Anyone else getting annoyed at Beach Body lately?



  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    My concern wasn't about what happened between you and Bobby, I just want to know where you got the notion that soy protein only has a 44% absorption rate.

    I'll check out your articles but I hope they have research to back them up. I haven't looked at every study ever done, but there is research pointing towards whey/casein mix being slightly superior to soy. There are also studies showing that soy protein shows no difference from whey in terms of utilization. See here:

    Soy versus whey protein bars: effects on exercise training impact on lean body mass and antioxidant status.


    Both the soy and whey treatment groups showed a gain in lean body mass, but the training-only group did not. The whey and training only groups, but not the soy group, showed a potentially deleterious post-training effect on two antioxidant-related related parameters.

    Soy and whey protein bar products both promoted exercise training-induced lean body mass gain, but the soy had the added benefit of preserving two aspects of antioxidant function.

    Effect of whey and soy protein supplementation combined with resistance training in young adults.

    Results showed that protein supplementation during resistance training, independent of source, increased lean tissue mass and strength over isocaloric placebo and resistance training.

    Effect of protein source and resistance training on body composition and sex hormones.

    "Protein supplementation resulted in a significant increase in lean body mass independent of protein source"

    EDIT: As with ANY study, it's important to look at the details. These above links don't PROVE that soy and whey are the same. They just have some implication that from a lean mass standpoint, the differences might not be as large as you were implying. These studies, as with all studies, have limitations that should be considered.

    EDIT#2: I personally use whey protein and I don't have any agenda here to push soy products. I just didn't want someone to read your 44% figure and believe that their soy protein isn't going to work for their goals.
    THIS - Facts are stubborn things
    :laugh: .•*¨`*•. ☆ hee, hee, hee.•*¨`*•. ☆:laugh:
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    I was stoked about P90X and Beachbody until the flood of MLM drones all seeking my entry into their DOOMED -TO-FAIL pyramid business.
    It's like Amway.
    I booted about 20 people from FB - about as many here along with other network marketing "opportunitiy" *kitten* who badger friends and family into submission for their "down-line".

    It's ABSURD!
    COUNT ME OUT :noway:

  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    It does bother me that they are a multi-level marketing program. I find it deters largely from the few quality products they have. I love Insanity but every time I bring it up i get 23432423 "coaches" wanting to help me lol. I find they are losing credibility at this point.

    Exactly and it is really bumming me out because I really like P90X, but I don't see myself buying anymore Beach Body products in the future because of all the recent negative experiences I have had with them...
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member careful what you say in writing...I would expect that from a high school kid on my bus but from an adult? Really...smh! And for the record, Bobby, I did NOT peak through your diary and knock the fact that YOU were using soy protein. It was my STATUS UPDATE on MFP stating that all of the protein powders and bars at Walmart contained soy protein and/or artificial ingredients, which I choose NOT to put in MY body, that YOU JUMPED all over me about! If you want to consume protein that you're body will only absorb 44% of, that's YOUR problem, not MINE! To each his own!

    I am a Beachbody coach and what qualifies me to help people lose weight is that I lost 70lbs back in 1987 and have kept it off! I do not pretend to know everything about fitness and nutrition, I just tell people what works for ME like I have been doing for over 20 years anyway. But I don't badger people with sales pitches all the time, either, like a lot of coaches do and it annoys me too because that's not how Beachbody wants us to conduct business. What I do with Beacbhbody is I share MY experience, strength, and hope with people who have the same problem as I do. If you ask me what I do to look like I do at 40, I will tell you that I drink Shakeology, because I do, and that I do Beachbody fitness programs, because I do! But I will never try to sell people something they don't want. That's not what I'm about!

    Oh and who you call dimwit. I forgot what you know about 10yrs ago there

    Sorry. not digging the hardcore pushy Sales BS now being used by Beach Body you may want to relay that to the top - I won't be buying anymore BB products personally... you guys are way too intrusive and pushy now. It's a shame because the original P90X rocks...
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member careful what you say in writing...I would expect that from a high school kid on my bus but from an adult? Really...smh! And for the record, Bobby, I did NOT peak through your diary and knock the fact that YOU were using soy protein. It was my STATUS UPDATE on MFP stating that all of the protein powders and bars at Walmart contained soy protein and/or artificial ingredients, which I choose NOT to put in MY body, that YOU JUMPED all over me about! If you want to consume protein that you're body will only absorb 44% of, that's YOUR problem, not MINE! To each his own!

    I am a Beachbody coach and what qualifies me to help people lose weight is that I lost 70lbs back in 1987 and have kept it off! I do not pretend to know everything about fitness and nutrition, I just tell people what works for ME like I have been doing for over 20 years anyway. But I don't badger people with sales pitches all the time, either, like a lot of coaches do and it annoys me too because that's not how Beachbody wants us to conduct business. What I do with Beacbhbody is I share MY experience, strength, and hope with people who have the same problem as I do. If you ask me what I do to look like I do at 40, I will tell you that I drink Shakeology, because I do, and that I do Beachbody fitness programs, because I do! But I will never try to sell people something they don't want. That's not what I'm about!

    Oh and who you call dimwit. I forgot what you know about 10yrs ago there

    Sorry. not digging the hardcore pushy Sales BS now being used by Beach Body you may want to relay that to the top - I won't be buying anymore BB products personally... you guys are way too intrusive and pushy now. It's a shame because the original P90X rocks...
    Pushy and dishonest? These are the watch words of most MLM "businesses opportunities".
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member careful what you say in writing...I would expect that from a high school kid on my bus but from an adult? Really...smh! And for the record, Bobby, I did NOT peak through your diary and knock the fact that YOU were using soy protein. It was my STATUS UPDATE on MFP stating that all of the protein powders and bars at Walmart contained soy protein and/or artificial ingredients, which I choose NOT to put in MY body, that YOU JUMPED all over me about! If you want to consume protein that you're body will only absorb 44% of, that's YOUR problem, not MINE! To each his own!

    I am a Beachbody coach and what qualifies me to help people lose weight is that I lost 70lbs back in 1987 and have kept it off! I do not pretend to know everything about fitness and nutrition, I just tell people what works for ME like I have been doing for over 20 years anyway. But I don't badger people with sales pitches all the time, either, like a lot of coaches do and it annoys me too because that's not how Beachbody wants us to conduct business. What I do with Beacbhbody is I share MY experience, strength, and hope with people who have the same problem as I do. If you ask me what I do to look like I do at 40, I will tell you that I drink Shakeology, because I do, and that I do Beachbody fitness programs, because I do! But I will never try to sell people something they don't want. That's not what I'm about!

    Oh and who you call dimwit. I forgot what you know about 10yrs ago there

    I think I love you.......but I don't want any BB products...
    People value definitive information sharing rather than "shock and awe" high pressure sales.
    See? We can agree :bigsmile:
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member really depends on the source of the article...I can find just as many articles online that say soy is inferior to whey and casein as you can find saying it's just as good. TWO points: 1. My status update yesterday had NOTHING to do with promoting Shakeology...I'm just amazed over and over again that foods marketed as "health foods" are pumped full of preservatives and artificial flavors. If you knew me outside of MFP you would know that is an ongoing source of contention for me. But you made ASSUMPTIONS based on what you saw on MFP, which anybody with any kind of intelligence and level of maturity would know better than to do. 2. You said on THIS FORUM that some "dimwit" (hahahaha!) attacked YOUR food diary because you eat soy protein, which I NEVER DID! I UNFRIENDED YOU (let's get the facts straight there) when YOU accused me of furthering my agenda by using "scare" tactics when I talked about my BFF from high school being DX'ed with breast cancer at age 37 with no family history and she is a self-proclaimed soy and tofu junkie. There's the FACTS and then the FACTS AS YOU CHOOSE to tell them!
  • ncates00
    ncates00 Posts: 51
    I understand the frustration with being pelted with sales calls. However, you can say no. They are a business. They are trying to make a difference in people's lives, but making money at the same time. Also, I think it is a little over generalizing to say that's all BeachBody is and that's all the MLM's do. Most coaches I have seen just throw out there what has worked for them, and you can do it or say no. That simple.

    I do agree with the OP on some of the videos, however. Some of the videos seem to be infomercial in nature, which is kind of annoying when you just want to workout. I have noticed it mostly in the P90X+ videos. In the original P90X, the only thing they really talked about was having a recovery drink or a bar at the end of the workout.

    In the end, it's about you. Are you going to sit there and whine about the BeachBody videos, or are you going to follow the otherwise good program and workout? I choose to just workout and stop whining. Not to say that BeachBody cant be annoying at times with their methods, but they do put out pretty good stuff.

    I have used many of their programs, and I am in excellent shape now. However, I am not a coach, nor do I throw BeachBody products around. I don't even own any of their products besides the videos. I use dumbbells, yoga mat from Wal Mart, Bodylastics Resistance bands, Polar Heart Rate Monitor, Wal Mart pull up bar, and the like. Just do what works for you and stop whining about what other people do!
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Wsan't p90x designed primarily to sell supplements?
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member really depends on the source of the article...I can find just as many articles online that say soy is inferior to whey and casein as you can find saying it's just as good. TWO points: 1. My status update yesterday had NOTHING to do with promoting Shakeology...I'm just amazed over and over again that foods marketed as "health foods" are pumped full of preservatives and artificial flavors. If you knew me outside of MFP you would know that is an ongoing source of contention for me. But you made ASSUMPTIONS based on what you saw on MFP, which anybody with any kind of intelligence and level of maturity would know better than to do. 2. You said on THIS FORUM that some "dimwit" (hahahaha!) attacked YOUR food diary because you eat soy protein, which I NEVER DID! I UNFRIENDED YOU (let's get the facts straight there) when YOU accused me of furthering my agenda by using "scare" tactics when I talked about my BFF from high school being DX'ed with breast cancer at age 37 with no family history and she is a self-proclaimed soy and tofu junkie. There's the FACTS and then the FACTS AS YOU CHOOSE to tell them!
    I have been hit by 20 of these pitches, and they all blend together.
    All that has happened today in this forum is that the OP's original concerns have been validated.
    Thanks for sharing....:wink:
  • strongnotskinny121
    strongnotskinny121 Posts: 329 Member
    I had a sales person annoy me for a while. I eventually had to block them. It was on here though. Not facebook. They were trying to sell me shakes, and wouldn't take no for an answer.

    I had to quit a health group on FB because the coach was actually putting people down for not wanting to spend all the freaking money on shakology. Glad your a rich *****, but the rest of us aren't. I'm really happy about the coach I have now. I told her upfront, I wasn't interested in new products and if I was, I would reach out to her.

    I didn't do P90X but I borrowed them from a friend and previewed the videos. I personally didn't think Tony did much during it. He was constantly walking around talking, not actually working. Reminded me of Jillian Michaels. I <3 Chalene. She is constantly moving during Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire. That's a true leader. Makes me want to work as hard as she is.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Wsan't p90x designed primarily to sell supplements?
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    I understand the frustration with being pelted with sales calls. However, you can say no. They are a business. They are trying to make a difference in people's lives, but making money at the same time. Also, I think it is a little over generalizing to say that's all BeachBody is and that's all the MLM's do. Most coaches I have seen just throw out there what has worked for them, and you can do it or say no. That simple.

    I do agree with the OP on some of the videos, however. Some of the videos seem to be infomercial in nature, which is kind of annoying when you just want to workout. I have noticed it mostly in the P90X+ videos. In the original P90X, the only thing they really talked about was having a recovery drink or a bar at the end of the workout.

    In the end, it's about you. Are you going to sit there and whine about the BeachBody videos, or are you going to follow the otherwise good program and workout? I choose to just workout and stop whining. Not to say that BeachBody cant be annoying at times with their methods, but they do put out pretty good stuff.

    I have used many of their programs, and I am in excellent shape now. However, I am not a coach, nor do I throw BeachBody products around. I don't even own any of their products besides the videos. I use dumbbells, yoga mat from Wal Mart, Bodylastics Resistance bands, Polar Heart Rate Monitor, Wal Mart pull up bar, and the like. Just do what works for you and stop whining about what other people do!

    I don't disagree with a lot of your points, but I am not sure I see it so much as "whining" as sharing a negative experience on a public fitness forum so that others might avoid the same experience. I personally love P90X and still use it daily (getting ready to do Yoga X after this post).

    My issue is this: I bought P90X. I bought P90X+. I went on the P90X FB page expecting to make friends and share tips and feedback with other P90Xers. Instead, by just "liking" P90X on FB, I invited a slew of sales zombies to constantly send me messages on how I can make money selling BB products. I think this is different than "whining" about a company - it's the company (to some degree) using my loyalty to their product to to now constantly invade my privacy online.

    If the guy you bought your car from called you every day after you bought your car to tell you how you could make money selling floor mats and air fresheners, wouldn't you be annoyed by that? Maybe to the point you might want to share that experience with someone interested in possibly buying the same car? To me it is no different.

    So yeah, I will just ignore it and go on - but I think my purchase of their products and my positive feedback on P90X should be enough and they should be happy with that - not constantly trying to exploit that in order to sell me crap I don't need.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I understand the frustration with being pelted with sales calls. However, you can say no. They are a business. They are trying to make a difference in people's lives, but making money at the same time. Also, I think it is a little over generalizing to say that's all BeachBody is and that's all the MLM's do. Most coaches I have seen just throw out there what has worked for them, and you can do it or say no. That simple.

    I do agree with the OP on some of the videos, however. Some of the videos seem to be infomercial in nature, which is kind of annoying when you just want to workout. I have noticed it mostly in the P90X+ videos. In the original P90X, the only thing they really talked about was having a recovery drink or a bar at the end of the workout.

    In the end, it's about you. Are you going to sit there and whine about the BeachBody videos, or are you going to follow the otherwise good program and workout? I choose to just workout and stop whining. Not to say that BeachBody cant be annoying at times with their methods, but they do put out pretty good stuff.

    I have used many of their programs, and I am in excellent shape now. However, I am not a coach, nor do I throw BeachBody products around. I don't even own any of their products besides the videos. I use dumbbells, yoga mat from Wal Mart, Bodylastics Resistance bands, Polar Heart Rate Monitor, Wal Mart pull up bar, and the like. Just do what works for you and stop whining about what other people do!

    I don't disagree with a lot of your points, but I am not sure I see it so much as "whining" as sharing a negative experience on a public fitness forum so that others might avoid the same experience. I personally love P90X and still use it daily (getting ready to do Yoga X after this post).

    My issue is this: I bought P90X. I bought P90X+. I went on the P90X FB page expecting to make friends and share tips and feedback with other P90Xers. Instead, by just "liking" P90X on FB, I invited a slew of sales zombies to constantly send me messages on how I can make money selling BB products. I think this is different than "whining" about a company - it's the company (to some degree) using my loyalty to their product to to now constantly invade my privacy online.

    If the guy you bought your car from called you every day after you bought your car to tell you how you could make money selling floor mats and air fresheners, wouldn't you be annoyed by that? Maybe to the point you might want to share that experience with someone interested in possibly buying the same car? To me it is no different.

    So yeah, I will just ignore it and go on - but I think my purchase of their products and my positive feedback on P90X should be enough and they should be happy with that - not constantly trying to exploit that in order to sell me crap I don't need.
    Right, it's not whining to warn people about these scammers.
  • AZDizzy
    AZDizzy Posts: 434 Member
    I like a couple of BB programs. I still have some leftover shakeology as i got put on autoship, but I finally got that cancelled. I'm not as psyched about my program (Turbo Fire) as I was last time, so I was looking to get something else. It's a shame that as I decide between Chalean Extreme and Insanity that I have to not just order it from the company, I have to find a way to order it from outside the network because i just don't want to be "sold" anymore. I don't want a "coach". I want to buy a product I'm interested in just like I can any other product...without any follow-up, without any up-selling, without ANYTHING except a purchase!

    I don't like anybody contacting me about any product. I WILL contact YOU if I want something, believe me.

    I haven't been on the BB supergym in months and I STILL get friend requests from "coaches" making sure I'm happy with my coach and trying to inspire me to get more active. GRRRRRRRRRRRR.
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    What does MLM stand for??

    Isn't Body By Vi kind of the same thing??
  • ser0630
    ser0630 Posts: 223
    I wanted to ask a BB coach if there were any modifications available for P90X due to my wrist injury. I never got my answer from the BB coach. She kept shoving Shakeology on me. Sorry. Shakeology is not cheap. When I told her no, she wanted to try to get me to become a "coach."

    I told this coach that I am not going to spend the majority of my time cooped up in the house on "calls" and trying to force their products down other people's throats. Besides, I like my job (as an IT Project Manager).

    I ended up finding out the answer to my question on my own. I won't buy anything from Beach Body ever because of the experience I had and hearing about other's bad experiences. I will stick with my $63/month membership to the Y and continue to go to the classes I like there.
  • ser0630
    ser0630 Posts: 223
    What does MLM stand for??

    Isn't Body By Vi kind of the same thing??

    Multiple Level Marketing--examples, Beach Body, Mary Kay, Amway.
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    So, has anyone completed Insanity Asylum? Is it as good as Insanity? I've been thinking about buying it but I don't want to waste my money if it's not as good as the first one?
  • Beana21
    Beana21 Posts: 91 Member
    I like a couple of BB programs. I still have some leftover shakeology as i got put on autoship, but I finally got that cancelled. I'm not as psyched about my program (Turbo Fire) as I was last time, so I was looking to get something else. It's a shame that as I decide between Chalean Extreme and Insanity that I have to not just order it from the company, I have to find a way to order it from outside the network because i just don't want to be "sold" anymore. I don't want a "coach". I want to buy a product I'm interested in just like I can any other product...without any follow-up, without any up-selling, without ANYTHING except a purchase!

    I don't like anybody contacting me about any product. I WILL contact YOU if I want something, believe me.

    I haven't been on the BB supergym in months and I STILL get friend requests from "coaches" making sure I'm happy with my coach and trying to inspire me to get more active. GRRRRRRRRRRRR.

    I definitely have this issue with their website. I go there to log my workouts and discuss my specific program (Power 90) with other members. I ended up having to put on my profile not to contact me to buy things and that I have a "coach" I'm happy with. People obviously don't read my profile because I still get solicited.

    Never tried Shakeology. Just can't make myself spend that kind of money for a drink. I don't like the analogy about a serving being cheaper than a drink from Starbucks. Well I go to Starbucks maybe twice a year, so that one isn't swaying me. I'll just prefer to eat healthy for now and as much raw veggies and lean meats as I can.