How/When/Why did we get this big??

How do i start this.. I wonder if people who are overweight are happy.. i mean do they think oh well i'm overweight if i enjoy what i enjoy? or does it not even cross their mind that they are overweight..

Most people on MFP are here for the same reason.. we want to be healthy.. and lose weight.. but when i see adverts with people eating crumpets covered in butter and they aren't skinny people.. they are always larger people..

I once read a similar post from a girl with an ED and she got abused for posting and accused of being a troll.. i am not a troll i'm not wanting to cause a riot i just don't understand how people can be content with being overweight and maybe that's not their problem it's my problem.. but i still don't understand it. i do so believe gluttony is a sin and it's disgusting. Please don't have a go at me i used to be really fat really overweight and (luckily for me) through illness lost just under 5 stone and it's been since then i've realised what i used to be like.. i know it's hard to lose weight.. when i was overweight i use to cry myself to sleep but i still dont get how i got there.. one minute i was a healthy UK size 12 the next I was an 18.. I think it was mostly alcohol but obviously other factors too like have the same sized portions at dinner as my dad.. How do we get there? Why is it not when we put on a stone we realise we are getting bigger?

Again i'm not causing a riot i'm just curios how we get ourselves into this..


  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    You could have used more tactful language. I don't want to have this discussion with someone who says it's disgusting.
  • Erihppas
    Erihppas Posts: 121 Member
    For me it's been a life long struggle. Mom never emphasized good eating habits and didn't do that much to stop me from ballooning. Got into teenage/adulthood with those habits and it was a wrap. It's hindered me so much, but that's DONE with now. Never. Ever. Again.

    Initially, I didn't read your whole post, but just did. You never know what others are going through, so you really can't judge.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    You've been there, so answer your own question??

    I have no idea what you're looking for out of this.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    It's not OK to hate yourself, no matter what size you are. You have to deal with those issues before you can start making healthier decisions for yourself and changing your body for the better.
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    You could have used more tactful language. I don't want to have this discussion with someone who says it's disgusting.

    Like i said this is my problem maybe not others
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member

    Initially, I didn't read your whole post, but just did. You never know what others are going through, so you really can't judge.

    Yes you are right.. only god knows what you go through.. Its funny as i don't judge people on MFP but i find myself judging people i see on TV maybe as i don't interact with them.. i don't know their story???
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member

    Rather than project negativity, please try and be a positive force. It matters not How, when or Why. The fact is, there are Billions of people who, with the exception of a small percentage, have been just plain lazy and are now unhealthy.

    Get your mind wrapped around the positive of what you want and take action to better yourself. And please keep your self-prejudices to just that...yourself.
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    You've been there, so answer your own question??

    I have no idea what you're looking for out of this.

    me neither.. I just don't get how we allow ourselves to get big.. and yes i've been there.. and i'm never going back but i used to be huuuge and i don't know when that happened.. it appeared to happen overnight when really it was probably a year of alcohol and overindulgence
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    It's not OK to hate yourself, no matter what size you are. You have to deal with those issues before you can start making healthier decisions for yourself and changing your body for the better.

    This is probably the best/appropriate answer so far
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    While I've never been "overweight", all the people I know who are / have been overweight / obese have been unhappy with that.

    They have been happy in life. Kids, job, partner etc lot's of things determine a person's happiness over just weight. However, they have all mentioned at some point or another, wanting to lose weight. It certainly does cross their mind about how they are, I think a lot choose to ignore it, maybe they're not ready yet.

    There's more to overeating than just being gluttonous. Many foods don't fill you up but are high calorie, and also, once you get used to eating a certain amount, you sure do feel hungry when you adjust to less. It's hard, you have to find new foods to cook / eat that fill you up for less calories, you have to learn to control yourself when eating snacks and other very tempting foods. There are lifelong habits to change, sometimes partners/family/friends are not supportive, a busy lifestyle etc

    I'm not saying it can't be done, I think anyone (with the exception of medical conditions) can lose weight if they "really" want to, but not everyone is ready for the sacrifices yet. For most people it's not easy.
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member

    Rather than project negativity, please try and be a positive force. It matters not How, when or Why. The fact is, there are Billions of people who, with the exception of a small percentage, have been just plain lazy and are now unhealthy.

    Get your mind wrapped around the positive of what you want and take action to better yourself. And please keep your self-prejudices to just that...yourself.

    Hey this is good advice and i don't want to offend and i knew i would upset people but i just get baffled by it all.. and even like previous posts say i've done it to myself.. All these amazing, inspirational people on MFP want to change for the better and keep me so so motivated i just wonder society is getting bigger.. when (are the others outside of MFP) gonna stop and think.. hey i wanna be fit and healthy.. I'm not a hater, i am opinionated but do not want to upset or intentionally offend at all i am just open in what i think.. and i truly welcome comments (which is why i posted) to help me understand peoples perspectives
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I quit my restaurant job, running around all day, and started a desk job. I never weighed myself. When I finally dug up my scale, I realized I'd gained 15 pounds. It's not a huge amount, but it's what I have to contribute to this thread. I just didn't know I had gained. I was slightly overweight to begin with and became more overweight, so now I have to lose it.
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    I quit my restaurant job, running around all day, and started a desk job. I never weighed myself. When I finally dug up my scale, I realized I'd gained 15 pounds. It's not a huge amount, but it's what I have to contribute to this thread. I just didn't know I had gained. I was slightly overweight to begin with and became more overweight, so now I have to lose it.

    it's hard sitting behind a desk all day i used to up until 18 months ago no i sit behind my desk 60% of the time.. the other 40% is crawling under desks and carrying equipment.. good for you! You can do this!
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    when (are the others outside of MFP) gonna stop and think.. hey i wanna be fit and healthy.

    Usually, when they not only see that they are overweight, but truely realise how much of a negative effect it's having on their lives. This mainly comes in the form of a "wake-up call" where they may not fit into an aeroplane seat, or they may not be able to run around after their kids, play the sport they used to love in school. They may have a heart attack, or a warning from the doctor. A loved one express their concern.....
    Also, they have the right attitude, and the willingness to commit to something that it hard, and takes time and a lot of effort. It's all well and good wanting to be healthier, but a lot of people have to really want it, so bad that all the sacrifices (not going out as much, not eating their fave treats as much, going to the gym when they may hate exercising, etc etc) don't seem as bad anymore.

    For me, I'd just been quite unhappy with how I looked for a period of time, and eventually just decided I wanted to really do something about it! MFP helped a lot, it's something I really enjoy using so it never feels like a chore. Plus I enjoyed the gym, that helped!
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    when (are the others outside of MFP) gonna stop and think.. hey i wanna be fit and healthy.

    Usually, when they not only see that they are overweight, but truely realise how much of a negative effect it's having on their lives. This mainly comes in the form of a "wake-up call" where they may not fit into an aeroplane seat, or they may not be able to run around after their kids, play the sport they used to love in school. They may have a heart attack, or a warning from the doctor. A loved one express their concern.....
    Also, they have the right attitude, and the willingness to commit to something that it hard, and takes time and a lot of effort. It's all well and good wanting to be healthier, but a lot of people have to really want it, so bad that all the sacrifices (not going out as much, not eating their fave treats as much, going to the gym when they may hate exercising, etc etc) don't seem as bad anymore.

    For me, I'd just been quite unhappy with how I looked for a period of time, and eventually just decided I wanted to really do something about it! MFP helped a lot, it's something I really enjoy using so it never feels like a chore. Plus I enjoyed the gym, that helped!

    I aspire to have your muscles shown in your profile pic!!
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    i am not a troll i'm not wanting to cause a riot i just don't understand how people can be content with being overweight and maybe that's not their problem it's my problem.. but i still don't understand it. i do so believe gluttony is a sin and it's disgusting.

    Why are you sharing this with us? It's your problem, deal with it.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Like most fat people, I got obese eating like a hog and being lazy.
    And it was a slow creep - OOPS, I am over!
    OUCH! 210 lbs...I should lose weight.....HEY! 225? Next Monday, I'm going on a diet!

    And on and on....and one day...278 pounds of lard.
    I looked like a human manatee.
    I hated myself for being fat and allowing it to happen.
    Losing that weight was the hardest thing I ever did, but I lost it.
    My life is transformed. It was worth the effort.
    I will never be fat again.

  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    Well first of all some people genuinely like being overweight and find if attractive, some have health issues and can't help themselves and struggle to lose weight. There are a lot of factors that could affect one's body.

    So before you sit and judge think and be sensitive to others feelings before you go on blast like you just did on MFP. Keep in mind that if you want peoples' opinion on whether you are justified in feeling the way you do be more tactful and use less derogatory terms like "disgusting" and more words like "unsettling" its more generally based and invokes neither positive or negative feelings.
  • Personally, I do not find body shaming to be helpful in achieving weight/fitness goals. It is possible to love one's body, love ones' self even when trying to lose weight.
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    Like most fat people, I got obese eating like a hog and being lazy.
    And it was a slow creep - OOPS, I am over!
    OUCH! 210 lbs...I should lose weight.....HEY! 225? Next Monday, I'm going on a diet!

    And on and on....and one day...278 pounds of lard.
    I looked like a human manatee.
    I hated myself for being fat and allowing it to happen.
    Losing that weight was the hardest thing I ever did, but I lost it.
    My life is transformed. It was worth the effort.
    I will never be fat again.


    good for you! it is the hardest thing to do!