I Feel the Need for a Rant



  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    one of my friends is over weight and getting heavier. She does my head in constantly complaining but does no exercise and dsnt want to and eats nothing but take aways!!!!
    She calls me too skinny (because im not her size) when I eat healthy and tells me how rotting all healthy food is lol
    Its just really starting to bug me I love her but ffs stop eating *kitten*!!!
  • CynthiaAnnGA
    Maybe if you encouraged these people they could learn a better way. Negative responses just don't get anywhere. As for McDonalds, I'd go hungry before I ate there.
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    you can get a salad at McDs like
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    Some people only want support if it supports what they want. My example when I read an article about coffee being good for you, I think "whoopee." When I see one that is negative about coffee, I don't read it!
  • Wuggums
    Wuggums Posts: 339 Member
    3. Another poster, self admitted, morbidly obese, was upset and asking for ways to keep her calories under 1200. Instead of people trying to explain to her that she is probably not using the site properly and probably SHOULD be eating more than 1200, they are trying to help her get under 1200.
    When I spoke up in these threads, I was told I was not being SUPPORTIVE. I am not being SUPPORTIVE? Encouraging morbidly obese people to eat less than 1200 calories? WTF is that? Certainly not support.
    Please people. STOP making EXCUSES for not eating right.

    I completely agree with you on this point; however OP maybe people aren't being very *nice* to you in the threads because they feel like you are trying to shove something down their throat that you aren't practicing yourself. Pardon my snooping, but your diary shows that you regularly net an average of about 850 calories per day; and there was only one day in the past week where you netted above 1200 calories. Hey - if that works for you, great. I won't be one to get on here and say that's the wrong thing for you to do. But if you yourself are telling other people that they need to eat more than 1200 calories per day - but you're not doing it yourself - pot, meet kettle...
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    It seems utterly absurd on an open forum of feedback and discussion that operates on the principle that some people here do know what works and what is right; to tell people not to "judge". Every time someone says not to "judge" it makes me want to punch a dolphin. It has become one of the most inane and utterly obnoxious things to hear or read since the moment I could form friggin thoughts.

    We all judge. We form conclusions. Sometimes something can be completely *kitten* backwards and it NEEDS to be pointed out. This is natural, this is okay. To say otherwise is completely assenine and makes you look like you are are some kind of thoughtless, gelatenous blob of a personality that can really just be swayed any which way because they shall not form a definitive judgement on anything.

    Some people are wrong, and some people are willing to admit they are wrong on these forums. Quite a few people though do not want to be wrong, or refuse to hear anything that is not an enabling statement or comes with the proper amount of coddling and pampering lest they feel any bit of emotional discomfort. Yes there ARE stupid questions, we live in an age where quite a bit of information can be readily obtained from authoratative sources instead of coming to an open forum to ask a question or for input and then argue down people that aren't verbally fluffy enough.

    To OP, I heart you.

    To everyone else, stop reporting me for cursing. You make the mods sad because they all like me.
  • RayRay1500
    RayRay1500 Posts: 158 Member
    Not everyone is going to so things YOUR way. That is just the reality of an open site like this.
  • RayRay1500
    RayRay1500 Posts: 158 Member
    3. Another poster, self admitted, morbidly obese, was upset and asking for ways to keep her calories under 1200. Instead of people trying to explain to her that she is probably not using the site properly and probably SHOULD be eating more than 1200, they are trying to help her get under 1200.
    When I spoke up in these threads, I was told I was not being SUPPORTIVE. I am not being SUPPORTIVE? Encouraging morbidly obese people to eat less than 1200 calories? WTF is that? Certainly not support.
    Please people. STOP making EXCUSES for not eating right.

    I completely agree with you on this point; however OP maybe people aren't being very *nice* to you in the threads because they feel like you are trying to shove something down their throat that you aren't practicing yourself. Pardon my snooping, but your diary shows that you regularly net an average of about 850 calories per day; and there was only one day in the past week where you netted above 1200 calories. Hey - if that works for you, great. I won't be one to get on here and say that's the wrong thing for you to do. But if you yourself are telling other people that they need to eat more than 1200 calories per day - but you're not doing it yourself - pot, meet kettle...

    TRUE THAT!!!
  • gdortiz
    gdortiz Posts: 169 Member
    I'll just rant about this board ...which I love, but hate the following:

    1. thread titles that are intentionally ambigious/vague , e.g. I'm so done!!! or "What am I doing wrong??"

    2. repeat threads ... you know what I'm talking about. those should get deleted quick.

    3. any thread title that has "mommy." just gets under my skin

    4. threads that intentionaly exclude people, like, "only for people under 5'5" or "Real Women with Curves Only"
  • Mariannewww
    It seems utterly absurd on an open forum of feedback and discussion that operates on the principle that some people here do know what works and what is right; to tell people not to "judge". Every time someone says not to "judge" it makes me want to punch a dolphin. It has become one of the most inane and utterly obnoxious things to hear or read since the moment I could form friggin thoughts.

    We all judge. We form conclusions. Sometimes something can be completely *kitten* backwards and it NEEDS to be pointed out. This is natural, this is okay. To say otherwise is completely assenine and makes you look like you are are some kind of thoughtless, gelatenous blob of a personality that can really just be swayed any which way because they shall not form a definitive judgement on anything.

    Some people are wrong, and some people are willing to admit they are wrong on these forums. Quite a few people though do not want to be wrong, or refuse to hear anything that is not an enabling statement or comes with the proper amount of coddling and pampering lest they feel any bit of emotional discomfort. Yes there ARE stupid questions, we live in an age where quite a bit of information can be readily obtained from authoratative sources instead of coming to an open forum to ask a question or for input and then argue down people that aren't verbally fluffy enough.

    To OP, I heart you.

    To everyone else, stop reporting me for cursing. You make the mods sad because they all like me.

    You need an excuse to punch a dolphin? I just hate their smug attitude and their demands for cash to frolic in some holiday snaps
  • Brandiberry77
    Brandiberry77 Posts: 49 Member
    Your points are well made. I don't think your being rude, you care. Trouble is each person is unique in life, goals, and how they handle challenges. I am a Mom of five and finally getting it. No matter how much you want to make someone understand immediately, knowledge comes over time and practice. You sharing your knowledge and experiences is not wasted.

    I like your post. I sometimes need to hear exactly what you wrote. A mind is a funny thing, when you have your thoughts going in a good direction sometimes they get away from you. Diet pills have tempted me, weight loss is hard work and very difficult for some, I understand and sympathize with this. Having to eat a type of food, yes oh YES has this tempted me. I have kids and I have battled with them to eat right, done all the tricks in the book. I make two meals now, one for myself and one for the rest. I am tempted very often to eat their food I know I should not and am looking forward to when this stops.

    People get worn down, they get mislead, they are new to the weight loss experience. Saying the same things over and over can get tiresome. Your comments are good and needed even if the recipient doesn't respond to them. We lose the support system when people tire of doing what is right.

    Good job! Keep caring.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    "Why do you care what other people eat? Mind your own business!"
    If people wanted to lose weight privately, then they wouldn't be posting their nutrition diary on a public forum and giving advice to others.

    "You're JUDGING PEOPLE!"
    Of course, we all are. But there's also a difference between criticising someone's weight loss methods, and judging someone's character as "good" or "bad". That's what judgment is - An assumption of someone's character.
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    Frankly, you sound like a jerk and really judgmental. I am glad that this girl, who for whatever reason felt she had to eat there, was at least trying to find decent options.

    Unclench a little, dude.

    Why is it if someone isn't all Pollyanna about the advice they give, or all rainbows and singing happy birds they are called judgemental? A fact is a fact, why does someone have to wrap it up in a pretty little bow for it to be accepted?
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    For the people that agree with me, Thank You.

    For those that disagree and say I might be talking rudely or judgemental, isn't this forum about helping each other when someone asks for an opinion.

    If you feel my opinion or judgement is taken as rude or judgemental, when you make a thread, in the title, please express that my opinion is not welcome.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    There are healthy - or at least, lower calorie - options at McDonald's that can certainly fit into your calorie goal for the day. There is no such thing as a "negative calorie" food, although some say celery may be it, because if you eat only celery, you may shoot a hole through your head and thus lose some body mass.

    I have never seen an "Under 1200 calories?" thread that didn't receive several responses telling the poster that MFP usually sets your calorie goal way too low and to check http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/ and run your numbers for a more effective life plan for eating.

    It's teh intarnet, people will not always agree with you. They will not always give the right answers. All you can do is give what you believe to be correct and not respond to negativity - and certainly don't create it yourself.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    Frankly, you sound like a jerk and really judgmental. I am glad that this girl, who for whatever reason felt she had to eat there, was at least trying to find decent options.

    Unclench a little, dude.

    Why is it if someone isn't all Pollyanna about the advice they give, or all rainbows and singing happy birds they are called judgemental? A fact is a fact, why does someone have to wrap it up in a pretty little bow for it to be accepted?

    Very true. I always find it amusing that the people jumping all over someone for not being supportive can't see the irony in their own little rant.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I feel frustrated too by many of the comments I see because people seem to be looking for a shortcut to fitness. Then I remember, that I once was one of those people. Each person has to do this in their own time and in their own way. Those of use who have lost weight just become another voice in the choir saying don't eat this and workout like that. I face this with real life friends and I do want to pull my hair out but I just hope that by continuing to lead a semi-normal life while improving my fitness others will see they can do it too.

    THIS^ I totally agree. I have decided to limit my time on the forum reading success stories. On all the other posts, someone always ends up mad, arguments break out, or the OP gives up and moves on. So frustrating.
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    It seems utterly absurd on an open forum of feedback and discussion that operates on the principle that some people here do know what works and what is right; to tell people not to "judge". Every time someone says not to "judge" it makes me want to punch a dolphin. It has become one of the most inane and utterly obnoxious things to hear or read since the moment I could form friggin thoughts.

    We all judge. We form conclusions. Sometimes something can be completely *kitten* backwards and it NEEDS to be pointed out. This is natural, this is okay. To say otherwise is completely assenine and makes you look like you are are some kind of thoughtless, gelatenous blob of a personality that can really just be swayed any which way because they shall not form a definitive judgement on anything.

    Some people are wrong, and some people are willing to admit they are wrong on these forums. Quite a few people though do not want to be wrong, or refuse to hear anything that is not an enabling statement or comes with the proper amount of coddling and pampering lest they feel any bit of emotional discomfort. Yes there ARE stupid questions, we live in an age where quite a bit of information can be readily obtained from authoratative sources instead of coming to an open forum to ask a question or for input and then argue down people that aren't verbally fluffy enough.

    To OP, I heart you.

    To everyone else, stop reporting me for cursing. You make the mods sad because they all like me.

    Thank you. I read alot of your posts and you are way more articulate than I.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    Aaaand this is why I rarely post my own questions in the forums. Google doesn't judge.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    It seems utterly absurd on an open forum of feedback and discussion that operates on the principle that some people here do know what works and what is right; to tell people not to "judge". Every time someone says not to "judge" it makes me want to punch a dolphin. It has become one of the most inane and utterly obnoxious things to hear or read since the moment I could form friggin thoughts.

    We all judge. We form conclusions. Sometimes something can be completely *kitten* backwards and it NEEDS to be pointed out. This is natural, this is okay. To say otherwise is completely assenine and makes you look like you are are some kind of thoughtless, gelatenous blob of a personality that can really just be swayed any which way because they shall not form a definitive judgement on anything.

    Some people are wrong, and some people are willing to admit they are wrong on these forums. Quite a few people though do not want to be wrong, or refuse to hear anything that is not an enabling statement or comes with the proper amount of coddling and pampering lest they feel any bit of emotional discomfort. Yes there ARE stupid questions, we live in an age where quite a bit of information can be readily obtained from authoratative sources instead of coming to an open forum to ask a question or for input and then argue down people that aren't verbally fluffy enough.

    To OP, I heart you.

    To everyone else, stop reporting me for cursing. You make the mods sad because they all like me.

    Thank you. I read alot of your posts and you are way more articulate than I.

    Let's be fair, usually I'm a smartass and I curse alot.

    I'm short on patience with most things :)
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