Anyone bike instead of driving? I'm conflicted.



  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I rode my bike to work today (first chance I've had this year with the kids' soccer schedules) it's 19km each way and I love it (last year I averaged 2 days /week between May and November.

    It's great exercise but the environmental benefits are highly over touted here's why. I takes energy to get you to and from work, that energy may be in the form of fossil fuel or may be the food you eat to sustain the extra effort. It takes energy to grow and transport food - that energy usually comes from fossil fuels. I'm not sure if it's a zero sum game but I bike to work anyway because I enjoy doing it.
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    I've biked to work a few times, but it's really creepy at 3:30am.
  • mizroxy13
    mizroxy13 Posts: 466 Member
    Hey girl!! I'm not a Floridian, I'm a Chicagoan. However, our summers get pretty intense up here with the heat and humidity! We still bike year-round here, hot or cold, and I would have it no other way. It's a pretty bike-friendly city though and I'm not sure if Florida is the same. However, getting around is a breeze, a fun workout, environmentally friendly, cheap (FREE!), and I wear dresses and skirts all summer so it's really not that hot at all. As far as groceries, I only buy for a few days to a week...what better excuse to keep fresh produce and preservative-free, non-processed food around! I only use a bike bag, but you could always get a basket or whatnot. Happy biking!
  • kikilieb
    kikilieb Posts: 118 Member
    I've been car-less for 10 months and I LOVE it! I cannot stress how much I love it. I always carry water, a raincoat/poncho a wrag (to wipe the sweat) and I've haven't had much trouble with groceries either (since you mentioned that). In the beginning I had a little trouble with overestimating how much I could carry home, but other than that it's been smooth sailing.

    For groceries, I walk to the grocery store with a back pack and 2 of those environmentally friendly canvas bags - my grocery store is about 1.2 miles from my apartment and I haven't had any trouble keeping my fridge and cupboards stocked by doing this. This includes once per month trekking home with 14lbs of cat litter on my back as well as 7 lbs of cat food in each canvas bag :bigsmile:

    My suggestion though would be to consider the things you need with you (snacks, water, poncho, sunscreen, towel to name a few) - you might need a back pack. Good luck in your endeavors!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I bike and walk everywhere for a long time now. But, maybe I should stop doing that because the cardio might make me fat (just kidding).
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    I bike everywhere, I make more trips throughout the week to the grocery store instead of doing one big trip. For school and work I bike in workout clothes and bring another set with me to change into before class.
  • metallison
    metallison Posts: 16 Member
    I live in Florida too, and I'm about to bike to work for the first time this coming Monday. It's a little over 12 miles away. We have a shower at work, so I'm bringing a change of clothes and shower stuff with me in a backpack. I'm looking forward to it.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Thanks for all the advice and encouragement! I did end up buying the bike yesterday, and I loooove it :) Very happy with my decision!