How do you people stay at 1200 a day??



  • tammykosmala
    A small piece of fruit in the morning before my dance class that burs 297 calories for 40 min. Then lunch salad or sandwich with the Sara lee reduced fat bread it's on 40 calories per slice. Dinner is tough but I meaure out my portions to 1 cup always another big salad and lot's of vegetables with dinner. I have to have someting sweet at night ususally 2 cookies tollhouse oatmeal only 80 calories per cookie or frozen yogurt. I stay away from all sodas and high calorie coffee drinks. I'm usually always under 1200 calories. But I get the extra 297 for the dance class I take.And lot's of water during the day. Hope that helps good luck it is always a challenge
  • Balance05
    Balance05 Posts: 53 Member
    Check out my diary. I think it depends on the type of food being consumed. Try to have protein with almost every meal and snack. Also, I think after a couple of weeks doing it, your stomach shrinks (not scientific, don't quote me :wink: ), but the first 2 weeks were aweful. I had headaches and was so hungry, but now its not so bad. Oh, I also go over a bit most days, but workout really hard, too.

    Try it out for a couple weeks, your body may end up surprising you. :)
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    I have been doing this for a long time and I can not stay under calories, no matter how hard I try. How do you people do it??? I looked at some of your diaries and that ones I looked ate one meal a day and some vitamins, one ate protein shakes twice a day and a salad for the other, the others complain about not being able to get to 1200 a day, one eats pizza and goes over and still says he/she loses two lbs a week.

    Don't you people get hungry??? How do you do it?????? I know, yes, my exercise is not where it should be and I"m working on it (majorly obese here so I'm working at it) but the diaries I was referring to didn't have any exercise calories listed in at the bottom....

    Don't you get hungry?????? I'm beginning to think all these numbers maybe too complicated for this brain to figure out, too (like another post said).


    You say that you are MAJORLY OBESE. Why in the world would you only be eating 1200 calories a day? Did you set up the GUIDELINES correctly?
    Did you even bother to set up the guidelines?
    We know the answer tot that. I can't speak for others, but one reason I was "MAJORLY OBESE" was that I knew everything.
    When a person knows everything, why bother changing?
    I had to get stupid to unlearn a few things, then saw results eating more and enjoying life.
    The starvation, crash diet route is a fast lane to nowhere.
    Instead of people trying to help the thread starter how to stay UNDER 1200 calories, maybe Someone should explain how to use the site and eating right.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    Been doing this a little over a year now, and I usually eat more than my allotted 1250 calories a day. Getting to eat back exercise calories is great incentive to MOVE IT! If I didn't burn at least 300-400 calories working out, I would starve! Some days if I'm tired or sick, I load up on more fruits and veggies to stay within my goal, and some days I just eat whatever the hell I want and enjoy it!!
  • PandaCustard
    PandaCustard Posts: 204 Member
    I honestly don't have a huge appetite. My weight gain came from no exercise and eating not much food, but all the wrong kind. Now, I'll eat some fruit for breakfast, a sandwich with some applesauce or cottage cheese for lunch, more fruit or carrots/sliced bell peppers for a snack, and usually baked or grilled lean meat like chicken or fish with vegetables for dinner. Yesterday, I just wasn't hungry and was so low on my calories by the end of the day (580) that I pretty much had to force myself to eat so my totals weren't so low. It all just depends on appetite and how much you eat throughout the day. On exercise days I try to eat my calories back but I just can't eat them all.
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I drink water, I eat lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, lots fruit, spinach, lean chicken breast......but somewhere, oh somewhere I throw in a potato or some ranch or something that adds up..... :( I also tend to get up at night and snack because I can't sleep...THAT is what usually throws me wayyyyyyyyyyyyy over..... :(

    Thank you all for responding....I just feel whiney today and am not seeing any progress and it gets frustrating....

    Thank you though for your thoughts....I will take them to heart and keep them in mind and get to moving more.

    So, you've listed all the healthy, low calorie foods you eat, but what are you snacking on? Is it also calorie dense foods like potatoes and ranch dressing?

    I find it easy to stay under 1700 calories -- I gave up bread, pasta, potatoes and the only salad dressing I have mostly is balsamic vinegar, although I will sometimes use a little olive oil. Now that I'm doing a lot of exercise and trying to eat back some of the calories, I went out on the weekend and bought some potatoes because I'm having a hard time actually eating up to the calories. I eat lots of fruits, leafy vegetables, grilled veggies like peppers, eggplant and zucchini, and lean meat.

    If you are struggling to stay under 1700 calories a day, you need ask yourself how much you really want that dressing or those snacks. Clearly, your eating behaviors before caused weight gain and you need to examine everything that you put in your mouth to see if they are good choices for your goal.

    I also second what someone said about possibly not measuring the right amounts too, like the ranch dressing. Are you using measuring spoons or cups when you portion all of this out? I did that very strictly for quite a while, and still do sometimes, although I have a pretty good idea now what 3 oz. of chicken etc. looks like so I can eye ball it.
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    I have been doing this for a long time and I can not stay under calories, no matter how hard I try. How do you people do it??? I looked at some of your diaries and that ones I looked ate one meal a day and some vitamins, one ate protein shakes twice a day and a salad for the other, the others complain about not being able to get to 1200 a day, one eats pizza and goes over and still says he/she loses two lbs a week.

    Don't you people get hungry??? How do you do it?????? I know, yes, my exercise is not where it should be and I"m working on it (majorly obese here so I'm working at it) but the diaries I was referring to didn't have any exercise calories listed in at the bottom....

    Don't you get hungry?????? I'm beginning to think all these numbers maybe too complicated for this brain to figure out, too (like another post said).


    Your goal should be higher than 1200 anyway, at this stage.
    In any case, many people stick to 1200 by doing exercise (eg earning extra calories) so they can eat more food.
    1200 calories a day with no exercise is not really sustainable.
  • girlygirl45419
    I was wondering that too, and until I actually tried it I thought it was impossible. I think its all about food choice. Also I divide the 1200 calories so its 300 calories every meal and an extra 300 for snacks.You can eat alot of veggies that are low in calorie and it will keeps you full. Another great tip is to keep yourself busy so that you dont think about being that hungry. When Im hungry but I dont really want to eat, i just drink water. Now its actually hard for me to reach my goal of 1200 calories. I average on about 900 calories a day.

    P.S. The more you work out the more calories your allowed to intake! ( i workout everyday for about an hour).
  • NikkiSoFab
    NikkiSoFab Posts: 30 Member
    Many of us are different in so many ways, but speaking for myself...The way I have been maintaining my 1200 calorie count for the past four months has a lot to do with time management, and my in take of liquid fluids such as green tea, and or water... As well as munching on snacks every now and again. When I first started counting calories and cutting back majorly I would get hungry, but now that I've learn to pick the foods that I love to eat, it is no longer a problem... It's become natural... Edited: oppssyyy didn't elaborate on what i meant by the time mangment part, but What I mean by it, is that you have to set strict times in which you decide to have your meals, and make sure that it stretches out all the way up until an hour before bedtime, :).
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    I agree that food choices have a large effect on satiety. Protein keeps me full and by avoiding sugary foods (or low nutrient quality foods like pizza) , I avoid spikes in blood sugar which prompts cravings. If I do not eat "clean" to put it that way, I can easily clear away 3000+ calories of junk food. But when I focus on the healthiest foods, and low carb, my appetite is way lower and my cravings are almost nonexistent.

    Eventually I'll add some grains and a little bit more carbs to my diet, and up my activity. Its a challenge, that's for sure. I'd love to eat whatever I want and be full at 1200 calories but it doesnt work that way for me.
  • kittenkris
    kittenkris Posts: 112
    MFP sets my calories at around 1750 a day in order to loose 2 pounds a week. Why would you ever only eat 1200 at the beginning of this journey. I have read where many have told you to make wise choices with calories. That is how i do it and I am eating about 1700 calsq a day I excercise and eat those back too. I even allow myself a cheat day where I try to stay close to my calories but I don't eat right. Try Dannon Greek yogurt at 130 cals a day and 13grams of protein. It helps me. Small changes for life will work best. I am 48 with hypothyroidism and I lost 4 pounds in the last ten days. Don't starve that is unsustainable.
  • niknokd
    niknokd Posts: 127 Member
    Staying at 1200 seems easy to me now because my appetite has shrunk since I started watching what I eat. Also, it's easier for me because I'm very small (5 foot 0, 106 pounds) so I require a lot less calories to functions. What really helped me is that I eat VERY often (probably every 2 hours) in really small amounts. Those people you mentioned who are only eating one meal...that's REALLY bad for your metabolism and I wouldn't recommend it. If you're having trouble I'd recommend eating a little bit very often, and if you're still having trouble try out some negative calorie foods. For example, apples, bananas, cantaloupe, and many other fruits take more calories to digest than they actually contain. You'll feel full, but it won't hurt your weight loss efforts. Good luck! :)
  • lambch0ps
    lambch0ps Posts: 79 Member
    I've been doing 1200 cals a day for the most part since January when I actually started MFP. I've been able to stick with it by eating lots of fruits, vegetables, almonds, greek yogurt, eggs, lean meats and fish. I try to eat low carb, high protein. If I eat carb/starchy food, I limit to 1-2 servings a day and then I only have things that are whole grain like oatmeal, brown rice, whole wheat bread, etc. I eat 3 meals and 2 snacks each day. Meals are about 300 cals each and snacks are below 200. Some days, depending on how many cals I burn during workouts, I eat back some of my cals. Also I have a "cheat" meal once every 2 weeks or so. I also try to cook things using fresh ingredients as much as possible rather than using pre-packaged items to help cut down on sodium. So far, that's what has worked for me. This is the longest time I've stuck with losing weight and I think it is because I've found something that I can do without being hungry all the time.

    Awesome! You just became my role model!
  • mibrewer413
    mibrewer413 Posts: 78 Member
    I quit going by what MFP told me because it was too low. Couldn't do 1300 calories. I figured out my TDEE and took a 500 calorie cut. Then I got a Bodymedia Fit and actually my TDEE is more like 2200-2400 a day. I'm still losing weight, eating healthy and feel a lot better eating around 1600-1800 cal/day.
  • MCinSoCal
    MCinSoCal Posts: 87
    I eat (well lately not been AS GOOD but in general) lots of veggies for snacking, they're very low-cal, low-fat and you or at least I honestly get tired of eating before I can finish them. Lean cuts of meat, lots of fish and chicken, whole grains, low-fat or non-fat cheeses, dressings and etc...and a lot of water!
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I usually eat 1200-1400 calories per day. As long as I do my own cooking and stay away from processed foods, I have no problem. Never hungry and usually have room for a small low fat ice cream cup (170 calories) for a bedtime snack. I stick to lean meats and eat lots of fresh veggies. I suggest going to some of the healthy cooking websites and finding some meals that you like. The recipes are usually for 4 servings, so make one and you have dinner for that night and 3 more meals waiting to reheat and eat. has many of my favorites.
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I was doing 1100 a day for a little while.. It wasn't that bad. I felt sort of hungry but then my stomach started to shrink back to normal and I felt less hungry. I eat good stuff with fewer calories. I didn't always eat back exercise calories either.. Never felt sick or tired or hungry. =) I felt pretty good. With fewer calories I had to pick better more filling foods.
  • cait287
    cait287 Posts: 7
    A lot of it is around combining foods. Fat and protein is the thing that sends the "I'm full" signal to your brain the fastest. When I struggle to feel full, I try to eat something fatty.

    Studies have shown that you will be hungry to eat the same weight of food a day, regardless of calories. Go for bulk! Fruit and veg.

    Overnight snacking can get me too. I work weird hours and overnights sometimes. What I find helps is actually pre-packaging my food into servings. So, cereal, measured out, in ziploc bags of one serving. It makes it much easier when I have the munchies to pick ONE thing rather than winding up with 3 servings of cereal in one go.

    Lastly, it takes a while for your body to get used to having less in one day. Going from 3000 calories a day to 1200 is going to feel TERRIBLE. Cutting back slowly is more realistic.
  • cethorne1983
    Everyone is different. I want to be able to lose 2 pounds a week and I weigh 165 so MFP told me in order to do that, I have to do so much exercise and my calorie allowance is 1200 a day. I used to eat so much (I have gained 21 pounds in the last year) that it seemed daunting at first, but really it is what healthy people learn to do. It is healthier to eat every 2-3 hours, 100-200 calories at a time (if possible) instead of doing 2-3 large meals, I am still working on that. However, I went to Panera the other day and had a 1/2 sandwich, bowl of soup and chose a side of fruit instead of chips and it was 400 calories. At Red Robin I ate 1/2 of a BLTA croissant and got fruit for the side, 439 calories. However, it depends on what weight you are at, because 1/2 of a sandwich to some people is not possible, but something to work toward as your stomach starts to shrink. I have a couple friends on MFP that eat TONS of food for 1200 calories, it is insane how much they eat, they are just choosing fruit and veggies, etc and the more healthy you eat the more food you can eat. You can do this! If you want encouragement or someone to share your victories with, feel free to email me, I have a long way to go on this!
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