anyone fasting for the month of ramadaan

I just wana see if I'm not the only one here fasting for the month of ramadaan...
Where all my muslims at? (:


  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    I haven't done it in years, but this year I am going to give it an honest 100% try. Probably not all 30 days but we'll see! Interested in the responses here... I want some tips on how/what to eat and exercise, etc.....
  • Hannah_xoxo12
    I am!
  • imondrugz
    imondrugz Posts: 154
    I am!! We should make a group and motivate each other :D !!
  • imondrugz
    imondrugz Posts: 154
    I haven't done it in years, but this year I am going to give it an honest 100% try. Probably not all 30 days but we'll see! Interested in the responses here... I want some tips on how/what to eat and exercise, etc.....

    Fasting is a great method to burn fat !! Just fast the normal Ramadan hours and as soon the sun sets and we're finally allowed to eat. eat 3 dates or something sugary (a little not alot :/) and plenty of water this will give you great energy go and workout and have your main meal after that workout!! I promise your going to love the results !! Also remember to stay hydrated throughout your workout!!
  • sumshe1
    sumshe1 Posts: 9
    How much time you get between Salah time for workout? I don't think so I would have enough time to do workout during that time and then eat. This month, I fast for two days and I did treadmill for 30 mins during the day which didn't hurt my fasting at all... I am thinking to do treadmill during Ramadan and continue my circuit training after Eid.
  • imondrugz
    imondrugz Posts: 154
    How much time you get between Salah time for workout? I don't think so I would have enough time to do workout during that time and then eat. This month, I fast for two days and I did treadmill for 30 mins during the day which didn't hurt my fasting at all... I am thinking to do treadmill during Ramadan and continue my circuit training after Eid.

    Right after Maghreb eat a couple of dates and rush to the gym do your workout and take a shower then eat a small meal !! Go pray and when your home eat your main meal :)!!
  • sumshe1
    sumshe1 Posts: 9
    you mean eat your main meal at like 1130 or so? I hope that schedule works for you becuase not sure how healthy is it to eat and go to sleep and get up and eat again:s
  • imondrugz
    imondrugz Posts: 154
    you mean eat your main meal at like 1130 or so? I hope that schedule works for you becuase not sure how healthy is it to eat and go to sleep and get up and eat again:s

    All that no carb at night and don't eat before you sleep is bs !! Science recently proved that the only thing that matter is your caloric intake and your macronutrients!! So if you eat at night it's normal !! Go look it up and do the research if you don't believe me :) !! Source:- always read about nutrition because my goal is to be a bodybuilder and lost 50 pounds eating at night almost every day :) !!
  • sumshe1
    sumshe1 Posts: 9
    Well i guess my food would bother me lol becuase its spicy. I might get heart burn if I don't give enough time to digest:s

    Do you think its unhealthy to workout while fasting?
  • imondrugz
    imondrugz Posts: 154
    Well i guess my food would bother me lol becuase its spicy. I might get heart burn if I don't give enough time to digest:s

    Do you think its unhealthy to workout while fasting?
    Honestly I think yes!! Because you will be dehydrated and you won't eat anything which means there will be no fuel so your body will end up burning your muscles for energy instead of fat(which will result in lowering your metbaloslim and a lot of other bad stuff) + how on earth can you survive that thirst after working out in this heat >.<!!! If the problem is spicy food take easy on the spices :) .. I mean it's just a month scarfice a lil to achieve your goal!!
  • sumshe1
    sumshe1 Posts: 9
    Well I guess I need to figure out my workout time after Iftar now with my lil daughter if she lets me....
  • moonlightturk
    iA I will fast this month! :)
  • rabiahassan
    rabiahassan Posts: 29 Member
    Me me me!! InshAllah cant wait, kept a fast last week didn't exercise though as saved my energy for doing more spiritual and faith enhancing activities like Ibadah n Reading quran, will be tough but we will get through it!!
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    Salaams everyone. I am.

    However I don't think people should consider Ramadan as an easy way to lose fat.... for a start most Muslims gain weight during Ramadan from overeating samosas and other deep fried stuff at iftaar. Also, if you're fasting all the day (and the days are long when Ramadan's in the summer) then not eating enough to sustain you at night, there's a high risk of losing lean body mass. Loss of lean body mass = slowed metabolism = increased risk of rebound fat gain = any short term gains are not worth the long term costs.

    Personally I'm planning to eat my inactive TDEE calories (i.e. maintenance calories) during the night and aiming to maintain.

    Re working out while fasting - you need water and glucose in your system to fuel your workout or you won't be able to push yourself to what you're really capable of, and you won't get the benefit of the workout. Mild dehydration will make your workout suck, severe dehydration is dangerous. IMO the best time to workout during Ramadan is after you've given iftaar enough time to go down, and had plenty of water so you're hydrated and have food in your system ready to fuel your workout, and you can still drink more water during/after the workout and have a post workout meal.
  • njgal35
    njgal35 Posts: 28
    I am. I know I lose a few pounds by the end of the month but my body goes through a lot with lack of water and long days and minimal exercise.

    I also lose muscle.

    I would love to see options as to how we can burn more fat and keep our muscle tone during ramadan.
  • imondrugz
    imondrugz Posts: 154
    Salaams everyone. I am.

    However I don't think people should consider Ramadan as an easy way to lose fat.... for a start most Muslims gain weight during Ramadan from overeating samosas and other deep fried stuff at iftaar. Also, if you're fasting all the day (and the days are long when Ramadan's in the summer) then not eating enough to sustain you at night, there's a high risk of losing lean body mass. Loss of lean body mass = slowed metabolism = increased risk of rebound fat gain = any short term gains are not worth the long term costs.

    Personally I'm planning to eat my inactive TDEE calories (i.e. maintenance calories) during the night and aiming to maintain.

    Re working out while fasting - you need water and glucose in your system to fuel your workout or you won't be able to push yourself to what you're really capable of, and you won't get the benefit of the workout. Mild dehydration will make your workout suck, severe dehydration is dangerous. IMO the best time to workout during Ramadan is after you've given iftaar enough time to go down, and had plenty of water so you're hydrated and have food in your system ready to fuel your workout, and you can still drink more water during/after the workout and have a post workout meal.

    I really disagree with you :) !! a person can succeed in anything Aslong as he have the will to do what ever it takes!! You said it yourself because people tend to eat fried unhealthy food in ramadan so they end up gaining weight !! It's not only Ramadan if you eat junk food anytime of the year you'll gain weight.. Let's be realistic most of the food we eat in Ramadan is mainly carbs/fats/sugars!! Ofcourse you won't lose fat with such a diet.. As for consuming your lean mass as energy.. Your body only start use your lean mass (aka muscles) as fuel if you have a poor diet and your not smart with the timing of the workout !! Look into intermediet fasting diet and you'll be the suprisped that the people who fast then eat their body consumes their food better and tend to use your body fat as fuel :)!! Working out should be at night when your well hydrated!! And keep eating healthy your body might be weak the first few days but it's normal Because its adjusting to your new diet!! Finally go do some research calculate your maintaince calorie and eat 300~500 cals under it don't go on a 800 calorie diet and ruin your body >.> or even worse end up at a hospital.... So if someone wants to lose weight during Ramadan it's possible !! Infact it's a great opportunity just do your homework and have a solid plan !!!
  • hssheikh
    hssheikh Posts: 55 Member
    I am going to Fast inshaAllah...cant wait for the holy month! :) ...just keep yourself hydrated, eat healthy at sehr time, and refrain from eating fried stuff at iftar. go for a 30 minute walk after iftar. this is gonna help people who complain tht they gain weight in ramadan.

    P.S: im quite happy to see muslims pals in here! wish you all a blessed and healthy Ramadan! :)
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    Salaams everyone. I am.

    However I don't think people should consider Ramadan as an easy way to lose fat.... for a start most Muslims gain weight during Ramadan from overeating samosas and other deep fried stuff at iftaar. Also, if you're fasting all the day (and the days are long when Ramadan's in the summer) then not eating enough to sustain you at night, there's a high risk of losing lean body mass. Loss of lean body mass = slowed metabolism = increased risk of rebound fat gain = any short term gains are not worth the long term costs.

    Personally I'm planning to eat my inactive TDEE calories (i.e. maintenance calories) during the night and aiming to maintain.

    Re working out while fasting - you need water and glucose in your system to fuel your workout or you won't be able to push yourself to what you're really capable of, and you won't get the benefit of the workout. Mild dehydration will make your workout suck, severe dehydration is dangerous. IMO the best time to workout during Ramadan is after you've given iftaar enough time to go down, and had plenty of water so you're hydrated and have food in your system ready to fuel your workout, and you can still drink more water during/after the workout and have a post workout meal.

    I really disagree with you :) !! a person can succeed in anything Aslong as he have the will to do what ever it takes!!

    It's not a matter of willpower or not wanting to succeed, it's about what's healthy for the body. Losing lean body mass isn't healthy for the body. Losing weight at all costs is not healthy. Do you want to lose weight no matter what it does to your body, or do you want to be healthy and lose fat? that's the question everyone needs to ask. Our bodies are on trust from Allah, and health should be the number 1 priority for everyone.

    Systematic undereating (which it would be if you fasted all day and ate at a deficit during the night through the whole of Ramadan) will lead to lean body mass loss. The idea that you only lose it in extreme circumstances is not correct. I studied this at university (amongst other things) i.e. what happens to the body during starvation, and that was just a purely academic/physiology thing, it wasn't applied to dieting/fat loss etc. Lean body mass loss starts very early on. Body builders have devised all kinds of strategies to prevent it such as nutrient cycling, refeed days etc, and they wouldn't have done this if there was no risk, they'd just eat at a straight deficit through the cutting phase. Also, the leaner you are the more likely you are to lose lean body mass. The very obese can get away with a lot more than people with just a little body fat left to lose. It's also why the last few lbs are the hardest to lose.

    I've looked into intermittent fasting and tried it, it totally does not work for me at all. And all the IF plans I've seen advising taking BCAA's while "fasting" to prevent muscle loss during the time of not eating. IFers also drink water while fasting, so that's another reason why IFing does not put as much strain on the system as Islamic fasting. As far as I know they do help to prevent LBM loss while fasting, but taking BCAA pills would break your fast during Ramadan, so that's not an option

    And to be honest I'm not really bothered what other people do, I'm just putting the advice out there. For me, I have to be very careful not to lose lean body mass because I struggle more with avoiding undereating than I do with overeating, and I know first hand just how much damage systematic undereating does to the body composition, because I've lived it. And no I don't have an eating disorder, the undereating was accidental due to other problems I have that make me lose my appetite. The result was piling flab all around my middle and ending up obese with a slow metabolism, and having no idea that's what was keeping me fat. What fixed it was focusing on not undereating, and doing exercise (mostly weights, some cardio). There are a lot of people whose dieting efforts are being sabotaged by the fact that they're not eating enough. Very often they don't see it, and think that more undereating is what's going to fix the problem. Mostly I don't comment on this because it's a topic that causes lots of arguments, but I do think it's necessary to warn people of this, because having been through this myself I know it's real. And yes I have lost lean body mass quite significantly after just one week of undereating - I know because I've measured my body composition carefully so I can see if this happens. Most people wouldn't notice that it's happened, they'd just think "yay I lost 3lb this week great progress" and have no idea that they just lost 1.5lb fat and 1.5lb LBM.
  • Dead_Darling
    Dead_Darling Posts: 478 Member
    Insha'Allah I'll be fasting :)
  • sumshe1
    sumshe1 Posts: 9
    Yup I am happy to see other Muslims here too... Can't wait for Ramadan. I usually avoid fry food in Ramadan and eat just regular dinner. Taraweeh namaz is good exercise after Iftar though lol but I will try to do some more if time and my daughter permits me. If not then I will just try to eat healthy and no or less junk food.