Kindle stolen from gym. I feel too angry to return



  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    It is always upsetting when you lose something, but you lost it rather than have it stolen.

    We you leave something that is valuable unattended, blaming the person who picked it up is unfair when it was your own negligence that got the Kindle stolen. Unfortunately modern society in general is in decline, good samaritans are a dying breed and a lot of people would rather keep things they find for themselves. We must rely on our own vigilance and common sense to keep the things we treasure safe.

    Like people have said you need to either lock it up or leave it at home, or don't let it leave your sight.

    so because you leave your wallet on the dresser in the morning, it's okay for your kids to go in and take all your cash?

    Give me a freaking break! Most ridiculous post-you win!

    Just because someone leaves something sitting, doesn't give someone a free ticket to take something that doesn't belong to them. Get real. You leave your car parked somewhere all the time. Is that a ticket for some thief to take it?
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    you could get nitroglycerin paste get another cheap or broken electronic device and smear the paste onto it, leave it in the same area and let the guy/girl steal it again, they'll have the worst headache of their life and probably want to die and the revenge will make you feel better :) My mom talked about doing it to our halloween pumpkins one year, haha she is evil

    edit to say: I am of course kidding........but man wouldn't it be sweet

    I'm so glad you edited! LOL I was going to respond with, yeah, poisoning someone is never a good idea.

    I'm sorry about your Kindle Fire. It sucks that other people are so greedy and opportunistic in this world.
  • Jtorres326
    Jtorres326 Posts: 157 Member
    Not to be an *kitten*, but why is your kindle at the gym with you when your gym is in your apartment complex?? Couldn't you have just left it in your apartment?

    Granted, it's an unfair situation, we should have free enjoyment of our items anywhere, but others don't allow this to be. When I go to the gym i have my keys, my gym membership, my ID, health insurance card, phone and water on me. If I have more on me, they get locked up-plain and simple. Someone could still theoretically cut my lock and take my crap, but sh&t happens. We build a bridge and Get over it. If I'm working out, I don't have time for a kindle or a magazine. If you're working out at an intensity where you can still read, you're lolly gagging.

    Sorry, but I'm blunt. Sucks that it was stolen, but it could've (mainly) been prevented. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    That stinks. I can see why you're angry. It's not easy just to let it go...why not post some signs with a small reward?

    Someone honest might notice that someone else in their family / apartment has a mysterious new Kindle.
  • abbybean11
    abbybean11 Posts: 122 Member
    It sounds like, since the gym was empty, it was wasn't so much "stealing" as it was "finders keepers." Did you ask the person who was working at the front desk if they'd found it?

    A solution to your anger: anger management classes?
  • karlichelle18
    karlichelle18 Posts: 13 Member
    don't take this in a bad way, but I'd find a qualified counselor to talk about, to get to the source of your real anger. That's a disproportionate amount of anger to feel over your fire. I have one, I understand, I'd be mad too, but your angers gotta have a shelf life, and a quick one at that. We spend so much time fussing over our exteriors, do yourself a favor and fuss over your mind a bit. a counselor can be a wonderful way to get mind in tune with body and goals. :)
  • jimmeezwyf
    jimmeezwyf Posts: 140 Member
    Sorry that happened! I know the feeling of not wanting to go back to the gym I frequented. I'll share...It was a very slow and quiet morning at the gym, I had my gym card/scan thingy on a lanyard that I really liked. I accidentally left it in the women's weight area and I saw the gym manager walk through there (he was the only one to walk through there) as I got onto the elliptical. I noticed 15 minutes later as I got off the elliptical that I didn't have my lanyard/card. I realized I left it by the weights I was using in the women's area. I went over there and it was gone. I figured the manager picked it up and was holding it. I then went to the manager, who then tells me he didn't find anything and to replace the card it would be $10. After that I was so disgusted I left that gym and never went back.
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    That really blows- sorry. I've had a few things stolen before and it sucks but don't let it deter you from your fitness goals.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    umm, i would question why it wasn't with you, but I'm sure you might have felt it was secure. never the less, you know now. i've had money at the most stolen from me in large sums from a purse/backpack on different occasions, which is one reason i don't carry cash anymore unless i really have to.

    i say this, there are always deterrents when you try and lead a new healthy lifestyle, for me, it was a knee issue for a couple months, and that got 100% better and now it's a foot issue, which i'm still working on. just think of it as your trial, and keep pushing towards success, and going to that gym.
  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member

    steal [steel] Show IPA ,verb, stole, sto·len, steal·ing, noun
    verb (used with object)

    1. to take (the property of another or others) without permission or right, especially secretly or by force: A pickpocket stole his watch.

    You really need to give up while you're behind.

    All you have proven is that it could be either stolen or lost, there is always more than one action to a theft. Negligence is as important as the act of theft.

    Again, incorrect. There's no question that it was stolen. She knew right where she left it, so by the very definition of the words, it was stolen. The best you can try is that she lost it due to it being stolen.

    There isn't always more than one action to a theft. Shoplifting, for example, unless you think all stores are negligent by displaying the products they sell, which would be ridiculous, considering the amount of money spent each year on theft deterrent systems.

    If you're trying to say the blame should be equally shared, I'd have to say that if common sense were really that common, more people would have it & you wouldn't keep failing at this discussion, because nearly every adult knows right from wrong. If they choose to be a criminal, that's their fault, not the person who owns the items they steal.

    How many more straws are you going to grasp at?
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    It figures that there are so many people blaming the victim. Has anyone ever had the unfortunate circumstance of witnessing firsthand the way a rape victim is treated?

    It's awful.

    As for "it's ridiculous to take it with you because it's at your complex" what the hell? It's no more ridiculous than taking it to ANY gym. Some people like to keep busy while they work out. I take my Nook, phone, and iPod to the BEDROOM to ride my stationary bike. And switch between the three of them.

    Helps pass the time no worse just because the gym is at the complex. Duh.
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    My 17 year old son left his laptop on a bench by mistake. Infuriated me when he said it was "stolen" because frankly, what do you expect when you leave expensive electronics laying around in public? I would expect it to be gone the minute I turn my back. He had to buy his own new laptop. Lesson learned. This is why I lock my home, car, and gym belongings up.
  • tygwyn2
    tygwyn2 Posts: 3
    Not much of a conselation. But I think you are in the USA...The cost of Electronic Goods here in the UK is so much higher.
    I know its not the cost of the kindle more the violation of trust but look on it as a lesson learned.
  • katatak1
    katatak1 Posts: 261 Member
    Not to be an *kitten*, but why is your kindle at the gym with you when your gym is in your apartment complex?? Couldn't you have just left it in your apartment?

    Granted, it's an unfair situation, we should have free enjoyment of our items anywhere, but others don't allow this to be. When I go to the gym i have my keys, my gym membership, my ID, health insurance card, phone and water on me. If I have more on me, they get locked up-plain and simple. Someone could still theoretically cut my lock and take my crap, but sh&t happens. We build a bridge and Get over it. If I'm working out, I don't have time for a kindle or a magazine. If you're working out at an intensity where you can still read, you're lolly gagging.

    Sorry, but I'm blunt. Sucks that it was stolen, but it could've (mainly) been prevented. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

    I know and understand all this. Lesson learned. My real quest is how to get over it. BUT, I had a purpose for having it there. I watch things on my kindle while running. So, I'm not lolly gagging, because I'm not reading. I'm watching and listening. I also listen to music on my kindle. I set it aside to move on to weights. It's my own fault, I don't deny that. But I'm trying to learn how to get over it and not be angry when I enter the gym. Right now, I just seethe with anger as soon as I pass through those doors. *That's* what I'm trying to change. Nothing else.
  • LazyHairyBear
    LazyHairyBear Posts: 35 Member
    It is always upsetting when you lose something, but you lost it rather than have it stolen.

    We you leave something that is valuable unattended, blaming the person who picked it up is unfair when it was your own negligence that got the Kindle stolen. Unfortunately modern society in general is in decline, good samaritans are a dying breed and a lot of people would rather keep things they find for themselves. We must rely on our own vigilance and common sense to keep the things we treasure safe.

    Like people have said you need to either lock it up or leave it at home, or don't let it leave your sight.

    so because you leave your wallet on the dresser in the morning, it's okay for your kids to go in and take all your cash?

    Give me a freaking break! Most ridiculous post-you win!

    Just because someone leaves something sitting, doesn't give someone a free ticket to take something that doesn't belong to them. Get real. You leave your car parked somewhere all the time. Is that a ticket for some thief to take it?

    Why should we as people not take responsibility for our own actions and mistakes?

    Why should we be allowed to give temptation to these people through negligence and not have to pay the consequences?

    Why should we take the moral high ground and hide behind their actions while ignoring our own?

    If you leave your wallet on the dresser in a PRIVATE residence where you can control who has access to it is a very different thing than leaving it in a public area where anybody has access to it. That is a parenting issue.
  • katatak1
    katatak1 Posts: 261 Member
    you could get nitroglycerin paste get another cheap or broken electronic device and smear the paste onto it, leave it in the same area and let the guy/girl steal it again, they'll have the worst headache of their life and probably want to die and the revenge will make you feel better :) My mom talked about doing it to our halloween pumpkins one year, haha she is evil

    edit to say: I am of course kidding........but man wouldn't it be sweet

    Genius. I love it! Since you live in the area, uh... you're gonna do this for me, right? fingerprints and all... lol. Thanks for the pick me up :)
  • katatak1
    katatak1 Posts: 261 Member
    That stinks. I can see why you're angry. It's not easy just to let it go...why not post some signs with a small reward?

    Someone honest might notice that someone else in their family / apartment has a mysterious new Kindle.

    Not allowed to post signs
  • Jtorres326
    Jtorres326 Posts: 157 Member
    It figures that there are so many people blaming the victim. Has anyone ever had the unfortunate circumstance of witnessing firsthand the way a rape victim is treated?

    It's awful.

    While theft makes someone feel violated, as a rape SURVIVOR, I would NEVER compare theft to rape. I would never wish that on anyone to feel the violation, mental, physical anguish or being raped. NOTHING COMPARES TO THAT. So stop it.
  • ayelose
    ayelose Posts: 1 Member
    I had my bicycle stolen, reported it, grand larceny. Security review the video of the guy scoping out all the bicycles, strolling back to mine, bending down (concealing he was cutting the lock) and riding away. Unfortunately not a good face shot.

    Thousands of miles on this bike - THOUSANDS. Deeply depressed for a week. Then I realized the jerk was still stealing from me. Time to get over it so I bought a new bike. Although I’m still upset, things happen, move on. I hope you can too.
  • Jtorres326
    Jtorres326 Posts: 157 Member
    Not to be an *kitten*, but why is your kindle at the gym with you when your gym is in your apartment complex?? Couldn't you have just left it in your apartment?

    Granted, it's an unfair situation, we should have free enjoyment of our items anywhere, but others don't allow this to be. When I go to the gym i have my keys, my gym membership, my ID, health insurance card, phone and water on me. If I have more on me, they get locked up-plain and simple. Someone could still theoretically cut my lock and take my crap, but sh&t happens. We build a bridge and Get over it. If I'm working out, I don't have time for a kindle or a magazine. If you're working out at an intensity where you can still read, you're lolly gagging.

    Sorry, but I'm blunt. Sucks that it was stolen, but it could've (mainly) been prevented. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

    I know and understand all this. Lesson learned. My real quest is how to get over it. BUT, I had a purpose for having it there. I watch things on my kindle while running. So, I'm not lolly gagging, because I'm not reading. I'm watching and listening. I also listen to music on my kindle. I set it aside to move on to weights. It's my own fault, I don't deny that. But I'm trying to learn how to get over it and not be angry when I enter the gym. Right now, I just seethe with anger as soon as I pass through those doors. *That's* what I'm trying to change. Nothing else.

    I understand, as I use my phone the same way. Channel that anger into your workout. Let the person know they didn't break you by what they did. Actually, consider the discomfort they may feel seeing you there. It may actually be empowering for you.