sick of it now



  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    When exercising do you wear a heart rate monitor? If not may be a good idea to purchase one. I use the polar ft7
  • akaporn
    akaporn Posts: 231 Member
    When I review your dairy, I see snack bars, cheese cakes, cookies, Nutella spread.... You havn't even started yet! Got to eat healthy! Yep, eat back 1/2 of your exercise calories. But, it has to be ALL clean calories. These sweet craving thing got to stop. Not all calories are the same. No matter what people say. $10,000 worth of craps is not the same as $10,000 worth of diamond, is it?

    This is just me. Bold and upfront. I'm just gonna stop. If you want to hear more, add me as friend and I'll keep pushing.

    Work harder, eat smarter.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Try less sugar, ice cream, chocolate, cheesecake, etc. You are going over your sugar goal just about every day. Replace with's still sugar which satisfies, but is healthy.
    This. Sugar isn't a breakfast. Eat to fuel your body. I know it's frustrating, but try shifting your macros, and aim for good nutrition.
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    Ive been trying to lose weight since januray this year, and the only time i lost any was in april, when i lost 8 llbs in 3 weeks, this was doing weight watchers, i wasnt eating my full allowence then, and then when it stopped i got told to eat more, so i ate more fruit, still nothing, so then i started to add it all up and i was eating about 1700 a day with the large amounts of fruit i was eating.I know ive had cheesecake and stuff in the last week but it doesnt even budge when i dont and keeping your sugar low is virturally impossible when trying to eat enoug cals. Im not giving up my cereal or fruit, but i had cut down the fruit in the last week.

    Also about 2 years ago, I calorie counted and could eat alot for my 1200 per day, ate lots of fresh fruit and veg and still moved very slowely. Then I was going to the gym about 3 times a week, cardio and weight, no results. Then my body started to change shape and i lost nealry a stone, but it took a long time and in the end i was going tot he gym 5 times a week. My trainer said i was eating to low , he said i should have been eating mor to lose weight.
    So ive been trying to get passed my 168 llbs lowest mark since then and nothing, this is what pees me off. So now i have stopped the gym and im walking alot, try and walk about 2 hours per day if possible and then 30 day shred at home too.Dont say to me to cut the sugar etc, coz if some on here can shove greasy burgers from macdonalds and lose weight then i dont see why i cant have one bit of cheesecake once a week. Dont forget you muscles burn sugar when you exercise, that is the fuel it uses, a dietician told me this.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Only eat back HALF of them. Try that :)
  • Springer007
    Springer007 Posts: 84 Member
    Personally, if you want to lose weight, I think you are eating too much, and possibly over estimating your excercise.
    Are you really walking at 2 mph for 3 hours? or are you tossing out a number of what you think you have walked in a day? Bottom line is: Dont count little every day things (casual walking) as excercise. Its already built in. Like "Cleaning" it may burn some calories but dont try to count that. Just let daily activity be what it may be. Stick to 1400 to 1300 calories a day and dont eat back earned calories unless you need to. Its ok to dip into them if you need to for a little bit.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member

    .Dont say to me to cut the sugar etc, coz if some on here can shove greasy burgers from macdonalds and lose weight then i dont see why i cant have one bit of cheesecake once a week. Dont forget you muscles burn sugar when you exercise, that is the fuel it uses, a dietician told me this.
    best of luck with your weight loss journey.
  • bouchard74
    When I looked at your food diary, I noticed that you skip breakfast a lot and that you barely log any water. I also noticed a lot of heavy sweets (ice cream and cheesecake) and barely any fruit and vegetables. What you eat to get your calories is just as important as how many calories you eat. And if you're not drinking water, that's messing with your digestion process.

    In order to lose weight, I had to up my water intake and cut out red meat and most dairy products. Now, I'm taking a multi-vitamin to make sure I'm getting enough Calcium and Iron. I also try to get most of my calories in during the morning and afternoon when I'm active. I try not to eat anything after 7:oopm. How many of those snacks are are you consuming close to bedtime?
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Ive been trying to lose weight since januray this year, and the only time i lost any was in april, when i lost 8 llbs in 3 weeks, this was doing weight watchers, i wasnt eating my full allowence then, and then when it stopped i got told to eat more, so i ate more

    If WW works, why not stick with it?

    Who told you to eat more? WW or your trainer or people here?
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    Thing is ive done that too, ive cut it all out , Yes I want to lose weight but i dont want it to rule my life, I think i eat healthy, its not prefect but its hugely better than 2 years ago. I dont eat burgers, and sausages, never really eat fries either, Ive cut down my sweet stuff massively. I use to eat cake every day, and i ate about 8 biscuits plus bars of chocolate every day too, there very little of that now.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Less sugar, fewer carbs, more lean protein, more vegetables, more water. Unless you have a thyroid condition or metabolic dysfunction (which are really quite rare), there's no reason you shouldn't be losing weight. You may be fooling yourself into thinking you're exercising more than you really are. You definitely don't eat as healthily as you think you do. See a nutritionist. See a doctor.
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    No offense, but you seem to eat a lot of junk food. Cheesecake, chocolate chip cookies, etc. I'm not completely against snacks, or sugar for that matter, but I would replace those with protein or veggies on a regular basis. Try limiting sugary snacks to once a week.
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    im already doing the IF too.
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    I know this week has had alot more sugar, but it wasnt before. and all im doing is trying to eat more, so ive purposely been eating them just to add calouries. Since now doctors say too much protien is harmfull for your body, ie like the atkins diet.
  • Springer007
    Springer007 Posts: 84 Member
    Dont say to me to cut the sugar etc, coz if some on here can shove greasy burgers from macdonalds and lose weight then i dont see why i cant have one bit of cheesecake once a week. Dont forget you muscles burn sugar when you exercise, that is the fuel it uses, a dietician told me this.

    This is funny, because a diet is what you make of it. Its the purest "game" ever played. At the end of the day its just you and the diet and it plays by the laws of nature. Calories in Vs Calories out. There is no cheating, you only cheat yourself. There is no court to sue someone if you think things are not fair, and nothing free that can be done. You get only what you earn with your blood sweat and tears.

    By this tid bit quote above you can see this is a person is throwing a pitty party for themselves. A little "Uh, Its not fair".
    Just because the food, the portions, and the excercise you chose to log, add up to weight loss, dont mean they are correct or honest. And just because you think you deserve a weight loss, because of what you recorded, does not mean you get it.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    And just because you think you deserve a weight loss, because of what you recorded, does not mean you get it.

    I have to remind myself of that often. Even if you record everything perfectly and your estimates are great, it doesn't happen each week or even each 2 weeks. Sometimes you do it for a month and then BAM drop 4 lbs. at the end. But if you change tack every 2 weeks, you never find out what works and doesn't. Or your weight loss 'catches up' so you assume your new higher calorie level is to thank, when it isn't. But you're so happy to have found The Secret of eating more and losing more so you keep eating more hoping to cause it to happen again. But you just gain so you decide, "I'm broken, NOTHING works for me." And you give up. When all it took from the beginning was basic math and patience.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Two things I noticed. You don't have a lot of weight to lose and you seem to be exercising a lot. When you have very little weight to lose, it comes off slowly. You may be building lots of muscle so while perhaps lbs aren't coming off, inches may be. I hope you have been measuring. Sometimes what is coming off isn't even where you are measuring. I have been getting smaller but measurements aren't really showing much but my clothes are.
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    I know this week has had alot more sugar, but it wasnt before. and all im doing is trying to eat more, so ive purposely been eating them just to add calouries. Since now doctors say too much protien is harmfull for your body, ie like the atkins diet.
    If you're eating sugar simply to hit the calorie goal you think you've earned with exercise, you need to stop exercising! Your exercise calories should not be made up of sugary snacks. They are meant to refuel your body. Sugar doesn't do that.

    Honestly, you have so many excuses. It sounds to me like deep down inside, you may not actually be ready for weight loss.

    Good luck to you. I mean that sincerely. I think you need to do some serious soul searching. And start being honest with yourself.:flowerforyou:
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Add eggs, Greek yogurt, fruit, milk, avocado, if you need to add calories, not cake.
  • orishp
    orishp Posts: 214 Member
    I am sorry but you dont healthy, you may be eating healthier than before but there is lots of room for improvement.
    Try to eat the best and healthiest food, avoid processed foods, cut way down on sugar, cut carbs. You have gotten good advice here, be open to them.

    Sounds to me like you are making lots if excuses.

    And it takes time for your body to react, change something and stick with it for a month, if that doesnt work then try something else

    Is a marathon not a sprint, if you are expecting results overnight you'll fail

    Good luck!