Really bugs me when...



  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    To each, their own. Why rant about something that has ZERO affect on your life? Just to rant? And you put it for all to see... this is one of the reasons people are super critical of themselves on here. It's because *****es like you bully them in the public forums about what peeves you about them.

    People are here to change their life.... sometimes people slip and eat fast food. And people like to show off their best assets, albeit it's not my style. But if you're an overweight female, your tits have probably been your best asset for a while. And people hitting on you FEELS GOOD and builds your confidence. Why is it any of your business? And for that matter, where do you get the audacity to criticize others?

    Smells like shark week to me.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    When people go to a fast food joint get the higest calorie meal and then order a diet coke....REALLY...I'm just saying though!

    I prefer the taste of Diet Coke.

    That being said, it makes me laugh inside when people at work order a venti drink with 8 pumps of caramel, but it HAS to be skinny milk.

    Between skimmed and semi skimmed, there's about a difference of ten or so calories.

    Each pump of syrup = 20 calories. 20 x 8 = 160. Might as well have stayed with semi and dropped some pumps.
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    I'm pissed no one has mentioned bacon once.....
  • b1delane
    b1delane Posts: 261 Member
    :huh: People are holier than thou for explaining why people get diet drinks with fast food?

    Now Here you go...are you the few who prefer Diet?
  • b1delane
    b1delane Posts: 261 Member
    Methinks thou do protest to much!!:wink: All the people on here starting mess with people about their rant: Did you happen to read the topic before you decided to add your 2 cents? If not here you go and I quote..."Really bugs me when...". Now all of you know from this topic there is bound to be some negativity floating around somewhere on this forum topic, so my question to you is why bother clicking on the topic in the first place unless you just want to upset yourself? Everyone has pet peeves! So fast food or skimpy clothes aren't your specific one HURRAY to you! Let people rant to their hearts content, as long as it doesn't directly effect your daily life and goals why worry? Just skip over this topic and find another that satisfies your desires for conversation.
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    I say if diet pop is helping save someone calories in the here and now it's a small, good change. I think pop shouldn't be regularly consumed either, but I'll cheer someone on if they drink diet as a conscious effort to save calories. Much like I would be excited for someone who only drank 2 cans of pop today instead of 4 or 6. ****I'm not fighting or arguing with anyone about the rightness/wrongness of their stance on pop****
  • statickey
    statickey Posts: 309 Member
    Ew when people don't know when to use woMAN or woMEN. I swear I see a post daily with that word used wrong.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Girls are super sluts on here

    Thank god for that.
  • daisy2555
    daisy2555 Posts: 21 Member
    I SURE
  • daisy2555
    daisy2555 Posts: 21 Member
    I agree. It bugs me whepeoplewho really can't help you post somethn just to say I can't help you
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Methinks thou do protest to much!!:wink: All the people on here starting mess with people about their rant: Did you happen to read the topic before you decided to add your 2 cents? If not here you go and I quote..."Really bugs me when...". Now all of you know from this topic there is bound to be some negativity floating around somewhere on this forum topic, so my question to you is why bother clicking on the topic in the first place unless you just want to upset yourself? Everyone has pet peeves! So fast food or skimpy clothes aren't your specific one HURRAY to you! Let people rant to their hearts content, as long as it doesn't directly effect your daily life and goals why worry? Just skip over this topic and find another that satisfies your desires for conversation.

  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Now Here you go...are you the few who prefer Diet?

    To be quite honest, I probably prefer regular. Which is why I haven't let myself have any in about 10 years. I love it way, way, way too much. I've never been able to kick the pop addiction. So I get my fix in calorie free form while fully admitting water would be much better for me.
  • tari12340
    tari12340 Posts: 55 Member
    I have to go to the last page to post a reply.

    I am just starting...does anyone know how to reverse it so I can see the most recent post first? (I did try to search for an answer, but it didn't help) Thanks ahead of time!