Is C25K REALLY for "couch" people?

Tell me your thoughts on this .... Im thinking about starting this but seriously, I've never "ran/jogged" a day in my life.
I'm overweight (obviously) .. and thought I'd start off walking in the mornings.
Someone suggested this to me .. but I really dont want to fail at this and I want to like what I'm doing, not dread it ...


  • jkeeling39
    jkeeling39 Posts: 30
    When I started C25K I could run a fairly slow mile. After about week 5 I felt like I had progressed enough to stop with the progression and begin running the 5K without the intervals. I've now been running the full 5k 3 times a week for about 2 weeks. I'm still struggling with it but I'm doing it. Still something I want to get better at but I'm considering signing up for my first 5k race next month.

    I say this because I started with a little bit of running and didn't need the full 8 weeks to work to the 5k. So If you truly are starting from a standstill I imagine it will work.

    However, I would set some very conservative goals if you are really struggling. 1) Run a comfortable pace when you are in the running interval. Don't overdo it if you are just starting. 2) Feel free to repeat a week. A lot of people have done it. 3) If you are extremely worried about running try and scope out a great place to run. Mostly flat is obviously preferable. 4) Maybe find a buddy and do it with them. 5) When you get to the longer runs after about the half way point, don't be intimidated, just set a good pace.

    I think it is a great program and it has been talked about on these boards time and time again.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    I am doing it and I am a couch person. I can't do it at the pace they have it set at. I have followed each week at least twice in a row. I am on week 5 right now and about to repeat the first two days of it for the 3rd time as I can't get to the 20 minute run yet.
  • jskaggs1971
    jskaggs1971 Posts: 371 Member
    Yep, C25K is great for never-ever runners. I started it last fall, and now I can bang out a 3-miler at lunchtime. It's a great program, and I credit it for making me, at long last, a guy who runs.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    Oh and I used to say that I am the kind of person who only runs when chased, by a bear. But I can run for 10 minutes at a time now.
  • LoFoSho100
    LoFoSho100 Posts: 66 Member
    I think the program is very reasonable... It is targeted at people without running experience. I've had a handful of friends with no running background say great things about the pace of C25K. I am doing the program, but started somewhere in the middle since I've been jogging for awhile. I would just say from experience, don't try and push too hard too fast. Last summer, I just tried to start running 4 miles and I felt like crap afterwards... when you ease your body into it, it is much easier and even enjoyable because you don't feel like you're going to die. Good luck!
  • OnTheReg
    OnTheReg Posts: 20 Member
    YES! Couch is so great. My wife and I use it. We use the run double app on android. Everything jkeeling39 said is right. If you feel like you need to you redo a day got for it. My main problem was my lungs don't seem to keep up with my legs. lol

    Just run every other day you need that day off to rest your legs.

    I just ran day 3 of week 2 and I feel great it's so energizing, runners high is definitively a real thing lol
  • Vmcd
    Vmcd Posts: 33 Member
    I started this program over 1 year and 75 lbs. ago. I was not a runner. I had been walking 4-5 miles 2-3 times per week, but never ran. One of my friends and I decided to try it, and it worked for us. It wasn't always easy, and we repeated a week or 2 along the way, but we did it. Running has become a passion for me. I joined a running group and have made some great friends. I'm always the slowest in the group, but that's ok with me. I have done 3 half marlathons so far, and have more scheduled for this year. This program will work if you follow it!
  • pundas
    pundas Posts: 167 Member
    I am currently 23 and havent ran since I was 17 or 18. I started working out in January but would only walk on an incline on the treadmill at like speed 3.5. Recently, I started C25K because I really wanted to get into running again and saw little results from walking on an incline. I am on my last week now and I am amazed. Right now, I am running for 25 straight minutes on a speed of 6. I never would have been able to do this a month ago. When I first started, I was having trouble running for 30 seconds! If you really want to start running I highly recommend this program!

    Also, I found week 5 to be the hardest for me. I had to repeat that week
  • lillianelise
    lillianelise Posts: 49 Member
    I'm not sure how much help I will be in answering but I just started the program. I am on week 2 and doing good so far. I am also really liking it which surprises me. I have NEVER Done any running. I suggest you give it a try if you are interested in running. I am going to try to stick w the program 100% but if I feel I need to repeat a day or a week then I will. I feel no shame in that! Good luck
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    I just did week 5, day 1 today. When I started I had to cheat on the 60 seconds of running, my cardio was beyond shameful. It has worked so far for me, in fact I'm thrilled to move on to 10k then half marathon training.

    Start off walking, get food shoes and read up a bit on proper running stride. If you're a bit heavy running is going to be hard on your knees, so make sure you take the recommended rest days.
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    Yes, it's good for a true beginner runner, BUT don't hesitate to scale it down if is too much when you try it out.
    Are you walking or doing other exercise currently? If you aren't doing anything at all, you may want to warm up to the program by walking at least 30 minutes at least 3 times per week (and of course you can work up to that if that's too much to start with); once that's doable, you're probably ready to start c25k.
  • amagus
    amagus Posts: 71 Member
    Just did day 1 of week 4 and I am definitely not a runner. Just be sure to strech after running, I hate running, but am enjoying the fact that even an overweight grandma can do this.
  • mamabear0222
    mamabear0222 Posts: 455 Member
    Yes, it's good for a true beginner runner, BUT don't hesitate to scale it down if is too much when you try it out.
    Are you walking or doing other exercise currently? If you aren't doing anything at all, you may want to warm up to the program by walking at least 30 minutes at least 3 times per week (and of course you can work up to that if that's too much to start with); once that's doable, you're probably ready to start c25k.

    I was doing some workout DVD's at home but no consistant "walking" persay ...
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    Well no harm in trying out the first day or two and seeing how it feels. If it isn't doable or it's extremely hard, then backtrack to talking 30 minutes for a couple of weeks and try again.

    I second the above poster who emphasized that the "run" portions of the run-walk should be a slow jog, not a sprint.
  • kodom_123
    kodom_123 Posts: 117 Member
    I repeated the first week twice for a total of 3 times. I am on day 3 week 2 now and I am not sure if I will move on or repeat.
    When I first started I couldn't pull out the full 60 seconds of running so I just did my best and I had to learn to pace myself until I could get through the 60 seconds without stopping early.

    I didn't wait to do my first 5k unitl I finished it either lol. I signed up and completed my first 5k on 4th of July!!
    I ran a lot of it but walked some too. I just did intervals... I made it across the finish line in 46:24...which is awesome for me. My mom and sister cried at the finish line and I choked up on my way home as it hit me what I had just accomplished! I was over 300 lbs last year and I have come so far now.
  • smbizz
    smbizz Posts: 1
    Ive never been a runner- Ive tried running on the treadmill- it lasts a week and im done. I decided to give this program a try after I gave birth to my 2nd kid. I have so much extra weight on me right now. I started a week and half post partum. The program says that if you can run slower, then run slower. Its not supposed to be to increase your speed, its to increase your endurance. Since I had just given birth I seriously walked at 2mph and jogged at 2.5. That is as much as my body could handle. As I have gone through the weeks adn am further post partum I have been able to increase my speed, but I am still going fairly slow. Im on week 5 now and am loving it. I still dont know if I can go the entire 30 mins jogging, but ive made it up to the 8 min intervals! I struggled with the 1 min intervals at the beginning. Good luck= remember that in order to improve things have to be uncomfortable at times. I realized that it was a bigger fight for my mind to think that I could do it than for my body to fight to do it.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Yes, in my experience, it can work really well to get you off the couch.
    Just take it at your own pace - the first day I couldn't do all the 1 min intervals, so I walked the last few and gradually built up until I could finish the first day intervals, then I moved on. There is no problem with repeating days or weeks, it's much better to build up slowly so your muscles and joints have time to get stronger, this is going to give you a much better change of completing it without getting injured.
  • INFJ
    INFJ Posts: 86 Member
    Yep it got me into jogging, now I can do 30 mins but before I had a really hard time doing even 60 seconds. The intervals are good they make it not so hard on your body.
  • melodiclyrics
    melodiclyrics Posts: 82 Member
    I think C25K is a really good benchmark to begin running. I had to stop doing it because running gives me THE WORST shin splints, and it's probably because when I feel good, I go full speed, and don't give my body enough time to get used to running, and I'm overweight. But yes, definitely good for "couch" people, because I didn't run at all, and I wasn't active any other way, either.

    That said, there is no shame in repeating weeks if you feel like the next week is too hard for you. Walking fast during the running portions is fine too, if you feel like running is too much! When I was doing C25K I had to run outside, running on a treadmill just feels really weird to me, so it was easier to control my pace.

    Also, here is a link to some good podcasts that have music and cues for your intervals.
  • ccpeterson74
    I just completed the program about a month ago. I learned it was totally a mind thing for me. It will be uncomfortable, but if you can push through, that's how you make progress. Some things that helped me were to listen to music.. that makes a huge difference for me. It helps keep me motivated and it makes time go by so much faster, and you just have to talk yourself through it. I used to always tell myself, my legs won't stop unless I let them... they CAN keep going, just push through and keep going. Of course something else that helps is to have good shoes. :)