sahm 9/14-9/20

:flowerforyou: here's this week's thread.
i know lettuce is still recovering so i thought i'd get this week's going.

this is an open group. we don't do official weigh-in's but we are here to support and cheer. you can post about wt, health,fitness,parenting, etc. we're not picky! :laugh:

welcome and add to the conversation!


  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning! I hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine was good. I got to see one of my best friends who I haven't seen in years on Saturday! She came over with her niece for a cook-out.
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Thanks Stacey!!! Yes, I am slowly getting better....still tire very easily but am finally making it out of the house.

    Today is crazy...take one kid to the dentist in AM (already done), dog to vet (she hurt her paw but hubby is taking her:heart: ), taking Caden to the pediatric urologist this afternoon and it is the 2nd grader's Back to School Night tonight....sigh!

    I have a feeling I won't get to even come close to any kind of exercise until next week :angry: but at least I still don't have much of an appetite :smile:

    I am being good and trying to drink my water so I can at least flush out my sinuses and I use a netti pot. It is icky but it works.

    Everyone have a good day and a great week. I have missed you all :heart:
  • angl421
    good evening all.

    i can't complain about today. tomorrow going to try to include more veggies.

    what does bump mean?
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi ladies! lettuce, i'm glad you are recovering. and exercise will still be there next week. :wink: you do have a busy day!

    angl--bump means to post a reply to a topic just to get it back to "active". makes it a recent topic again. usually for important threads that address faq's. or people bump a thread so that it will show up in their "my topics" and they can read it later when they have time.

    at least i think that's the thinking with it all.

    well, i rvwd my food diary for last week--and i ate a lot of CRAP. the snak sak, the pepp farm cookies, mc'd on thur, challah french toast (and not just 1 piece), more brownies, and too much pasta too. def. feeling it today. my lumpy tummy is not please with me. and i was dragging this am. cdn't really do a workout. soooo
    i have the challah rising and so i will now exercise. with just 3 weeks to go, i do not want to undo my hard work. !!! i just have to make better food choices not just m, t, w, but all thru the week!!

    enough complaining. gotta exercise! good day to you all! :heart:
  • angl421
    good morning ladies.

    started my day(after everyone left for school) with a yoga class. feeling good.
    hope it lasts for the rest of the day.

    does anyone want to do a weekly habit(ie 6 fruit/veggie a day) or a challange(?) with me?

    i am open to suggestions - i have alot of areas that need improvement and i am looking to change my bad habits, not "just" lose weight.

    stacey thanx for the bump explanation - never would have guessed that one
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning!

    Angl, I would love to do a weekly habit change/challenge with you. I have a lot of bad habits to change too. And I know changing those bad habits will help me lose weight, but changing those habits is not easy.
  • angl421
    what should we choose as this weeks habit?
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    stating it here

    must do abripperx 3x this week
    #1 done
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    my habit would be no cookies, brownies, etc till Rosh Hashanah

    and drink my water!!!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    I think mine should be to drink my water too. I was so good with it for so long, and all it took to get out of the habit was 1 weekend! :grumble:

    I am glad that all the brownies are finally gone! :happy: No, I didn't eat them all. :laugh: But someone got rid of them for me!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    it does help not to have them there!

    i should add--b/c my "due" date is so near--i will not eat any more frosted flakes (even if they are reduced sugar) for the rest of this week!
    i never have just a little so it's none for me.

    there will be enuf yummies this weekend that i just have to eliminate it for the week.

    today's not really a cooking day. just making meatloaf for dinner.
    so, it will be a cleaning day. while i enjoy cleaning to some extent, i am so not looking forward to it today. i'm just telling myself--do the bathrms, then the next and the next. hopefully i won't have to re-do stuff on friday, but if so then so.

    alright. time to finish bf and then off to gymboree and the library. and then THE CLEANING muwahahaha
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Hey are things?

    I would love to do a challenge to even though I am still not quite feeling totally well....I could sleep today.
    I need to drink my water too! That is the hardest thing for me to do:grumble:

    My little guy starts pre-school today :sad: Can't believe he is that old already. At least this will start giving me a little free time 2x a week but I am going to volunteer at the elementary school too.

    Can't wait to get back to running and working out...miss it but know not to push myself yet.
  • angl421
    i'm in.

    not one of the habits i struggle with alot as far as getting in my 8 glasses.but i STRUGGLE with choosing water over diet drink. once i start with diet drinks water goes by the wayside.

    b4 mfp - drinking THREE 1.5 liter bottles of diet peach tea in a day was not unusual for me.
    sometimes it seemed like the more i drank the thirstier i became.

    when i stick to water, 8 glasses seem to quench my thirst just fine (barring outdoor activity in the heat).

    it is definetly a habit i need to solidify.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    lettuce--i know it's bittersweet.... i'm so glad i still have one guy at home. i'm so not ready to give up that part of my identity--where you structure everything around little one's habits/schedule etc. i know it's pathetic, but i still need to be needed. this is why i carry him to and from drop-off everyday for his sisters' line-ups. he still likes to be held and soon enuf he'll be too big and/or won't want to be. :indifferent:

    have i cleaned yet? no. i folded laun, emptied the dishwasher and am cooking meatloaf (cheeseburger meatloaf w/chili sauce on top--new recipe for me). and then i have to wash last night's pots. and then??

    how are all of you doing today?? i'm at 5 glasses of water. you??

    what good things happened today?
    i got a reduced price on our hotel stay for our chgo trip! i was hoping to just get a price match but the manager went and dropped the price even more. so i just saved my family $100--so proud of myself!

    alright--signing off. tell us your happy news! :flowerforyou:
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hello! I'm doing pretty good. It's after dinner now, and I'm only over my calories by 264. I'm at 5 glasses of water, and I think I can get the rest in before bed. I also walked up to get the kids from school. And since I've noticed a discrepancy between cals burned on the treadmill and cals burned in the exercise database, I went ahead and walked 0.7 miles on the treadmill to find out how many cals I've been burning walking to the school. I've walked 2.1 miles total today. :happy:

    My biggest concern right now is snacking later.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    over my cals by 605--and that's even with having exercised!

    that meatloaf put me OVER. and it wasn't much better than reg mtloaf and way more cals per slice (500!). worth experimenting but won't be making it again.

    also, i was feeling sooo hungry so i overate. gotta do a better job in the afternoon to get the food that's good for me when i need it.

    if you get hungry amy--grab a fruit and water first or a vege and water. then if still not satisfied try a TB of pnut butt. and then get in bed! :)

    good job on your 2miles! that's great!

    time to finish putting munchkins to bed. i'm tired too. :flowerforyou:
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Well, I didn't eat a snack, but dh made tequila sours tonight. We don't drink often, but for some reason, the times we do seem to be times I'm already over on my cals. At least my sodium level was only over by about 150. I didn't get all my water in today. I'm short by 1, which considering how I've been lately, I'm happy about that.

    Well, signing off for the night. I'm beat!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member

    Where is everyone? It must be a busy day for all of us.

    I'm doing pretty good on my cals today. Concerned about snacking later since dh had to go to Atlanta for a conference. He'll be back late Friday. I'm no where near drinking all my water, but I will try to get it in instead of snacking.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    we're here! we're here!
    it was a busy day with very little time spent at home. but a GOOD day just the same.
    rt now the kids are watching stuart little 2. ahh...quiet

    i'm only over by 130 so i'm good with that. i didn't log my 40min of mopping so i'm probably even. and i need to have a lot more water.

    amy, what else can you do to help you not snack? take the computer to the living room and play games? play solitaire? organize some photos?
    what do you like to do to relax that will keep your hands occupied?
    i know it's hard...

    alright, gotta get organized for tomorrow. stay strong and i'll see you then! :flowerforyou:
  • angiered
    angiered Posts: 169 Member
    Ohh...Can I jump in? :)