Antisocial Much?



  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    For me it's really just a time issue. I would love to go out, but I always tell people, ok, I'll meet you at 9. They say no way, they want to meet at 5 or 6. I have to workout, shower, and eat. No can do. I have lost most weekday social life. But, it's part of the deal. You have to make sacrifices somewhere.
  • HorseWithNoName27
    HorseWithNoName27 Posts: 188 Member
    I feel like I have to this time around. My last attempt (a few months ago) I slipped away partially due to the influence of friends who constantly wanted to party, brought over fast food, couldn't go out without hitting up Outback Steakhouse, etc. I gave in. I refuse to do that anymore, so I will be having to be a bit of a homebody until I can control myself better. Ultimately, no one tied me down and shoved tacos down my throat; I did, and I lacked control. Until I gain that control back, I don't want to tempt myself.

    Everyone is different, though.
  • Focusonfifty
    Focusonfifty Posts: 105 Member
    Personally I disagree with all who agree with this posting. If you take yourself out of the "temptation" then how do you conquer it. Avoidance can only last but for so long and no man is an island. You don't necessarily have to "explain" anything to anyone just make healthier wiser choices when you do go out. You may be surprised at the support you may also get if you do decide to share your journey and your goals. I do understand we all have different insecurities and strengths; and hopefully your friends like you for who your are and who you're trying to become (a healthier you). Good luck!
  • Focusonfifty
    Focusonfifty Posts: 105 Member
    I was the opposite, I started to socialize with people that had what I wanted. I joined a cycling team, started going to running groups and hiking groups. I started finding friends that were into working out and doing the things I enjoyed to help motivate and keep me in the right frame of mind. I do still have my friends that are completely against the whole diet/working out thing, but I limit my time with them to once a week and watch what I eat/drink when I'm with them.

    Thumbs up to you! That's what we're supposed to do in life anyway, surround ourselves with like minded people.
  • SingeSange
    SingeSange Posts: 98 Member
    I wrote a blog about how I was feeling this same way!! I feel like if I hang out with my friends that I won't eat healthy, they'll "drag me down" and back into bad habits.
    I was getting lonely and a little tired with my own company though and realized that I could isolate myself and eat healthy, or I could eat healthy and spend time with my friends. My friends won't get upset with me for turning down a piece of pepperoni pizza or chicken wings or a piece of pie. My friends will cheer me on in my new healthy habits and maybe even make some better choices while they see the results I'm getting.
    For me, this isn't a temporary diet, it's a change in a way of life, and if I want to have my friends there with me, well, I have to be strong and I have to be honest with them and myself. Sometimes I'll have a piece of pie and a chicken wing, and sometimes I won't. That's real life, and it's so much nicer to share it with the ones we love, isn't it?
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    Does anyone else feel like they want to avoid almost all friends and social situations... at least while beginning their diet changes?
    I just feel so anti social and really don't want anyone seeing me until I feel better about myself.
    Is this normal and should I continue to semi hermit myself until I am comfortable with my eating and not drinking? I am so frustrated!
    I think there's a big difference between wanting to go it alone for a while while you establish your groove, and isolating yourself because you don't feel good about yourself. If by the latter, you're just talking about feeling better about your ability to stick to the plan in social situations, then I get it...but it kind of sounds like more.
  • Personally I disagree with all who agree with this posting. If you take yourself out of the "temptation" then how do you conquer it. Avoidance can only last but for so long and no man is an island. You don't necessarily have to "explain" anything to anyone just make healthier wiser choices when you do go out. You may be surprised at the support you may also get if you do decide to share your journey and your goals. I do understand we all have different insecurities and strengths; and hopefully your friends like you for who your are and who you're trying to become (a healthier you). Good luck!

    Very well said!

    I've definately cut down on going out, especially since I'm also trying to save $$$ - but I'm not going to let my diet rule my lifestyle! I've learned that it IS actually possible to go out and have a few drinks and not need a kebab or McDonalds on the way home, or to justify eating crap when I'm hungover.

    Sometimes I'll slip up and have something a bit naughty, but in moderation! And if I denied myself my friends and the occasional indulgance completely, eventually I'd go crazy and go on a complete binge! (This is exactly why fad diets dont work.)

    Don't ever let your friends or family give you a hard time for trying to be healthy! Screw what anyone else thinks and KNOW that you are capable of making the right choices!
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Yes during weight loss I totally felt like that and occasionally in maintenance too though I have found ways round it.

    Try and suggest restaurants etc that advertise their food calories before hand (i.e. Pizza Express, Nando's, Zizzi's). That way you can add your calories into your diary and work the rest of the day around them - same applies for if you're going out for a drink. I drink vodka and diet coke so I add in how many I plan to drink in the morning and then plan food or necessary exercise etc.

    Also I do think that life is for living and certain special occasions I will have as a 'spike' day and just enjoy it. The main thing is just getting back on the wagon afterwards. I would count special occasions such as Weddings, big birthdays, christmas, hen/stag do's etc. xx
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i'm just an anti-social person.

    embrace it!