Been together 13 years and are doing just fine! And who the he** are you to judge in that department anyway, you don't even know me, him or our marriage situation. So whatever!
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I pretty much do everything at home -- cleaning (scrubbing, dusting, vacuuming, etc.), laundry, dishes, cooking. I also do all the flower beds (mulching, weeding, edging) and whatever gardening we do.

    My husband will cook SOMETIMES (when the mood strikes him), but usually leaves the kitchen a wreck for me to clean up because we're "sharing" the duties that way. :noway:

    I don't think my husband has cleaned a bathroom since we got married 12 years ago. Come to think of it, he never cleaned his OWN bathroom when he was single. Our cars are cleaned by someone else. We also have someone who mows the lawn, because I was trying to do that myself, too, and it was too much.

    I've always worked (part-time for 6 years when the kids were little, but otherwise full-time). When I returned to full time 2 years ago, he did tell me "Hey, you're gonna be overwhelmed. I'm gonna help out." And he DID. For a few months. Since then, because his family business has been stressful w/the bad economy, he doesn't really help unless I beg. And even then, it depends on if he's "stressed" or not.

    He always tells me he wants me to cut myself some slack, don't do so much...but I don't wanna live in filth, or have our yard look like a wasteland. **sigh*

    I'd be happy if he just picked up after himself regularly! As I've always said -- ain't nothin' sexier to a married woman than a guy cleaning the toilet.

    We also have 2 boys who are 4 and 8. I'm already teaching them how to take care of themselves and do chores. I figure if they help their wives out without being asked, I will have done my job as a mom. :tongue:
  • I think relationships that share responsibility are awesome. I have a few friends like that and I'm always thinking wow, how did I end up in my situation. I do all of the cooking, cleaning, child care, garbage take out, shopping etc. I was working two part time jobs, then only one part time job and now that I'm unemployed for summer and my daughter is old enough to stand outside with me without wandering off I do the lawn mowing as well. I'd love to say in my next marriage (ha ha) that I'll chose more wisely but I'm pretty sure I'm done. If I can do it all by myself I'd rather be by myself.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    that is really terrible, i'm sorry. nothing hurts like feeling disrespected does. can you afford to have help come in? have you had a sit down with the wife about it? do the kids have chores that if they don't do punishment is involved? when i was coming up my parents worked 3 jobs each so all the household cleaning fell on me from about age 8. if i didn't clean the house i did get in trouble. no tv and the like. it made me cranky at the time but as an adult i realize that there is a reason i have clean baseboards ;-)

    eta - sorry i just noticed your profile says you are single. nevermind half of what i just said. LOL

    It is my dad, my brother, his son and I... and no I don't have enough money for help. Sometimes, my cousins come over to help, but pulling teeth is easier to deal with, than them
  • travisseger
    travisseger Posts: 271 Member
    It's a joint effort, probably a 60/40 split, with her doing more. I take care of all the outside yard work, all the floors inside the house, and the master bathroom. She takes care of the living room, dining room, master bedroom, kitchen, other bathroom, and helps the kids with their rooms. We split the laundry pretty evenly. We both cook, and the rule is that whoever doesn't do the cooking that night does the dishes.

    Splitting it up is the only way for us to go. We both work demanding full-time jobs and we have two kids involved in a lot of extra-curricular activities, and are both involved in volunteer endeavors outside of work and home, so if it was left up to one of us it would be an impossible task.

    I think we both appreciate what the other does. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt for me to let her know a little more often though.
  • Easywider
    Easywider Posts: 434 Member
    Me. I'm boarder line 'clean freak'...Especially my bathroom and kitchen.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I only ask, cause I am the only one that cleans here, and it appears no one takes any notice. In fact they just come right on though and mess up everything again..... :? I am not a perfect neat freak, but everything is off the ground and/or put away.

    Want to fix the "no one notices" problem?? Stop cleaning at all for 1 week and see what gets noticed then... Then make them help you catch back up when they say something... right now they prob think some fairy comes in in the middle of the night and poof all is clean!!!

    You know what's scary? I've tried that. And nobody cares, lol. They'd live in a freaking garbage dump if I didn't clean...and I can't stand a dirty house. I'm not a clean freak, but it gets exasperating. As long as the main areas are clean I couldn't care less about the bedrooms...they can drown in their laundry and dishes and whatever else is hiding in their rooms, lol!!!! One day giant dustbunnies will come thundering out looking for food! lol :laugh:
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    Hubby and I both clean. I usually do the bathroom and he usually does the kitchen. Everything else we do together.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    You're asking the internet? Ok you're going to get a whole range of answers!

    I know, it is just something to break from the normal, self-hating, stuff we find here

    how dare you?
    :laugh: I know
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    Bump to read later
  • kariebo
    kariebo Posts: 101
    Realistically.. probably about 75% me and 25% my hubby... although I feel like its all me. I do the majority of the cooking, laundry, vacuuming, scrubbing, bathing of children, and on and on and on... HOWEVER my hubby does do things... I just tend to overlook them because I have either been doing that same job a lot lately. I have started getting my kids to help with work too though.. so soon it should be something like 65% me... 10% kids... 25% hubby --- its a work in progress
  • Ironhead3td
    Ironhead3td Posts: 40 Member
    I'm going to school full time and work part time but I still clean the house. My wife works full time as a nurse at a hospital. I dust, mop vacuum (including two carpeted staircases) and clean the litterbox and bathrooms. She does most of the laundry and grooms the dog. We cooperate to cook, do dishes, and take out garbage and we fold laundry together. Outside I mow and weed wack or shovel snow. She tends the flowers or pushes the snowblower. We both take care of the vegetable garden. If I have more free time I do more so she has to do less and we have more time to do fun stuff together. She appreciates what I do and I appreciate what she does. Pretty much if we see something needing done we do it. We really don't have set chores.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    My boyfriend cleans more than I do, but that doesn't mean I never clean. Maybe he does 2/3 and I do 1/3 of the cleaning. He's pretty obsessive about cleaning though. I clean up after myself of course and do some of the "bigger" cleaning tasks. But he insists on sweeping the floor every day, and then I swear he finds things to clean that don't even exist :p. I do appreciate what he's done though and I make sure I say thank you to him. As well, I try make up for it in other ways (cooking and other stuff).
  • ccburn5
    ccburn5 Posts: 473 Member
    I usually do the deep cleaning and she maintains most of the day to day stuff, laundry is about 50/50, and the trash and animal clean up belongs to my oldest son.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Husband takes out trash, cleans bathroom, cleans/fixes car & bikes & recently has been asked to do his own laundry! Which is a HUGE deal because I've been doing it for three years.

    I cook ALL MEALS, dishes, vacuum on occasion, scrub down kitchen, do my own laundry + towels, and I also take care of all the finances.

    Works out well. My husband has to be asked multiple times to clean up stuff but he does it without whining.