Is running really something I can do?????



  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    Awwww! YES you can. I didn't know you smoke! No judgments here though! :drinker: But hey, you're here to get healthy and fit, and making the small changes everyday are what matters. You've already been doing a good job making changes in how you eat, plus consistently losing the weight, plus consistently logging. So yes, adding one more thing on top of that might be a daunting task.

    With that said, I have never been a smoker myself, though I can understand how hard it must be to quit. BUT, you can still run and smoke! I don't condone or recommend it, just sayin. :smile: It can be done. I've known a few folks who've been able to bust out some speedy races and then smoke a cigarette at the finish line... literally! LOL

    Couch to 5k is an AWESOME program. I wish it was around when I started running, because I had absolutely no clue how to get started. Plus, when I did start I was at my heaviest (around 25-30 pounds heavier, which is A LOT on my 4'10" body). And, I hated it at first because my boobs would get in the way, I felt awkward, and could barely breath and run for one minute straight. So it seemed like SUCH a huge task! But I attribute my weight loss to running ( I lost the 25-30 pounds almost 15 years ago, and have lost and gained a few pounds here and there, but never got to that old body because of the running). I should show you a pic of me before I started running... :smile: I totally understand hating it at first and worrying about the boobage thing!

    PLUS, it sounds like an awesome way to spend some quality time with your hubby when you get to see him! You have the fitness base with your other exercise, you can definitely start running! Woot woot! :bigsmile:
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Sure you can do it! I'm 60 and thought I might be too old, but, apparently, I'm not. I started C25K in mid-January and I've run two 5K races and a 10K race so far. Give it a try!

    I never had the large breast problem, but sports bras can help with that. Another idea: my sister wrapped herself with ace bandages when she was running.
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    Thank you all so much... I am completely inspired to do C25k. ... I've already downloaded the app! Now, just to go get some running shoes! I'm pretty nervous about shin splints. LOL... Shin pain has always freaked me out! I don't even like people touching my shins. Sigh... I guess I'll have to get over it! ... Any tips for this? How to prevent? How to help if you have them? Anything? :(
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    Awwww! YES you can. I didn't know you smoke! No judgments here though! :drinker: But hey, you're here to get healthy and fit, and making the small changes everyday are what matters. You've already been doing a good job making changes in how you eat, plus consistently losing the weight, plus consistently logging. So yes, adding one more thing on top of that might be a daunting task.

    With that said, I have never been a smoker myself, though I can understand how hard it must be to quit. BUT, you can still run and smoke! I don't condone or recommend it, just sayin. :smile: It can be done. I've known a few folks who've been able to bust out some speedy races and then smoke a cigarette at the finish line... literally! LOL

    Couch to 5k is an AWESOME program. I wish it was around when I started running, because I had absolutely no clue how to get started. Plus, when I did start I was at my heaviest (around 25-30 pounds heavier, which is A LOT on my 4'10" body). And, I hated it at first because my boobs would get in the way, I felt awkward, and could barely breath and run for one minute straight. So it seemed like SUCH a huge task! But I attribute my weight loss to running ( I lost the 25-30 pounds almost 15 years ago, and have lost and gained a few pounds here and there, but never got to that old body because of the running). I should show you a pic of me before I started running... :smile: I totally understand hating it at first and worrying about the boobage thing!

    PLUS, it sounds like an awesome way to spend some quality time with your hubby when you get to see him! You have the fitness base with your other exercise, you can definitely start running! Woot woot! :bigsmile:

    Yep, I'm the smoker lol........
    You are such an inspiration!!! :) You absolutely should share your pics from 25-30 lbs heavier! I can't imagine you any other way than you are right now!!!
    I think I can do this!!! :) Thanks essjay :)
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    Sure you can do it! I'm 60 and thought I might be too old, but, apparently, I'm not. I started C25K in mid-January and I've run two 5K races and a 10K race so far. Give it a try!

    I never had the large breast problem, but sports bras can help with that. Another idea: my sister wrapped herself with ace bandages when she was running.

    I will prob have to strap these babies down with an ace bandage haha... I've never found a sports bra that fits :(
    Thanks for posting !!! Congrats on all you have done :)
  • sydnisd183
    sydnisd183 Posts: 247 Member
    Good for you for wanting to do something positive for yourself. I used to be a smoker and I was able to weight train and do cardio. It was harder for me though. My body would want to go farther and more intensely but my lungs couldn't keep up.

    I saw in and earlier post you made that you were annoyed with the smoking thing. This is also goooood.....I started getting annoyed and disgusted with the habit, the way I smelled, the expense, etc and I quit in December of 2006. I used Wellbutrin, some patches and gum my sister gave me that she didn't use, and the website www. quitnet dot com (sorry if i'm not supposed to put links). it's an online forum where other people who want to stay stopped go to for support.

    I believe you CAN run, I would just do the damn thing and let everything else fall into place. Good luck on your journey, if you want to add me that's cool I can help support as I can relate to the whole smoking thingy
  • phtbtmgrl
    phtbtmgrl Posts: 29
    You can always try TWO sports bras to contain the girls. It might make you sweat a bit more, but hey, sweat is good! =)

    On the topic of smoking...It's a nasty habit and you should try to quit. I'm a smoker and I am trying to quit. It's hard to quit, but I have noticed that the more I run/workout, the less I want to smoke.

    Good luck! You can do it!
  • toogsmom
    toogsmom Posts: 81 Member
    Couch to 5 k worked for me~ When i started just a couple months ago i was 100 lbs overweight and could barely run a minute straight! It definitely wasnt always easy and a sacrifice at times since its hot REALLY HOT where we live and sometimes i end up running in the heat! Now in just a couple months i have lost 28 lbs and have completed 5ks and just the other day my first 10k, and now i am looking forward to start training for a 1/2 marathon! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! Running is now my best friend and i am an addict! I find myself craving it on days that i havent ran! Such a great stress reliever too!!!
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    LoL. I was going to say C2K but I see that has clearly been covered. LoL
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Another vote for Couch to 5K - I don't even think adults should run and I'm doing it!
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    For Shin splints - stretch after each run ... and I ice as well. Do toe raises and dips daily (stand on a step with just the toes on it and raise up like you are on tip-toes and then dip down as far as you can - make sure you are warmed up before doing these (I do them after each run/walk)

    Also good shoes and inner soles (I use sorbothane soles).

    Run on grass where possible. .

    More ice .... and ibuprofin
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    I had some really great success with C2K last year and was up to running for 15 minutes solid (I'm someone who would only run to catch a bus, lol!) but then I injured my knee (50% patella tendon tear) so I can't do that anymore but I would definitely recommend the C25k program to everyone who thinks they can't run. If I could do it, and I HATED running, anyone can. In fact I still wish I could!
  • skb12573
    skb12573 Posts: 202 Member
    couch 2 5k

    Yes, this! I could not run a minute straight in May. Now I can run 2 miles straight! Start now, don't wait. You can do it and the feeling of accomplishment after each training will push you further and further!
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    Why are we waiting until September to stop smoking? The time is now. Take it from me (4 years smoke free). If you're ready, you're ready. If not...well....

    As for the running part. There are lots of options. C25K is the stock answer around here. But Galloway, Higdon and many others have great programs. Choose what fits your lifestyle.

    Best of luck!
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    I told them, it is better that I run and smoke than dont run at all and I kept on doing both. Any way, you won't want to smoke anymore once you really get to running.

    @fhamwey: Thanks for saying this- you have a great point! AND congrats on being a former smoker and current runner- you inspire me!
  • beekuzz
    beekuzz Posts: 428 Member
    C25K. I am at 269 pounds and am starting week 4 tomorrow. I don't smoke, but having this extra weight is probably like a "normal" person running while carrying another "normal" person on her back. Worth a shot anyway.

    Good luck!

    I totally agree with you. Starting at 240 and my skinny weight 125, might as well be carrying another person. I tested myself with week one, day one of c25k. Amazed that i could actually do it. Did find out that i needed running shoes before i start again. I'm really encouraged to see that your on week four. Congratulations for all you good work. I'm dreaming of a day when I can say the same.
  • StarIsMoving
    StarIsMoving Posts: 437
    Thank you all so much... I am completely inspired to do C25k. ... I've already downloaded the app! Now, just to go get some running shoes! I'm pretty nervous about shin splints. LOL... Shin pain has always freaked me out! I don't even like people touching my shins. Sigh... I guess I'll have to get over it! ... Any tips for this? How to prevent? How to help if you have them? Anything? :(

    I am in your place. I am a smoker and my plan is to quit when I hit goal weight (down 53lbs and have 32 to go)... I just started college full time, while working full time, and have 3 kids... so plate was full and wasn't doing the smoking thing at the same time (no sense to set myself up for failure). I have other obstacles like RA, lung disease, had heart surgery back in 2005, etc... but... I am actually able to run :O I am doing the C25K program and do repeat weeks as needed. For the shin splints: go to a running store and have your gait analyzed for the right shoes. I did this and then bought the shoes elsewhere for way less money. Also... stretch after and apply ice when needed. I used to have horrible shin splints in high school and no longer even suffer from them due to the right shoes. Hope that helps!
  • carlaidk
    carlaidk Posts: 5
    COUCH TO 5K, I'm on my fourth week of it now and I never knew that i would be able to run so far without stopping and ACTUALLY ENJOY IT

    good luck
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    Of course you can & I'd be more surprised if you could run for more than 1 min. I was just the same when I started. I didn't have a program to follow & just ran a little & walked a little and gradually built up. But as has been said couch to 5k would give you some guidelines & takes away the temptation to do things too quickly & to expect too much too soon.

    Most important advice I can give is shoes I can't stress enough how important it is find a food sports shop who offers gait analysis & but shoes suited to you preferably find a shop that offered 30day exchange if they're not right. Aliso a good sports bra again the sports shop should help there too. I also think some good fitting running clothes help if you don't have to worry about things not fitting right you can concentrate on what you're doing.

    Ultimately you want to do it so don't lose that focus you will have days that are hard you'll have days where you think that's it but equally you'll have days where it's the best thing you ever did & they more than make up for it. Enjoy & any Q's just PM me xx
  • freespirit420
    freespirit420 Posts: 12 Member
    Being a smoker that is trying to quit (on chantix) and also starting to run, I will say it makes me want a smoke less everytime I run. My lungs feel the smoking when I am running which never crossed my mind before. Start slow by walking, to walking fast, to jogging. Or jog for 2 mins walk 2 mins. Every little bit helps. You will conquer the smoking eventually! Thats what I keep telling myself. One day at a time!