sick of it now



  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I know this week has had alot more sugar, but it wasnt before. and all im doing is trying to eat more, so ive purposely been eating them just to add calouries. Since now doctors say too much protien is harmfull for your body, ie like the atkins diet.

    I find it hilarious that the atkins diet is "harmful". I busted my booty in the gym for 3 months and only lost 7 pounds. I cut carbs ( down to 100g NET per day) and in the last 8 weeks I have lost 14.2lbs :) Do I have trouble getting enough calories? Daily, but I eat the best foods I can, then fill in the gaps with treats. That means that I eat eggs and bacon for breakfast, a huge salad for lunch...tonight I am having "a greasy burger" but without the bun. I already had a low carb "candy bar" and an atkins baked square today, but I might have to have another treat tonight to boost my intake.

    I also drink 12-16 8oz glasses of water a day, despite someone spouting some bro science yeaterday about how I could drown myself from drinking too much.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I know this week has had alot more sugar, but it wasnt before. and all im doing is trying to eat more, so ive purposely been eating them just to add calouries. Since now doctors say too much protien is harmfull for your body, ie like the atkins diet.

    Which doctors was this? Dr. Pepper?

    Your diet is poor as has already been mentioned. The 'protein phobia' on this site is absurd,

    Eat less stuff that comes in a packet and eat more

    Lean meat/fish

    You wil see changes.
  • feast4thebeast
    feast4thebeast Posts: 210 Member
    I think the questions needing to be answered here have already been answered by everyone. The young lady knows exactly what to do to tighten. Good luck :)
  • sroddick
    sroddick Posts: 3

    I hear your pain - been there done that! I remember some great advice a friend gave me "remember when you change your way/habit of eating (especially if you're guilty of yoyo dieting - as I was) your body goes in to starvation mode for some time as it waits for you to change your mind and go back to old ways" Instead it just stalls, does nothing, stagnates until it is convinced you are serioius in your change of eating/exercising and generally fueling the engine. Hang in there doing what you are doing and soon (after a period of time - it can be months depending on if you yoyo dieted in the past) your body will relent and realise you are making a true change.

    All the best sunshine :)
  • BeSophisticate
    Don't be disheartened. 25 days isn't really that long. It was a month before I started seeing any real measurable changes on the scale and I'm still progressing slowly.

    I think it just takes longer for some people to adjust to a new way of eating/exercising, particularly if you've never tried to get fit before or it has been a long time. If you used to spend a lot of effort on fitness, your body will bounce back into it quickly. If you didn't or it's been years, it takes longer for you body to get the hang of it. Give it time and, whatever you do, do NOT compare yourself to anybody else. This is one journey we all must make alone. (But alone plus encouragement through MFP :wink: )
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    Ok, ive looked over my diary over the last 3 weeks and ive noticed the biscuits and cakes are kreeping in again. Before I wasnt eating them at all, I eat very little processed food, yes i have my cereal but i do eat fresh meat, fish and eggs etc. I just havent dont as well as i was before. I do know what Ive been eating, I can see the evidence.When i did ww i was in a group and a life time member said i wasnt eating enough of the points, but like i say, the only thing i could fill up on was fruit, so i ate lots of that, you were alllowed to eat as much as you like so, i probaby ate about 5 peices per day. maybe a little more.
    All you people can see is the bad creeping back in again but i was far better than that before I started loggin on here, i ate fish and chicken and veg, every day, and i lost weight but then it stopped and hasnt moved since, obviouly coz if the one biscuit per day Ive been eating, well maybe 2 at the most.But Ive looked through someone on here dairy and he has lost lots of weight and is always over his sugar, funny how he has lost so much weight and still been over his sugar,Im not going to say who it is but im making a example.

    And it was in the news about eating too much protein as your body cant break it down when your taking to much in.I do fing it hard keeping the carbs under 100 as my one bowl of cereal has about 28grams, then add fruit and maybe a slice fo bread, which i dont eat much of and its over 100.There are carbs in everything and they are unavoidable and shouldnt be avoided all together.I love bananas and look hoe many carbs is in those, and apples. I dont want to eat meat at every meal of the day. Ive stopped eating pasta all together to keep the carbs lower as they are high in cals and carbs, but i guess ive swapped it for the biscuits. I dont eat rice as its too high in cals and doesnt fill me at all.I know what do do, but I also dont want to develop a eating disorder where i cant bare to even think about eating a biscuit or something that isnt so good for me, and i was getting that way, amonth ago. I was getting to into it, and the thought of having a meal out with my hubby was making me feel awfull, and why coz i couldnt control what was going in, so I have went the other way a bit. I just want to find a happy meduim where all this dont eat that its bad for you, lose weight stuff is normal and doesnt control everthing i do.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Try at least two weeks of eating no more than 1500 calories a day and see what happens. Don't eat back the exercise calories unless you need them for energy or hunger. Eating higher fiber foods will help with satiety on that. If you can stick to the 1500 for two weeks without going over let us know what happens. I'm curious! Best of luck to you.

    PS: What is your activity level set at? If you have it set higher, you may be "double counting" your exercise.
  • FeeM1986
    FeeM1986 Posts: 9
    I am in the same boat, i have been eating 1200 cals a day for 2 weeks and doing 3 bootcamp classes a week and still nothing has changed, i am determined to get there but dont know what i am doing wrong.
  • vtpixie
    vtpixie Posts: 39
    Keep with it and don't quite now. I know how you feel with not losing weight. I'm just about to join a gym myself so that I can gain some exercise knowledge from people who know what they're doing.

    When it comes to eating lots of sugar and carbs the only time that's ok is early morning when you have a big day of exercise. I white water kayak and on certain trips we'll make large breakfasts of eggs, bacon, pancakes, fruit, etc just so that everyone has enough energy to make it to lunch. Just make sure those kinds of breakfasts are only on big workout days.

    Make sure you eat some sort of breakfast....yogart is a great breakfast and make sure to snack in between meals (healthy nuts, fruits, veggies, etc.) just be smart about what you're putting in your body. Everyone slips up and I'm definately no exception to that rule so give yourself a break if you eat a slice of cheesecake everyone in a while, but make sure it just doesn't become a habit.

    Chin up and keep at it. Remember you are not alone...we are here for you.
  • vtpixie
    vtpixie Posts: 39
    Ok, ive looked over my diary over the last 3 weeks and ive noticed the biscuits and cakes are kreeping in again. Before I wasnt eating them at all, I eat very little processed food, yes i have my cereal but i do eat fresh meat, fish and eggs etc. I just havent dont as well as i was before. I do know what Ive been eating, I can see the evidence.When i did ww i was in a group and a life time member said i wasnt eating enough of the points, but like i say, the only thing i could fill up on was fruit, so i ate lots of that, you were alllowed to eat as much as you like so, i probaby ate about 5 peices per day. maybe a little more.
    All you people can see is the bad creeping back in again but i was far better than that before I started loggin on here, i ate fish and chicken and veg, every day, and i lost weight but then it stopped and hasnt moved since, obviouly coz if the one biscuit per day Ive been eating, well maybe 2 at the most.But Ive looked through someone on here dairy and he has lost lots of weight and is always over his sugar, funny how he has lost so much weight and still been over his sugar,Im not going to say who it is but im making a example.

    And it was in the news about eating too much protein as your body cant break it down when your taking to much in.I do fing it hard keeping the carbs under 100 as my one bowl of cereal has about 28grams, then add fruit and maybe a slice fo bread, which i dont eat much of and its over 100.There are carbs in everything and they are unavoidable and shouldnt be avoided all together.I love bananas and look hoe many carbs is in those, and apples. I dont want to eat meat at every meal of the day. Ive stopped eating pasta all together to keep the carbs lower as they are high in cals and carbs, but i guess ive swapped it for the biscuits. I dont eat rice as its too high in cals and doesnt fill me at all.I know what do do, but I also dont want to develop a eating disorder where i cant bare to even think about eating a biscuit or something that isnt so good for me, and i was getting that way, amonth ago. I was getting to into it, and the thought of having a meal out with my hubby was making me feel awfull, and why coz i couldnt control what was going in, so I have went the other way a bit. I just want to find a happy meduim where all this dont eat that its bad for you, lose weight stuff is normal and doesnt control everthing i do.

    You can reset your carbs, protein etc in goals. Switch carbs to 40%, protein to 30% and you'll see a big difference.
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    I have only lost 1 pound in 20 something days. Dont give up. It takes time to lose. WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    You really can't compare yourself to other people. Yes, there ARE people who can eat McDonald's and candy bars and lots of other crap and still lose weight. But you are not one of them. It's not fair but what are you going to do? Sue mother nature? If you want to lose weight, lower your processed food intake, drink more water, and really get some regular exercise in. I noticed you included cleaning as exercise a lot, and also your walking speed is inconsistent. Some days it's 2mph, some days it's 3mph, some days it's 5mph. I find I have to walk consistently to see results.

    I know I am not meant to be fat and I dont think you are either. Figure out what works for your body and stick with it.
  • ChaoticMiNd
    ChaoticMiNd Posts: 247 Member
    You look pretty thin in your avi. That said, I think it's harder for weight to come off the smaller you are to start with. Have you taken measurements? The inches may be coming off. *hugs*
  • debjr66
    debjr66 Posts: 10
    Same thing for me, so I joined Quick Weight Loss Center and am now losing everyday.
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    I am 5 9 and 172 to 174 llbs up and down all week long like that. I know i log the cleaning but its activity and its gets me hot so Im moving rather than sitting on my backside all day long.I say again I DO NOT EAT THAT MUCH PROCESSED FOODS. No one can see other than the last 3 weeks of not so good dairy days, but they could have been alot worse.I only want to lose 14 llbs at the most and that will make me thin for my height. I will be happy at that weight, Im not looking to be stick thin and build muscles I just want to get rid of some excess flab.the trouble is if i stop being good, as I think i am, compared to what I would be like not counting then, it will all go to pot and i will gain weight.Ive worked out my bmr and expends for each day and im already eating less than i should be, so itsb not like I am eating too much, I ate at 1200 per day and didnt lose either, so I got told to up it and so i have, Im also doing the fasting for 16hrs and thats why im not having breakfast, simply because you burn more energy during activies done in the last part of the fasting.I feel fine not having breakfast and it not bothering me, but I know Im using some of the cals in the wrong way but this is because , Im told to cut the sugar in fruit, so there you cut, cut cut cut, cut till theres nothing .
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    Ok, ive looked over my diary over the last 3 weeks and ive noticed the biscuits and cakes are kreeping in again. Before I wasnt eating them at all, I eat very little processed food, yes i have my cereal but i do eat fresh meat, fish and eggs etc. I just havent dont as well as i was before. I do know what Ive been eating, I can see the evidence.When i did ww i was in a group and a life time member said i wasnt eating enough of the points, but like i say, the only thing i could fill up on was fruit, so i ate lots of that, you were alllowed to eat as much as you like so, i probaby ate about 5 peices per day. maybe a little more.
    All you people can see is the bad creeping back in again but i was far better than that before I started loggin on here, i ate fish and chicken and veg, every day, and i lost weight but then it stopped and hasnt moved since, obviouly coz if the one biscuit per day Ive been eating, well maybe 2 at the most.But Ive looked through someone on here dairy and he has lost lots of weight and is always over his sugar, funny how he has lost so much weight and still been over his sugar,Im not going to say who it is but im making a example.

    And it was in the news about eating too much protein as your body cant break it down when your taking to much in.I do fing it hard keeping the carbs under 100 as my one bowl of cereal has about 28grams, then add fruit and maybe a slice fo bread, which i dont eat much of and its over 100.There are carbs in everything and they are unavoidable and shouldnt be avoided all together.I love bananas and look hoe many carbs is in those, and apples. I dont want to eat meat at every meal of the day. Ive stopped eating pasta all together to keep the carbs lower as they are high in cals and carbs, but i guess ive swapped it for the biscuits. I dont eat rice as its too high in cals and doesnt fill me at all.I know what do do, but I also dont want to develop a eating disorder where i cant bare to even think about eating a biscuit or something that isnt so good for me, and i was getting that way, amonth ago. I was getting to into it, and the thought of having a meal out with my hubby was making me feel awfull, and why coz i couldnt control what was going in, so I have went the other way a bit. I just want to find a happy meduim where all this dont eat that its bad for you, lose weight stuff is normal and doesnt control everthing i do.

    I'm sorry, but its not "one biscuit per day" that you've been eating. Its the McDonalds french fries, the cheesecake, the scones and cookies and doritios. Yes, some people can eat crap and lose weight. Some people cannot. Don't worry about what other people are eating/doing. You are not them. What works for one will not always work for others.

    Everyone has pretty much given the same advice, to cut out the junk and replace it with something healthier. You can take the advice and try it out for awhile, or you can ignore it and keep doing what your doing. Thats up to you. There is no harm in trying, if it doesn't work, then go back to eating the cookies/cheesecake/fast food.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    I am 5 9 and 172 to 174 llbs up and down all week long like that. I know i log the cleaning but its activity and its gets me hot so Im moving rather than sitting on my backside all day long.I say again I DO NOT EAT THAT MUCH PROCESSED FOODS. No one can see other than the last 3 weeks of not so good dairy days, but they could have been alot worse.I only want to lose 14 llbs at the most and that will make me thin for my height. I will be happy at that weight, Im not looking to be stick thin and build muscles I just want to get rid of some excess flab.the trouble is if i stop being good, as I think i am, compared to what I would be like not counting then, it will all go to pot and i will gain weight.Ive worked out my bmr and expends for each day and im already eating less than i should be, so itsb not like I am eating too much, I ate at 1200 per day and didnt lose either, so I got told to up it and so i have, Im also doing the fasting for 16hrs and thats why im not having breakfast, simply because you burn more energy during activies done in the last part of the fasting.I feel fine not having breakfast and it not bothering me, but I know Im using some of the cals in the wrong way but this is because , Im told to cut the sugar in fruit, so there you cut, cut cut cut, cut till theres nothing .

    So you decided to go to McDonalds this morning to solve this problem? ;) Most processed fattening weight loss hindering food in the universe... just sayin'
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I have looked back over your diary for the last 2 weeks and you are only close to hitting your macros on about half of those day at best, it's time to take some responsibility.

    Go back and work out
    take 20% away that is your new calorie goal EVERY DAY.

    Macros 40% carbs, 35% pro 25% fat.

    Hit them every day without fail, lift some weights 3 times per week and come back in a month. Or you can continue to feel sorry for yourself. I don't mean to be overly harsh but it's the truth.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I will be the one saying it doesn't matter to weight loss what you eat. It matters to other things. But you can lose weight on Twinkies if you have a deficit.

    But I glanced at the calorie totals only from the past week and you seem to average around 1900. I don't recall your size but I couldn't lose at 1900. I burn about that much most days.
  • kayteesb
    kayteesb Posts: 34 Member
    I understand. I hear you! I support you.
    I joined MFP a while back and never really used it at all. I really got on board this year. I don't like to weigh myself at home so I didn't. I stuck to eating better and exercising. Some weeks were better than others. I had some cheat meals too. What I found with me is that mentally I had to be checked in and in a zone in order for me to really focus on burning more calories than i ate. This last month is a good example. I started making simple activities into workouts. I saw some of my MFP pals doing so and I figured I could get a good burn in while doing house work too. So here's what helped me lose my 1st 5lbs:
    I watched my calories (didn't log them as much anymore). I didn't drink calories at all. I prefer to eat them. I had lots of veggies, fruit before 2pm, & lots of protein. I also exercised 4times a week. I also made my weekly chores into a workout. I put on my music, my weighted belt, and went up and down my stairs as much as possible cleaning my house. To pick something up, I did a full squat, bounced a little, then BAM dropped it like it was hot just to get that burn. In 2 weeks I lost 2lbs.
    This is not to say that I mastered anything. I just wanted to try something different and get help from MFP friends to keep me accountable.
    That was 2 weeks ago. With the holiday passed us and the workouts back on, I feel good about my progress and about the burns I get in to burn off the mess I ate over the last couple of days. I will not weigh myself for another few weeks b/c I just don't like the mental thing that seems to happen. I feel like if I get even a small burn in, that is good. SO I am trying to get in the habit of walking every day or at least on the days I do not do CrossFit. That is my new goal. I am taking this 5lbs at a time and I WILL get there just like you will.
    If I look good in my clothes, can see my 3pack forming well, and hear my growl during CrossFit, I feel good!