Thursday Check In Group - September 17th



  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Thanks a bunch guys :heart: I'm sooo very happy to be back !!! marie, Texas is great for us !!!! I actualy missed it when I was in MO. I woke up at 7 am and made my dh a lunch, got salsa chicken cooking in the crockpot and walked 2 miles. I start cleaning the bathroms today and I also work in the office from 4pm-8pm. It's going to be a tight squeeze doing both on the days I work in the office. The bathrooms are 1-3pm and I start at the office at 4pm. Oh well ,I'll make it work. I hope everyone has a great day !!! ttfn- Cindy :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Cindy You go girl. You have got the energy thats for sure. You will get it all work out. Atleast you have all morning at home . don't forget cleaning counts as exercise.

    Sheri, For me coconut oil is curbbing my appetite. And I don't get hungry. Here is a typital day for me.

    2 eggs , 1 T heavy cream scramble in 1 T. of coconut oil. a veggie or berries
    =Bowl of homemade soup or chili.with 1 T. coconut oil mixed in. beries
    Grilled chicken, green veggies 1 T. coconut oil in veggies. okios greek yogurt with berries.
    And I am a happy camper.
    I have just been on this a couple of weeks and have lost 8.5 lbs. And i never get hungry. The coconut oil keep my calories up.Calie
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi guys, I made it through the bathrooms and my 4 hour shift at the office. I cleaned both bathrooms in 1.5 hours. I think it will work out great ! Tomorrow all I have to do is clean the bathrooms. I plan on walking 5 miles tomorrow . I hope everyone had a great day !! Cindy :heart: