my man is trying to sabotage me - annoyed, advice please.



  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    @ bigdaddybrc: There's no "blame" involved -- that's a whole different topic. She needs emotional support from her husband, and instead is getting sabotaging behaviors and negative attitudes. Yes, she should do what she's going to do ANYway. No one, including her, doubts that. Your reply that attempts to "turn the tables" on her sounds like defensiveness. She's not blaming anyone.

    This.... Thank you, you are my hero this morning. This is exactly what i wanted to say.
  • wendsong
    wendsong Posts: 33 Member
    Jaded Bones,

    This just doesn't sound like a healthy, supportive relationship to me. Life is too short to get involved with someone whom you might be miserable with in the long run. There seem to be A LOT of red flags. You need to examine this and make sure this is a good choice for you. My husband is not on the MFP track but he is supportive to me in my weight loss. You are a beautiful woman, make sure he is worthy of all the love/sacrifice that we give in relationships!! Best of luck to you.:flowerforyou:
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Perhaps he is incredibly insecure and is afraid that if you lose weight other men will be attracted to you and you'll be whisked away by someone who doesn't act like a petulant selfish child.

    I totally agree with this. My soon to be ex-husband did the same thing to me, and he wasn't even in the house since he was incarcerated. He would make fun of me or make comments when he did see me. I am working on the divorce as we speak - he is very insecure and childish.
  • tcmc11
    tcmc11 Posts: 12
    Since i can't measure myself today (today was my day to do that) now i feel like i don't want to eat anything at all because i'm worried about the measurements the more i just sit here on my fat *kitten* and wonder where the hell my 2 measuring tapes are....

    ...wednesday i'm going grocery shopping and will be buying another 3 measuring tapes and hiding them deep in my wardrobe or a jewelry box or something he won't go through.
    What's with the obsession over measuring tapes?

    Take responsibility for yourself and deal with the ED. Your paranoia about your fiance is coming from within.

    SHE IS NOT "IMAGINING" HER HUSBAND'S POOR BEHAVIOR. SHE IS NOT PARANOID. What is wrong with you all who are reading her thread and coming to this conclusion? Are you so threatened in your OWN lives/progress that you just have to throw up a wall to this person's actual problem? Geeze. Lighten up. There ARE actually such problems as she's describing in the world, no matter how much you try to flip it back onto her as "HER PARANOIA".
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I think you need to look at your relationship, it seems like your problems together go deeper than you trying to lose weight.

    I have a history of eating disorders, my husband knows this and he loves that I'm on this site. He knows that I'm eating healthy and not taking it to the extreme of an eating disorder. When I first started he'd ask me where I'm at on my calories and if I was a little low he'd suggest a snack. Now that I've been here for a while and mostly have my ED under control he trusts me to be eating enough and eating the right kinds of things. He loved me at 190 pounds, he loves me at 160 and he'll love me at 130, and without being a controlling a-hole.

    That's pretty much what I was trying to think of a way to type. It sounds like he's concerned about the OP's history of eating disorders, but going about this all wrong. Perhaps invite him to make an MFP account of his own and add him as a friend, so he can see what your calorie targets are, how much you're eating, etc?

    I would never tolerate that bit about hiding your measuring tape. That's just childish and stupid.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    So, you've tried to talk to him, he didn't take much notice.

    He's being controlling, he sleeps all day, and he doesn't have a job.

    What a catch! :ohwell:
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    Ahh the internet. Best place to get relationship advice ever!!
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    Although, I did think the obsession about the measuring tapes a little extreme...
  • ezBrizy
    ezBrizy Posts: 131 Member
    I agree that he needs to show you a more positive, supporting attitude but he is probably just scared that you'll use the site as a tool to obsess over your weight...maybe like the measuring tapes (not judging, just saying...there's gotta be a reason he keeps hiding them). Try to educate him about the site and let him see the kind of support you're getting.

    Maybe he can even join the site too, theres something for everybody on here no matter what level of fitness.
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    Hiding your tape measure, while understandable to a certain extent (since you have a history of ED), is also unforgivable.

    He doesn't get to make rules about your behavior. If you WANT his help policing you, ask him, otherwise he is wrong.

    Your job is to be responsible and be open with him. His job is to support you. Make sure he know what exactly he can do to support you, and make sure he knows that stealing and hiding your weight loss tools has caused you to want to fast. His behaviors have consequences. On the other hand, you'll want to get that impulse to starve yourself under control-- that's something you can control, unlike his behavior.

    Someone else said you could have him create an account so he can see you're eating... that may be a good idea. Worth a try. It may backfire however.
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    Thank you to all the people in this thread who understand that i'm not trying to get him to lose my weight for me, that i'm still working hard at eating my 1200 calories AND losing weight in a healthy way.

    Thank you to the people who understand my worry about him stealing/trashing my things, even if it is just a cheap measuring tape.

    I appreciate all the comments urging me to reconsider this relationship. I think i have taken on WAY more than i should've with him cause i'm not sponsoring him into the country and since that decision has been made he's been treating me like ****, even though both my mom and i have gone into massive debt trying to get him through the immigration process, including my mom paying for groceries and my family pooling money to get an immigration lawyer. I think a piece of me doesn't want to give up on him cause i've put so much into this relationship but this might be a real wake up call for me.

    For everyone suggesting i bring him here, he innately HATES calorie counting and insists that i need more like 5k calories to live. He is uneducated about it because the only nutrition advice he's ever got was from the marines however he is absolutely blocked when it comes to learning new things about diet. he insists that the way to get 'healthy' is to max load every single rep and really shock your body by intensive hella exercise (think boot camp). He doesn't seem to understand the idea of adopting a healthier 'lifestyle'. We have talked about this and I told him that he didn't even have to log his food, he could just use it to creep on my food journal. I think i really need to think about things more.

    Thank you for all the feedback everyone
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    I walked my husband through the site so he could see what I was doing and support me in what I was doing. He gets it, and is very happy with the healthy changes I am making. Maybe walking him through the site would be helpful. Also, what country is he from? Different cultures have different ideas of beauty! It could be he thought you were too thin to start with and loves your curves!
    is this a joke?
  • MoveTheMountain
    Thank you to all the people in this thread who understand that i'm not trying to get him to lose my weight for me, that i'm still working hard at eating my 1200 calories AND losing weight in a healthy way.

    Thank you to the people who understand my worry about him stealing/trashing my things, even if it is just a cheap measuring tape.

    I appreciate all the comments urging me to reconsider this relationship. I think i have taken on WAY more than i should've with him cause i'm not sponsoring him into the country and since that decision has been made he's been treating me like ****, even though both my mom and i have gone into massive debt trying to get him through the immigration process, including my mom paying for groceries and my family pooling money to get an immigration lawyer. I think a piece of me doesn't want to give up on him cause i've put so much into this relationship but this might be a real wake up call for me.

    For everyone suggesting i bring him here, he innately HATES calorie counting and insists that i need more like 5k calories to live. He is uneducated about it because the only nutrition advice he's ever got was from the marines however he is absolutely blocked when it comes to learning new things about diet. he insists that the way to get 'healthy' is to max load every single rep and really shock your body by intensive hella exercise (think boot camp). He doesn't seem to understand the idea of adopting a healthier 'lifestyle'. We have talked about this and I told him that he didn't even have to log his food, he could just use it to creep on my food journal. I think i really need to think about things more.

    Thank you for all the feedback everyone

    Sounds seriously toxic.
  • saustin201
    saustin201 Posts: 270 Member
    Sounds seriously toxic.

    ^^ This. You're in a bad situation here. You need to get out now. Good luck.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Thank you to all the people in this thread who understand that i'm not trying to get him to lose my weight for me, that i'm still working hard at eating my 1200 calories AND losing weight in a healthy way.

    Thank you to the people who understand my worry about him stealing/trashing my things, even if it is just a cheap measuring tape.

    I appreciate all the comments urging me to reconsider this relationship. I think i have taken on WAY more than i should've with him cause i'm not sponsoring him into the country and since that decision has been made he's been treating me like ****, even though both my mom and i have gone into massive debt trying to get him through the immigration process, including my mom paying for groceries and my family pooling money to get an immigration lawyer. I think a piece of me doesn't want to give up on him cause i've put so much into this relationship but this might be a real wake up call for me.

    For everyone suggesting i bring him here, he innately HATES calorie counting and insists that i need more like 5k calories to live. He is uneducated about it because the only nutrition advice he's ever got was from the marines however he is absolutely blocked when it comes to learning new things about diet. he insists that the way to get 'healthy' is to max load every single rep and really shock your body by intensive hella exercise (think boot camp). He doesn't seem to understand the idea of adopting a healthier 'lifestyle'. We have talked about this and I told him that he didn't even have to log his food, he could just use it to creep on my food journal. I think i really need to think about things more.

    Thank you for all the feedback everyone

    Sounds seriously toxic.

    Agreed. Sounded like from the first post that he is dating your BOOBS and not you. And just all around abusive. You don't need that. Tell him to take a hike and find someone that actually treats you the way you deserve to be treated. I really think this is deeper then him being concerned about your eating disorder. I think its more about a control thing and that's absolutely horrible that he's okay with you and your mother going into debt for him. Good luck what what you decide to do! :flowerforyou:
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    No matter what you've already "invested" in the relationship, it's not worth destroying yourself. You can turn off the path you're going down and find a better route for you. And that also means finding someone willing to go down the same path with you. Sounds like he wants to go his own way and you're being pulled along whether you like it or not. You need to go down that road hand in hand, not his hand on your leash.

    Re-examine your situation. Is it really worth the rest of your life to deal with this sort of crap he's pulling?
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    The bold type makes it sound like your yelling a fact. Yelling doesn't make something factual.

    What are the facts here?
    The OP can't find her tape measures.
    The OP has a fiance not a husband.

    What if the tape measures were simply misplaced? No conspiracy involved. No insecure controlling huband. No sabotage. That's just lame and not fun at all. This is the internet - lets have fun with it.
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    I hope you can let him know, he needs to support you or get the hell out of your life.

    I've been here for 28 days.

    Even though he still hands me the bag of Oreos from time to time out of habit, and tells me I'm perfect the way I am, he fully supports whatever I want to do, whether it's running a 5K, or jumping out of a plane for a thrill.....a true life companion will never hold you back from what you want.
  • DaisyDay52
    I have just realised that you have to be a little selfish when your trying to eat healthy, I kept putting everyone else before me, now I am putting me first, but that does not mean shuting out your partner, I ease the way for him by spoiling him and cooking food that he likes but he does not realise that they are the healty options.:flowerforyou: Please keep going and I hope you can be strong and not let him take you from the path you have started on