Jerk at the Gym



  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Everybody in their mind is nice. I'm sure even Hitler thought he was a nice guy.

    A lot of these types of bullies thrive on people who "don't want problems". These are literally worms who feed on other peoples good nature.

    I have learned a long time ago that after giving them 1 chance to make nice and make peace, I go into my @$$hole mode and stare them dead in their eye if they try to bug me again and before they even open their mouth I ask "What the F*** do you want" or if they keep annoying me I just so "Go fu** yourselve" or other colorful words. Not saying you should do that but stand your ground and let them know that you're not a pushover
  • cspence2270
    cspence2270 Posts: 229 Member
    I work out at home so I don't have this problem. My husband and I work out together and do sets alternating with each other so he'll do a seated shoulder press while I'm doing a back fly. When we do this the bench is always in use by one of us. If you are doing sets of different exercises back to back you would have a few minutes of doing one exercise before you went back to the other one. So I'm guessing that this guy was in between sets with the stool and even though you hadn't seen him using the stool within the last 5 minutes or so I bet he was going to use it again after he finished the set of whatever he was on. He didn't handle the situation very nicely but than he was getting off the stool while doing different sets and if you were just sitting on the stool giving yourself the recommended "rest time" between sets he probably thought you wrong to just sit there kinda like you thought the stool wasn't in use. Sounds like better communication could have saved a lot of negative talk. But don't beat yourself up about it-
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    "gym protocol" sez leave a personal item on a bench/stool that you're using so others know it's in use~
    Unless that 'personal item' is a limb or *kitten* cheek, I usually just move it. I'm not sure people's towel or water bottles really need to be using gym equipment.
  • itsafrappe
    itsafrappe Posts: 162 Member
    he could have used the chair just as well as you could have. he was being a total d-bag. next time a good knee to his balls is in order
  • GLJezebel
    GLJezebel Posts: 312 Member
    I work out at home so I don't have this problem. My husband and I work out together and do sets alternating with each other so he'll do a seated shoulder press while I'm doing a back fly. When we do this the bench is always in use by one of us. If you are doing sets of different exercises back to back you would have a few minutes of doing one exercise before you went back to the other one. So I'm guessing that this guy was in between sets with the stool and even though you hadn't seen him using the stool within the last 5 minutes or so I bet he was going to use it again after he finished the set of whatever he was on. He didn't handle the situation very nicely but than he was getting off the stool while doing different sets and if you were just sitting on the stool giving yourself the recommended "rest time" between sets he probably thought you wrong to just sit there kinda like you thought the stool wasn't in use. Sounds like better communication could have saved a lot of negative talk. But don't beat yourself up about it-

    Actually, he wasn't anywhere around. I wasn't sitting on it, resting. I was using it - knee on one side and hand on the other side while I did shoulder exercises that I have been doing for PT after rotator cuff surgery.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I would have told him that no, he didn't leave his little peni$ on the stool, so maybe he should go check the other ones or see if his boyfriend had them in his pocket.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Wow - what a tough guy!
    Seriously, the roid heads think they own everything in the gym.
    They're cowards who are bloated and buffed. I have folded so many of these guys up so fast through the years.
    Here's the deal.
    They are used to people backing down. And why not? They're big, mean looking.
    They're like dogs who just wizzed on a tree marking territory. Next time tell him to buzz off [spelled with an "f]
    Watch him cower.
  • ghjklo9
    ghjklo9 Posts: 57
    He should have just waited. Sounds like a jerk...there are better ways to communicate.
  • Hanablu2
    Hanablu2 Posts: 134 Member
    That's terrible. He doesn't own the gym next time report a jerk like that. People like that don't learn unless you nip it in the bud, hopefully there won't be another confrontation but if it were me I would report him for verbal abuse and intimidation and put it in writing with the gym. The gym will know you mean business and that there is a risk of a complaint/lawsuit and the will deal with that jerk.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    You were not in the wrong. If someone did that to me I would have took the stole with me lmao I would have told him to go use the chair and to leave me the eff alone. I would have reported him but you did good. There is no need for people to be jerks like that if he ever did it again I would flip out on him and report him lmao
    oh and if you see him again go over to him and tell him you were using that yesterday so he cant use it and then stare at him lmao
  • Dalila2077
    Dalila2077 Posts: 4 Member
    This guy is definitely not a gentleman. Sounds like he is a selfish, loser. He probably stares at himself in the mirror all day long....saying "look at me, I'm awesome...everybody wants me" A complete self absorbed *kitten*! You were right to put him in his place...He is lucky I wasn't there with you... ha ha. "Hey Mr, do you have any manners?" were not in the wrong. Don't sweat it, what comes around goes around. I'd be watching for him like a hawk and grab the stool the moment he wanders just to get him started again... ha ha! "Security! Yeah, this guy started with me!" :)
  • sheila569
    sheila569 Posts: 269 Member
    1. You weren't wrong. 2. You should have reported him.

    Me... I probably would have taken the stool and walked around the whole place with it under my arm. Figuring...he's going to call me a *****, I may as well show him what I ***** I really can be :grumble: Sorry, went all Jersey girl there for a minute.:laugh:
  • Lambeze
    Lambeze Posts: 237
    You were in the right. I say move your feel loose your seat. Then for him to call you that proves that he is very uneducated. A single celled organism.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    1. You weren't wrong. 2. You should have reported him.

    Me... I probably would have taken the stool and walked around the whole place with it under my arm. Figuring...he's going to call me a *****, I may as well show him what I ***** I really can be :grumble: Sorry, went all Jersey girl there for a minute.:laugh:

    thats what i said too i would have taken the stool around with me lmao
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Anyone else have an ad for chairs at the bottom of your page now?
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Anyone else have an ad for chairs at the bottom of your page now?
    Scam diets at the top, fluorescent jewellery on the side, and a home multigym at the bottom.
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    You should have told him, "hey, you haven't seen me be a ***** yet, however, I'm happy to demonstrate within the next 30 seconds"

    I can't stand douches.
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    yeah... he was being a jerk.
    You have as much right as anyone to all of the equipment, but you are right- there is a perception that you are less entitled because you are lifting less. Some people think that way- they are more important because they are more fit, are lifting heavier.
    RAWWWWWRRRR~ all inferior members must stand back, mute in awe of their greatness.
    sorry that happened to you.
    keep on keeping on.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    This happens to me all the time. Bunch of macho Latinos ( yeah I'm as beaner as them so no one go all PC on me ) apparently marked the benches as God forbid I do bent over rows on them....I get the whole intimidation tactics...I just stare right back at them.
    As for that mofo....f uck yes I would of taken that stool and walked around with it, then parked my skinny a ss on it and said "What punk?". But that's my Norcal ghetto coming out...oooh I hate people like that so much!
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    I would have told him that no, he didn't leave his little peni$ on the stool, so maybe he should go check the other ones or see if his boyfriend had them in his pocket.

    I don't think taunting him using homophobic comments is the right way to go. I really really dislike how if someone is being stupid then calling them gay (or implying it) is the cool thing to do.