whose doing it to catch someones eye

cryshelle247 Posts: 78 Member
i know they all say lose weight for yourself but.............we all know most people do it to catch someones eye. i want to lose weight and be healthy and add more years to my life but......at the same time i want to b attractive enough to catch someones eye lol ... i sometimes think to myself when i do slim back down and i meet someone and everything goes swell i will always think to myself hmmmm?? would that person still want me if i was big?? of course they would say yes but i really think would they???????? :indifferent: :laugh:


  • mrsnathanandrew
    mrsnathanandrew Posts: 631 Member
    I'm doing it to keep my fiances eye :wink:

    he says he loves me as is and for the most part I believe him, but at the same time I know if I don't start losing I'll gain, gain, and gain and he'll end up grossed out lol
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I'm not going to lie, being eye catching isn't my main reason, but I'd like to get some again sometime in the future, and not being eye catching makes that difficult! So yeah, it's a reason. Not the reason, but a reason.
  • anels449
    anels449 Posts: 3,187 Member
    Oh fo sho am doing it to catch someone's eye. It's a great motivator :)
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    Partially for me, partially because my woman deserves me becoming ripped, bronzed demi god.
  • AliciaBeth78
    AliciaBeth78 Posts: 437 Member
    To be honest, I started doing it to keep my boyfriend happy (he's in awesome shape!), but then I realized that he's really not worth my time and if "fat me" couldn't keep him happy than "in shape me" doesn't even want him! :drinker:
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I don't have anyone in particular, but I'm sure it will help out a lot when it comes to finding the right girl.
  • casperuk
    casperuk Posts: 195 Member
    we all know most people do it to catch someones eye.

    Do we? I assumed it was 90% people who didnt want to die young and from most of the people's bio's there's usually an element of not leaving their kids before time.

    I am doing it for me, and for my kids. I havent even considered the effect on snagging a female :)
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Sure! My b/f has always loved me no matter my size but to be thin for him would be even better. Especially since he himself is thin.
  • FitqueenT
    FitqueenT Posts: 120 Member
    Doing it for myself. I love the way I feel after a good workout. I just love being in shape and feeling my best.
  • LinaBo
    LinaBo Posts: 342 Member
    Oh, definitely. I loved it when I was more fit. I loved my body, and I felt HOT. I had guys chasing me down the street, asking me out (seriously). I know there are some great legs under all of this, still, as well as a tiny waist and a fantastic bum. I am definitely at the point in my life, as I'm approaching 30, where I want to settle down and have a family. I do not want to find a fat guy to have fat children with and live a fat lifestyle for my remaining years, I think I'd be miserable. I don't expect to attract the type of person I aspire to be as I currently am, so it's time to become the "real me" and get back in the game.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Sure, part of why I'm getting fit is to keep my husband's eye. He married me when I was in shape and I'm sure he had no idea I would pork up to way over 200 pounds the way I did. He has been kind about my weight gain and our intimate life has not suffered, but I know he does not like fat or is attracted to fat women...He is attracted to me for me, which is awesome, and it's great to be loved for yourself. Knowing this I also know that my husband is also THRILLED that I am knocking the weight off LOL.
  • Way_2_a_Healthy_Mel
    Way_2_a_Healthy_Mel Posts: 175 Member
    I really don't think I will be all that attractive even when I lose all the weight, especially since I will have extra skin around my stomach, arms, and such, even with weight training. I doubt anyone will be attracted to me, but if they are, that will be a plus. I am doing this more for my health and to be around for my son as he grows up.
  • Jani2416
    Jani2416 Posts: 275 Member
    I started off doing it for my husband, I knew he didn't find me attractive anymore, but now it's all for me.
  • nammer79
    nammer79 Posts: 707 Member
    I'm doing this for health reasons as I have made myself physically sick by being over weight and for some reason there are those out there that want me to live a "long healthy" life so whats a guy to do. With that said there are lots of benefits that comes along with this from respect of others to yes getting those 2nd and 3rd looks from someone that you might also find attractive. I won't lie its a nice feeling that helps push and support my drive when I find myself lacking the motivation to push forth.
  • cryshelle247
    cryshelle247 Posts: 78 Member

    Do we? I assumed it was 90% people who didnt want to die young and from most of the people's bio's there's usually an element of not leaving their kids before time.

    I am doing it for me, and for my kids. I havent even considered the effect on snagging a female :)
  • BVannillie
    BVannillie Posts: 140
    we all know most people do it to catch someones eye.

    Really? Most people I come across are doing it because they want to live a healthy life. Men are the last thing on my mind, that's for sure.
  • cryshelle247
    cryshelle247 Posts: 78 Member
    whoops i quoted that all wrong with me its a 50/50 thing health and to catch ppl eye again .. lol i thought it was suppose to be just a chit chat post didnt mean it to seem like EVERYONE is doing it just to find a spouse >whoooops< :noway: :frown:
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    honestly i am doing it for myself...i am too busy to try and catch someones eye...when i do go out, i am having fun...i catch someones eye then...its games on.!!
  • stepharega
    stepharega Posts: 211 Member
    I'm doing it to catch my own eye! Does that make sense? I want to look smokin hot. Don't you?

    It's the confidence I crave. That glow, hello! :happy:
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Gosh, I guess when I think about it, it's a little different.

    I want my husband to think I'm hot. That goes without saying.

    But I also want it for work. I'm kind of self-employed and sales at the same time, and I want to rock some business casual clothes and look GOOD. I want people to see my business card and think "She looks confident, I want to hire her".... and I want to be confident when we meet face to face.