Celexa- Weight Gain or Loss?



  • keziak1
    keziak1 Posts: 204 Member
    I've been on generic Celexa and Zyprexa for several years now. I tried various times to go off meds but had bad experiences so I've had to admit that I seem to need them. I've been quite overweight since going on these medications but I blame obsessive overeating. Even when on meds I have self-medicated my moods with food. Using MFP was really helping until I got tired of counting calories and went right back to my bad habits. I'm hoping I can finally turn this around.
  • soundasleepx
    I have been put on Citalopram for anxiety and low mood. I'm on my 4th day (will take it tonight before I go to bed). I have so far experienced a feeling of drunkness, dilated pupils, loss of appetite (not really complaining about that one) and as of today an upset stomach. Saying that though, I don't really feel like I'm coping badly with the drug at all, and I have noticed times that I have felt a lot more like myself and in a happier mood, and I think that I'm managing to sleep more deeply at night.
    Despite the decreased appetite I haven't lost any weight as of yet. I have been stuck on 137.0 lbs for a few days now. I am really hoping that I can get back to losing weight within the next few days.

    Edit: One thing I'd like to mention is the fact that I'm not obsessing over food any more. Before I took it, I had food on the brain 24/7 and couldn't wait until the next time I could eat. Now, I can easily go a fair few hours without eating and admittedly forgot to eat breakfast this morning. Not sure if this is seen as a good thing or not - but personally I think it is a good thing, because before I became depressed years ago I didn't particularly have a big appetite. I'm choosing to think of this as my body getting back to normal.
  • fletchleg
    fletchleg Posts: 116 Member
    I was on it for almost 2 years, for the first year and a half I gained somewhere around 30-50lbs (although that was more probably due to comfort/emotional eating issues then the medication itself), once I started eating right and working out the weight came off relatively easily...well around 2-3lbs a week average and when I did the same thing not on the medication I still averaged around the same weight loss. It wasnt really a big issue for me.
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    I have taken several ADs over the years and they are the main reason I am on FP. Fortunately, I got off them years ago. It just took a long time to lose the weight I gained while on them.
    My father is a psychiatrist with a specialty in psychopharmacotherapy (not many doctors have this extra specialization) and has a long explanation for why weight gain happens. I don't remember exactly, but basically over time the AD builds up in the body and leads to carb cravings and increased hunger (or maybe just hunger sensation rather than true hunger). Some are worse than others. I'm not sure how Celexa ranks. It also probably partially depends on how your body reacts to some extent. Some people are probably more sensitive than others.
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    My husband took it and lost on it...

    I lost on prozac, gained on zoloft.

    I'm not taking any meds like that anymore because of the yo-yo weight.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    I have taken several ADs over the years and they are the main reason I am on FP. Fortunately, I got off them years ago. It just took a long time to lose the weight I gained while on them.
    My father is a psychiatrist with a specialty in psychopharmacotherapy (not many doctors have this extra specialization) and has a long explanation for why weight gain happens. I don't remember exactly, but basically over time the AD builds up in the body and leads to carb cravings and increased hunger (or maybe just hunger sensation rather than true hunger). Some are worse than others. I'm not sure how Celexa ranks. It also probably partially depends on how your body reacts to some extent. Some people are probably more sensitive than others.

    So it's a calorie in/out equation still yet. The med may cause more, or less, hunger.
  • mboatman79
    mboatman79 Posts: 1 Member
    This is part of an article I found:

    Studies showed an average weight gain of 15 to 20 pounds with Zoloft, Prozac and Celexa. Paxil appear to have the most significant impact on weight gain of all of the SSRIs and causes weight gains in excess of 20 pounds for the average person taking this antidepressant. Effexor weight gain is not as severe as the weight gain reported with Paxil, Prozac, Celexa and Zoloft. Lexapro appears to have the least weight gain problems of all SSRIs. With Celexa weight gain, it is not the amount of food eaten, but the body’s crippled metabolism. If you have already cut your food intake, have eliminated fatty foods, exercise on a regular basis and you still are gaining weight, your metabolism is to blame. If you are taking Celexa, chances are Celexa is contributing to the sluggish metabolism. The only true solution to Celexa weight gain is not to take Celexa.

    I'm going today to talk to my doctor about getting back on it but after reading this kind of afraid to... I don't want to put on more weight. I just started to lose it... :'(
  • marisbubble
    marisbubble Posts: 1 Member
    I was on Celexa = Citalopram for about a year and a half, I put on 25 pounds, I dieted , would go to the gym Monday thorugh Friday and no matter what I did I still gained. It has been a week since I came off the pill completely and now I am really looking forward to see changes. I will keep you all posted and share my experience for the next couple months. But dont give up guys!!!!!
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    Been on it now for close to 4 months. Have gained weight. Because I have been eating in a surplus...
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    I was on Celexa = Citalopram for about a year and a half, I put on 25 pounds, I dieted , would go to the gym Monday thorugh Friday and no matter what I did I still gained. It has been a week since I came off the pill completely and now I am really looking forward to see changes. I will keep you all posted and share my experience for the next couple months. But dont give up guys!!!!!

    When I took Paxil, I gained something like 25 pounds. When I stopped taking it, I immediately started losing weight. I lost ten pounds in the first month with zero effort. One day I just noticed I was losing weight (clothes were getting loose) so I started weighing myself. I couldn't believe how fast it was. I plateaued after losing the first ten, but then I started exercising and consciously cutting back on how much I ate and I lost the rest of the extra weight pretty quickly and easily.

    Several years later I took Effexor and gained even more weight. I ended up gaining somewhere around 65 pounds! Unfortunately, that time it took years to come off. My metabolism did seem screwed up because the carb cravings continued and exercise did not help at all. However, finally something clicked and the weight started to drop off very easily. (I did gain back 30 pounds which is why I am here, but it has nothing to do with ADs this time!)

    I hope your experience with Celexa is like mine with Paxil!
  • tpr0913
    tpr0913 Posts: 5
    I've been taking citalopram for a week now. I think the weight gain probably comes from carb cravings because I've been very hungry since taking it. I'm watching my calories very closely. I haven't weighed myself, but if there is no change this week then I'll know that it's making me hold on to weight, which more than likely is water weight because you cannot gain fat in a weeks time (at least not from my experience). I'll keep you posted.
  • Activemom111102
    Hi, I am also taking celexa for almost a year now and I workout 6days a week, doing weights as well as cardio in the same day! I am eating healthy always watching what I eat! I am having a hard time losing weight and getting really frusterated because I cut so many things out of my diet more and more, working out like crazy and not losing even a 1lbs! That's why I decided to google it to see if anyone else has this problem! I see it's not just me that has this problem and really want to wean off this stuff!
  • Activemom111102
    OMG!! I read yr post and wanted to say congrats for getting off of it! I have been on it for less than a year but before that I was on Prozac for my depression! I have always been on something for many years, ever since I going through a horrible marriage and than through a divorce. For many years I was in bad shape from the mental and physical abuse! But now I am free of that and in a good relationship and happier now. Ever since I went on this drug I haven't lost a 1bs and workout 6 days a week, doing weights than cardio in same day. Than I tried to do more and more cardio, running 4miles a day or doing insanity with only two days of weights! I love to workout but trying to lose 5 to 10lbs of baby weight from my son. I was actually gaining weight, not a lot but a few lbs. I was really frustrated and my diet was not bad at all, and now I cut a lot out and eating very healthy and still not losing anything!! So frustrating!!!! I want to wean off as well, but really nervous! I know everyone has different side affects to it but I am really nervous!!! I hope I am able to do it without as many side affects! But I guess time will tell! So congrats!!!
  • Activemom111102
    I have been taking for 8 or 9 months too and I am fitness freak, and have not lost a 1lbs! I've been working out for a long time and never had this problem ! I actually started to think if I had thyroid problem but had it checked and I'm fine? So I stepped up my workouts, lifting weights with p90x and than after I go for long 4mile run or do insanity workout! I also started counting calories and no weight loss, now I am eating very healthy cutting more and more stuff out of my diet to lose weight! Went to doctor and actually gained 1lbs! Yes, muscle weighs more than fat and everyone keeps reminding me, but I've studied fitness for years and I get it! But I've changed my diet to reduce weight and tone up and still nothing!!! Yes, I'm very frusterated!!! I want to wean off in worst way but worry of side affects! I work so hard working out and eating right, not to be super skinny but to lose 5lbs and tone! I wish I never went on this crap!! I am going to do my best to wean off it it messes to much with my metabolism!
  • Activemom111102
    This is crazy!!! I had gotten food poisening and was so sick throwing up, ended up in hospital didn't eat for three days and lost 1lbs! Absolutely nuts this celexa is crap!!! I posted before I eat right, wrkout twice day doing weights and cardio and have been working out almost all my life! I've never had such a hard time losing weight before I got on celexa!!!! I'm trying to get back to doctor to switch but it's like pulling teeth to get in earlier than my appointment day !!! Ridiculous!!! I might just go In personally and demand to see doc! Crazy!!!!
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    This is crazy!!! I had gotten food poisening and was so sick throwing up, ended up in hospital didn't eat for three days and lost 1lbs! Absolutely nuts this celexa is crap!!! I posted before I eat right, wrkout twice day doing weights and cardio and have been working out almost all my life! I've never had such a hard time losing weight before I got on celexa!!!! I'm trying to get back to doctor to switch but it's like pulling teeth to get in earlier than my appointment day !!! Ridiculous!!! I might just go In personally and demand to see doc! Crazy!!!!

    Do you even log your calorie intake?
  • Noweightloss
    I had just googled celexa and weight gain as I have been on it for about 7 months and have recently been training hard to drop a few pounds. For years past I could easily drop body fat and tone up when I would put my mind to it, it is typical for me to gain some weight over summer with beers and BBQ generally up to about 205 and in the past I could easily get back down to 190 by cleaning up my diet and cranking up the intensity of my work outs but not this year while taking celexa. My waist is larger right now than it has ever been and I decided it was time to knock a couple inches off , instead waist has increased and the scale is going the wrong direction.

    Thanks for some of your posts, I just joined tonight so I could chime in, after reading some posts where others are having the same weight struggle as me. I believe my issue is I can't seem to kick my metabolism into gear as I have always done in the past , I am dropping the celexa cold turkey now and will update with results in case anyone is interested