51yr old F looking for same age for support&laughs

Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

I'm a 51 yr old female, 5.6 171 lbs.. recently diagnosed with diabetes (adult onset aka FAT related). My doctor has given me a few months to try to lose 20 lbs at least and avoid having to go on any medications for it. I don't want to go on meds, so fear is a great motivator LOL.. I am completely sedentary at this point (although I did start a walking program this morning) and have set a calorie and exercise goal to reach..

I'm just wondering if maybe there is someone my age and with a good sense of humour, who mike like to "buddy up" for a little encouragement and support along the way?? I applaud anyone of any age who is starting this journey, but there are challenges to being an older female (like the joy of menopause thank you!!) so I think we could relate a little better if we were around the same age..

Hey.. maybe I could start a group.. the Menopause Mad Hatters? lol

Thanks very much.. and good luck to everyone!


  • flipflopsintx
    flipflopsintx Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, I ststard today s well. I just finished my 1.2 mile 20 min walk. I did weight Watchers about a year ago and lost 14 lbs. in about 8 weeks. I felt very good and my clothes were getting baggy, THEN we went on vacation, THEN my Mom came for the summer and cooked, THEN we went on a cruise - THEN I gained it all back and then some. I just got back from a short trip with some friends and saw the pictures of myself. UGH!! I had been contemplating getting back on the bandwagon, but the pictures gave me the added push I needed. My husband walked with me this morning which was great because he walks faster than I do.

    I would love to be a buddie, I am 55 (just), married and have 3 grown boys and a female fat cat (who could use some weight loss herself)

    I haven't told anyone this but, I am 5'1" and 197lbs!! yikes! I know this because I was weighed at the Drs laste week. Now, I'm depressed but I will carry on...
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi Flip flop!!

    OMG I can totally relate to the depression part.. I was on south beach for a while and lost about 30 lbs.. I haven't gained it ALL back yet.. but like you.. i went on vacation... and never went back to my routine when returned last March... and still haven't... !! I was totally motivated while on SB but then I got .. well.. lazy.. yes... I admit it.. and started back to bad eating habits.. you know that lovely wheel you get on.. eat something bad.. feel guilty.. figured what the hell i've blown it.. eat more..feel like crap.. sigh.. repaeat ad nauseum!!

    and I admit right now.. I don't really even feel motivated to start again (yeah can I say that on this board>) I am truly only doing it right now out of fear.. because i DO NOT want to have to start taking meds for diabetes... but I figure fear is just as good a motivator for me right now lol... and I know once I start i will start feeling better about myself.. you know that feeling you had when you lost the 14lbs the first time?? how you felt so good about yourslf while there?? Doncha wish we could bottle that feeling??? and bring it out when we need that kick lol..

    as far as your pictures.. im not gonna lie i came across an ungodly one of me taken on the beach.... and wa horrified. it is now stuck to my fridge as well!! Even though I hate looking at it, it DOES motivate me to close the door and NOT EAT lol.. but I take it down if anyone comes over LOLOLOL..

    i started my walking today too!! I dont know how far it was.. but I went for 30 min of brisk walking.. i tend to slow down so i had to keep reminding myself to go further.. i dont hae a hubby who walks faster than me lol but thats great that he went along with!!

    I'd love to buddy up with you as well and share whatever we can to keep us on the right path?? I also found a group on here called women 50+ im going to check out (in case you're interested too)... we have our own challenges at this age that the young'uns cant understand LOL!!

    Congrats on the walk this morning, well done!! Have you figured out what you're going to do eating wise.. calories, a program, whatever? look forward to chatting with you through this journey.. we can do it!
  • ljcamp1
    ljcamp1 Posts: 3
    I just started this week also and am very similar to both of you. I lost 30 lbs two years ago on WW for my daughter's wedding last June and one year later have put all but 5 lbs. of it back on - soooo depressing. So here I go starting all over again. I am 54 years old, also 5'1 (barely, more like 5' 1/2") and weigh 195 so we are definitely in this together. I am going to go back to the gym and if the humidity ever goes away, I would like to start walking also. What I'm hoping will motivate me is remembering how good it felt last summer when I was down. I really can't believe I let this happen. My husband doesn't have an ounce of fat on him, he works out 6 days a week and has since the day we got married (30 years ago) - you think some of that would have rubbed off on me???? He eats whatever he wants whenever he wants, which makes it even tougher. Last but not least, you're right about the menopause, these hot flashes sure aren't helping matters!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    lol lj!! welcome... and I think both of us can totally relate to your situation as we've both gained back a lot of what we lost.. and I think a lot of us who have been in that boat ?(re gaining) .. have the added burden of .. i dunno what to call it.. guilt or self loathing that we let it happen again.. at least that honestly what i feel.. like i've let myself down again and that i have no self control and why bother now that i've gained it all back (thats the head game stuff we I think as women put ourselves through.. or at least I do lol). But.. my new motto is

    its not how many times you fall down, its how many times you pick yourself UP again that counts!!

    So I'm simply going to refuse to worry about the past; what i've done or havent done.. today is a new day.. and I'm picking myself up again, so yay me.. and both of you have to say YAY ME too.. cause being here.. you've done the same thing... we are SO hard on ourselves as women.. we wwould never put the critism and blame on our friends or family that we put on ourselves.. so the past is the past... from here on in.. we CAN change .. and we CAN make those changes a little every days.. how about we focus on our successes.. big or small... and aim for simply making better choices every day in food and fitness???

    (and lj... i FEEL for you with hubby's circumstances LOL... omg... i think i'd be tying his sneaker laces together one morning just in protest LOL!

    Oh yeah.... hot flashes...... nothing like trying to convince yoursel to go for a WALK when you're in the middle of a hot flash.... not not not lol
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    And in keeping with my thoughts on celebrating successes and changes.. I'll start us off..

    I went for my first walk today.. 30 min.. YAY ME!
    I am currently within my calorie count for th day (yeah.. it's only 11am LOL.. but its a success!)
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    It's like I'm reading parts of my life. I am sending friend requests to you all. Feel free to add me.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi T2 and welcome!!

    Tell me about it LOL.. the good thing is we're all in the same boat, and all around the same stage of life (with all the joys and umm...not so joys lol). Want to tell us a little about your world?
  • lorielou111
    lorielou111 Posts: 30 Member
    Hahahaha! True that about the menopause thing! My friends and I feel like instead of the weight dropping to our butts, we lost the butt and it all move up under the bust!! Not very flattering I must say!!
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    I am 57 if that is not too old for the two of you early 50's ladies, I would love to buddy up.
    I am 5'10" and at 231 I am 44 pounds lighter than I was in January. But 76 pounds lighter than I was a few years ago-when I topped out at 307. Then I got down to 201 and I was so frustrated about not getting to Onerderland that I surrendered and began the creep back up.
    This week, I was feeling so positive, until I got my blood work and the kidney numbers are strange. So I too am fearful of diabetes.
    I also know from past experience that I do pretty well in the summer, all the fresh fruits and veggies make healthful eating easier, BUT when Sept comes I can hit a wall that dumps pounds pretty quickly.
    I am hoping to build a support group to prevent that this year.
    Lets do this together!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    I am 52 years young, ( A 20ish mind stuck in a 50ish body, unless it's morning and it feels like a 80ish body. ) I am always going to have a battle with food, because every time my elbow bends, my mouth flies open.... I hate photos of myself because they add 100 lbs to me and everyone else looks normal!! Go figure!
  • dot120
    dot120 Posts: 4
    hi, i am around that age, i am 49 and i am in the middle of the dreaded menapause - even though all the blood tests say NO, i am on round two of my calorie counting, i lost 65lbs from last june to this february and even though i lost wieght - i gained osteo arthritis in my hips, it is now in my hands as well and my doctor has suggested that i finish my weight loss journey and lose another 34 lbs . i am 158 at the moment, which isn't too bad because i got down to 149 for my 30th wedding annivarsary in feb, so have only put on 9lbs in that time.
    so i have started again today, we can do this especially with this site, it is brill, add me as your friend and we can help each other along the way,
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    LOL Lori!! omg it's so true!! And it sucks having a woman doctor who is exactly the same age... last time I was in she decided to share ... "oh.. and just so you konw.. it's WAY harder losing weight after 50.." jeez... love you too doc LOL... but it aint gonna stop me!
    Welcome aboard!!

    BTW everyone.. laughing burns calories!!! :smile:
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    I think we all make 40's to 50's look so good, no matter our weight or shape!! Remember what we used to think they were like when we were 20?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Just a quick note here.. I'm not all that puter literate ladies.. and my puter is older than I am ... ok.. not quite.. but pretty darn close!! So I apologize if I'm slow acknowleding everyone coming onboard with us... but welcome to everyone!! I think we're gonna be a great source of inspiration and motivation and support to each other!!!! and I'm thinking maybe for our motto....something that encourages us to do better or the best we can each day... and not rip ourselves apart for a slip here and there...?? somethig like...?

    Daily goal: PROGRESS.. not perfection!

    What do you guys think of the success postings each day?? They don't have to be big ones... little changes make big results right? So if you drank an extra bottle of water, or chose a salad over that bag of chips... or gardened for 10 minutes instead of having a glass of pop... CLAIM IT!! WE'LL BE THRILLED FOR YOU I PROMISE!!
  • Kellysmom78
    Kellysmom78 Posts: 81 Member
    Hello ladies.......aaahhhhh, these fabulous fifties, when everything in our bodies, goes to h**l in a hand basket! :sad: I am 54 and agree with your dr. It is harder to lose now that I'm in this age group, like that's something you REALLY wanted to hear! :bigsmile:
    You can add me if you wish. Best of luck on your journey!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    I am 53 years old. going thru menopause...5'7" 193 lbs. A couple of years ago was borderline diabetic. Changed my habits and ot back to normal. Weight is back up again, so a couple of weeks ago i started MFP and have lost 5 lbs. Logging food & exercise. Walking 3 miles 5x wk (mostly!) Gonna get back down! Friend me and we can do this together!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    LOL KM.. ya I'm not gonna lie.. I wanted to slap her ;) welcome!
  • RaysfanATL
    RaysfanATL Posts: 94
    welcome! I am 51 and still not going through menopause...I think...no symptoms yet, and although I did not have that "time of the month" for about 3 months, I got it a few weeks ago, so my Doctor thinks I haven't started menopause yet. I kind of want to get it over with already!! Important thing, is I am feeling good, loving life and kind of living the 2nd half of my life again, since I got a promotion in my job and moved to the Atlanta area last year. It's a dream job, and I met a new man, whoi s 6 years younger than me!! Life is good!
  • reunion13
    reunion13 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I am 47 and hitting the menapause phase, oh boy. I am sorta being forced into it. I have fibroids and have to have a hyterectomy in August. I am getting shots to shut everything down until surgery, so ya I am getting a fast lesson in hot flashes. bleh. I am about 75lbs over weight and needing all the support I can get. I am a stress eater and oh ya I have been stressed. Hoping to hang with some people that have the age in common. I also have a family reunion July of 13, ya gotta look good for that. :). Great to be here. Have a great day everyone.