Kindle stolen from gym. I feel too angry to return

Hi guys,

My Kindle Fire was stolen from my apartment complex gym on Monday. While I've forced myself to go each time since, I feel so angry when I get in there. I push myself hard, but I feel like the whole experience ruins my day. I mean, just knowing the jerk who stole my property is using the same equipment as me, it just feels like a slap in the face. Has anyone every had anything stolen at the gym? How did you get over the anger and negative emotions? How did you rebuild a positive feeling about being in the gym?


  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I can't imagine feeling that way. It sucks, but you would expect it if you weren't watching over it.

    I have gotten stuff stolen out of my house, car, gym bag, desk at work, my back yard,...I guess I'm used to stupid losers stealing stuff.

    I just look at it like this: I probably did something in my past to deserve it. I didn't really need it. And, they needed it more than I did. Done. Resolved. Nothing will ever bring it back. Forget it. Move forward.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i'm sorry.

    it's an expensive lesson to learn.
  • sophie428
    sophie428 Posts: 27
    I just look at it like this: I probably did something in my past to deserve it. I didn't really need it. And, they needed it more than I did. Done. Resolved. Nothing will ever bring it back. Forget it. Move forward.

    Such a good attitude. Just let it go.
  • Graciecny
    Graciecny Posts: 303
    Sorry to hear about your Fire! Have you changed your Amazon password? My Fire has one-touch payment with no password protection for each purchase (a big security issue if it is lost or stolen) and I'd be really worried about someone charging up a storm if it disappeared! Also, try contacting Amazon customer support, as I've heard they can disable a stolen Kindle device so it is basically useless. It would be a tiny bit of revenge on whoever stole it. :angry:
  • pittskaa
    pittskaa Posts: 319 Member
    i would be really mad if that happened to me. at least now youll know to be more careful with things at the gym. when i was 16 and joined the gym I got $60 stolen out of my purse, now I always make sure that I bring a lock or leave credit cards/cash at home.
  • ladybug8814
    ladybug8814 Posts: 41 Member
    Never let someone have that much power over you to control your emotions like that. Becaue trust me the person that stole your kindle from you isn't stewing about it.

    Of course it is a loss and that doesn't change your feelings. What I am suggesting is work through the feelings, don't stop going to the gym, and when you get angry depending upon your belief system know that what comes around goes around. Whether you think God will get even for you, Karma will play it's roll or something else. Just don't let this one thing defeat you from going to the gym. Work on when you have that feeling of anger replace it with another feeling. Maybe one of empowerment because you are at the gym and it will make you strong each time you go.

    Good luck. And realize that bad things happen to good people all the time. :flowerforyou:
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    People suck!:sad: :sad: :grumble:
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    I know it sucks to have stuff stolen...sorry.

    But I have to wonder where you left it. Was it sitting out? I know when I go to the gym, I grip everything I come in with with an iron fist.

    I agree with changing the password and everything. You can probably report it stolen to Amazon and while they won't send you a new one, they can at least figure out where it is.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Where was your Kindle when it was stolen?

    How large is this Gym?

    How many people were in it at the time?
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Definitely make sure you log into your account, DE-AUTHORIZE that kindle, and change your password. Then get in touch with them to report the kindle stolen.

    I'm not sure how it got stolen, but people have expensive equipment at the gym (phones, iPods, kindles etc.) and keeping a close eye on them is pretty crucial.

    A kindle, like a phone, is something that is difficult for someone to use once it's been stolen because it is tied to another person's account and it's easy enough to completely deactivate. Whoever stole it is either a real idiot, or perhaps they turned it into the lost & found?
  • zombiefarmboy
    zombiefarmboy Posts: 222 Member
    That does suck, because you've probably got the feeling every time you go there and there are other people there that "One of you ****ers" took my ****!" At least, that's what I'd be thinking.
  • joe7880
    joe7880 Posts: 92 Member
    Sorry to hear that your Kindle went missing but don't rush to judgment that the person who found it acutally stole it. I would post a note about the missing Kindle or maybe even call the apartment complex's main office to see if it was dropped off with them. Maybe a good person found it and decided to hold it for safe keeping?
  • kel_bucs99
    kel_bucs99 Posts: 12
    :happy: I recently had my car broken into and they stole my GPS, my iPod Touch, and the kids DVD player. People are horrible and hateful sometimes. The only thing you can do is tell yourself that you're better than them because you would never stoop that low. You are a better person and in the end YOU'RE the winner. Keep pushing girl! Don't let something like that bring you down!
  • MamasitaHerrera
    MamasitaHerrera Posts: 1 Member
    I teach swimming lessons at my gym. someone stole my (very expensive) swimming suit from behind my back. i bought a new one and went back the next day, can't let something so petty take hold of your life and ruin your gym experience. if you do, the thief wins again.
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    That sucks.

    Not letting someone have power of you of course is easier said than done, and it will get easier with time, but of course you are angry. I have no words of wisdom to give to you except give it some time.

    I haven't had anything stolen from me, but I lost a diamond bracelet once at Christmas time, I know where I lost it, too - a hotel parking lot where our staff Xmas party was. No one ever returned it, and it was never located in the lot. I know someone out there is enjoying it. Sometimes it made me boil over, that they found it and kept it, or gave it to someone, knowing it was of value (monetary and otherwise) to someone, but sometimes I just have to say to myself well if they wanted it that much, that they are going to stoop to something so low, then they can have it.

    I believe in Karma, and although you may never see it's retribution, it'll be there one day.

    Just know that you are a better person, it just sucks that sometimes bad things happen to good people.
  • iroze
    iroze Posts: 78 Member
    So sorry to hear this! My Zumba teacher had her purse stolen during class once, money and all inside, keys included. I can't imagine how she feels coming back to teach knowing one of the people in her class has done it.
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    Continue to go to the gym as you have been.

    When the negative feelings hit - turn them into a positive. Such as, "I'm getting fit and strong so that if I ever find the jackhole that stole my Kindle I can pummel them into squishy bits."

    See? Don't you feel better?
  • katatak1
    katatak1 Posts: 261 Member
    Sorry to hear about your Fire! Have you changed your Amazon password? My Fire has one-touch payment with no password protection for each purchase (a big security issue if it is lost or stolen) and I'd be really worried about someone charging up a storm if it disappeared! Also, try contacting Amazon customer support, as I've heard they can disable a stolen Kindle device so it is basically useless. It would be a tiny bit of revenge on whoever stole it. :angry:

    Yes, it's been deactivated and I've filed a police report. It's probably in the trash somewhere. I changed all my passwords though. Nothing has been charged to any of my accounts.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Where was your Kindle when it was stolen?

    How large is this Gym?

    How many people were in it at the time?

    ^^ This was my thought too. First, I'm sorry that happened to you. Back to these questions: My apartment complex gym isn't huge. I can see everyone who is in it. So, if something of mine went missing, I would know who the potential suspects are.