How/When/Why did we get this big??



  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    Well first of all some people genuinely like being overweight and find if attractive, some have health issues and can't help themselves and struggle to lose weight. There are a lot of factors that could affect one's body.

    So before you sit and judge think and be sensitive to others feelings before you go on blast like you just did on MFP. Keep in mind that if you want peoples' opinion on whether you are justified in feeling the way you do be more tactful and use less derogatory terms like "disgusting" and more words like "unsettling" its more generally based and invokes neither positive or negative feelings.

    Yes i'm sorry someone PM'd me about my vocabulary and i should have reread before posting.. Thanks for your post x x
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    I do not find body shaming to be helpful in achieving weight/fitness goals. It is possible to love one's body, love ones' self even when trying to lose weight.

    is that what i am doing? no offence but the only time i truly loved my body was when i was a size 8 but like i said earlier.. this is my problem..
  • I agree, I'm just a stone over the weight i'm comfortable with and I feel horrible, and more determined to be more healthy. So I wonder how don't people want to change? (THIS IS NOTHING TO ANYONE ON HERE, EVERYONE ON HERE IS TRYING TO CHANGE AND I RESPECT THAT) I mean some people I personally know, who are young and extremely over weight and have no intention to even try and change. It's sort of sad really, maybe they don't feel worthy of it or something.
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    I have always struggled with weight. When I was 6 years old, my father was killed suddenly. My family gave me food to ease the pain, which catapulted years of bad eating habits, but I was at least active during that time. I was a dancer for many years, and while I was one of the biggest in my class, I was in shape.

    When I quit in HS, I gained about 20 pounds. I maintained this weight until college, when I went WILD! I gained 30 pounds my first year, went home for the summer and did Weight Watchers and lost it. The following year, I met a guy. We were together for about a year, he was the absolute love of my life (so I thought). When we broke up, I became extremely depressed. The first few months, I barely ate at all. Then when I did finally start eating again, I ate terribly! McDonalds double cheeseburgers and fries at 3:00 in the morning, Taco Bell, whatever... I knew I was gaining weight, but I never weighed myself, so I never knew exactly how much. It ended up being around 50 pounds.

    The same guy and I got back together a few years later. I lost quite a bit of the 50 pounds I had gained, but never all of it. We broke up AGAIN and I lost all control! I went into a severe depression. I ate like crap, drank like a fish and didn't exercise. I refused to weigh myself for YEARS! Until one day, I was forced to go to the doctor and when I saw the scale, I almost passed out! Over 250 lbs!

    In October 2010, I began the journey of undergoing weight loss surgery. I had to take back control of my life. I was SO unhappy. April 18, 2011 I was reborn. To date, I have lost over 115 lbs and I will never look back!
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    I agree, I'm just a stone over the weight i'm comfortable with and I feel horrible, and more determined to be more healthy. So I wonder how don't people want to change? (THIS IS NOTHING TO ANYONE ON HERE, EVERYONE ON HERE IS TRYING TO CHANGE AND I RESPECT THAT) I mean some people I personally know, who are young and extremely over weight and have no intention to even try and change. It's sort of sad really, maybe they don't feel worthy of it or something.

  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    I have always struggled with weight. When I was 6 years old, my father was killed suddenly. My family gave me food to ease the pain, which catapulted years of bad eating habits, but I was at least active during that time. I was a dancer for many years, and while I was one of the biggest in my class, I was in shape.

    When I quit in HS, I gained about 20 pounds. I maintained this weight until college, when I went WILD! I gained 30 pounds my first year, went home for the summer and did Weight Watchers and lost it. The following year, I met a guy. We were together for about a year, he was the absolute love of my life (so I thought). When we broke up, I became extremely depressed. The first few months, I barely ate at all. Then when I did finally start eating again, I ate terribly! McDonalds double cheeseburgers and fries at 3:00 in the morning, Taco Bell, whatever... I knew I was gaining weight, but I never weighed myself, so I never knew exactly how much. It ended up being around 50 pounds.

    The same guy and I got back together a few years later. I lost quite a bit of the 50 pounds I had gained, but never all of it. We broke up AGAIN and I lost all control! I went into a severe depression. I ate like crap, drank like a fish and didn't exercise. I refused to weigh myself for YEARS! Until one day, I was forced to go to the doctor and when I saw the scale, I almost passed out! Over 250 lbs!

    In October 2010, I began the journey of undergoing weight loss surgery. I had to take back control of my life. I was SO unhappy. April 18, 2011 I was reborn. To date, I have lost over 115 lbs and I will never look back!

    And you look amazing!! Stay Positive thats what MFP is about us wanting not to be thin but to be healthy!!! You go Girl!!
  • Anayalata
    Anayalata Posts: 391 Member
    Denial maybe?

    Up until I saw the scale say 200 I never really thought I was that overweight.

    I also agree with someone before me that said you really have to want it. People out there are perfectly comfortable being overweight gluttons. If that's what they want, then that's what they want.

    I just focus on myself and if someone really wants my help then I'll help.
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    Of course it's important to ask yourself how, when, & why. That's how you fix the problem & end the self-sabotage. However, everyone's answer is different & personal. No need to air it out here in a public forum.
  • jalapenosmom
    jalapenosmom Posts: 9 Member
    I know how I got there. I ignored it. I just ate what I wanted and more and more of it. Drank sodas and junk food and had no idea what a portion size was. I got pregnant and just got bigger. I am still big and trying to lose weight now. I don't understand how you think all bigger people should be sad and upset all the time. That would be a horrible way to live. No matter what size I am, I am going to enjoy life, my son, my husband, and my friends. I do not like how I look, but I do not go through my life sad and crying all the time. I am a happy, positive person and I am proud of that.
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    No need to air it out here in a public forum.

    Why not?
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    I know how I got there. I ignored it. I just ate what I wanted and more and more of it. Drank sodas and junk food and had no idea what a portion size was. I got pregnant and just got bigger. I am still big and trying to lose weight now. I don't understand how you think all bigger people should be sad and upset all the time. That would be a horrible way to live. No matter what size I am, I am going to enjoy life, my son, my husband, and my friends. I do not like how I look, but I do not go through my life sad and crying all the time. I am a happy, positive person and I am proud of that.

    But you want to change.. People who are really overweight who have no desire to change.. this is what i ponder..

    But just o add i am glad you are happy and positive i am not saying all overweight people should be depressed i just don't understand why they don't have a desire to be healthy and fit like we do on MFP.. also i'm not saying you have to be a size 8 to be happy you are happy with yourself you know when you like yourself.. like i knowif i lose a stone i will be happy i wont be a size 8 but i will be happy with me :smile: that's all that matter is how you feel!!
  • Jay_Jay_
    Jay_Jay_ Posts: 194 Member
    Ask meth heads how they got how they were. Ask alcoholics how they got how they were. Ask people who commit suicide how they got how they were. Humans are complex and the brain is the most complex part of us. We see what we want to see, we think how we want to think. No one can tell us otherwise until we stop and realize what we are doing to ourselves and that we need to change.
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    this is getting deep now..
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I know how I got there. I ignored it. I just ate what I wanted and more and more of it. Drank sodas and junk food and had no idea what a portion size was. I got pregnant and just got bigger. I am still big and trying to lose weight now. I don't understand how you think all bigger people should be sad and upset all the time. That would be a horrible way to live. No matter what size I am, I am going to enjoy life, my son, my husband, and my friends. I do not like how I look, but I do not go through my life sad and crying all the time. I am a happy, positive person and I am proud of that.

    But you want to change.. People who are really overweight who have no desire to change.. this is what i ponder..

    But just o add i am glad you are happy and positive i am not saying all overweight people should be depressed i just don't understand why they don't have a desire to be healthy and fit like we do on MFP.. also i'm not saying you have to be a size 8 to be happy you are happy with yourself you know when you like yourself.. like i knowif i lose a stone i will be happy i wont be a size 8 but i will be happy with me :smile: that's all that matter is how you feel!!
    Here is the answer to some of this question.
    Go to this site for a shock.

    These people are the ones spreading this poisonous attitude regarding fat acceptance.
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    I don't get how you can think that people are "content" with being over weight just because they haven't gotten the hang of eating right. Most people aren't used to a balanced diet. Yeah, they show you the food pyramid in school, but fast food is everywhere, you can get almost any meal from a box or already cooked, just put it in the microwave.

    Quite frankly, I'm obese because it took five years to get my thyroid under control, and six months before that of not having any idea what was causing the weight gain, the hair falling out, the massive fatigue. I have a major medical problem, and losing even the two stupid pounds that I HAVE lost has been hell. I don't eat horribly (mostly homemade meals, always has been this way), I try to eat right around my BMR. I'm pretty active as a part of life, and I have cardio and weights added to that. And frankly, I get VERY down on myself over the fact that the number has barely moved in months.

    So, no. I'd say very few of us are actually "content" with our obesity. And obesity doesn't mean "gluttony".
  • aelitaangels
    aelitaangels Posts: 61 Member
    I do not find body shaming to be helpful in achieving weight/fitness goals. It is possible to love one's body, love ones' self even when trying to lose weight.

    This. Even when I was overweight, I never conisdered myself fat or disgusting.

    Most people who are overweight know that they're overweight. Some choose not to deal with it. I've noticed that really Overweight families tend not to own scales or alot of mirrors in their homes so they don't have to deal with their weight as often. Healthy weight loss is hard, and it takes a long time to accomplish and in this age of instant gratification, not everyone is willing to consitantly put in that effort.

    People get fat because of bad habits that are so engrained into them, they hardly notice them.

    They might see a skinny person eating a chocolate bar and argue, why can't I eat a chocolate bar too? But they usually don't take into account moderation, yes you can eat a chocolate bar once in a while and remain slim, but you can't eat a chocolate bar after two nights of back to back fried food takeouts and eat fast food after that and expect to remain slim. They eat poorly on a more consitant basis from habit and tend not to notice that.

    I personally gained alot of weight during my 1st semester of college, eating junk, takeout, sugary coffee, irregular meals on a consistant basis. As I was blowing up I couldn't understand why I was gaining so much weight, I did so much walking around campus. When I decided to lose some serious weight and change to a healthy lifestyle I started to realize why I'd gained the freshman15. I mean I was loading up my daily coffee with 5 packets of sugar and eating out of the vending machine every other day, how could I have not gained weight? But it wasn't until I was in the process of changing my habits to the better that I realized how bad my old habits were.
  • peterdt
    peterdt Posts: 820 Member

    Rather than project negativity, please try and be a positive force. It matters not How, when or Why. The fact is, there are Billions of people who, with the exception of a small percentage, have been just plain lazy and are now unhealthy.

    Get your mind wrapped around the positive of what you want and take action to better yourself. And please keep your self-prejudices to just that...yourself.

    There are studies available that indicate about 70% overweight people have some kind of emotional issue with food. It is used as a coping mechanism usually for many kinds of stress. So, to say that the overweight people are just plain lazy may be accurate for some, but not accurate for the vast majority of overweight people. Also, there are educational and environmental factors that come into play - a true lack of knowledge of how to live in a healthy way and as a result have become fat. This is not lazy, but lack of education.

    I think it is possible to be fat and happy. One way it can be achieved is through meditation and simply accepting yourself as you are in the moment you are in. I would not say that is being happy necessarily but being content. In this way you don't keep beating yourself up about the past or worrying about the future. You are simply enjoying each moment you are in.

    But being the emotional creatures that we are we do have feelings and achieving the above state and maintaining is nearly impossible for me at least. However, accepting yourself as you are in the moment is a positive way to handle regrets for the past or worries about the future, and can put you in a more positive state of mind to make effective change going forward. It works for me. But it takes a ton of practice and I have only been doing it for a couple years and I have a ton ton yet to learn. It has fundamentally changed my life though.
  • I think people are missing the point of the OP's post. She means overweight people who do not recognise // try to change. Not people who are trying to lose on this website.
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member

    Rather than project negativity, please try and be a positive force. It matters not How, when or Why. The fact is, there are Billions of people who, with the exception of a small percentage, have been just plain lazy and are now unhealthy.

    Get your mind wrapped around the positive of what you want and take action to better yourself. And please keep your self-prejudices to just that...yourself.

    There are studies available that indicate about 70% overweight people have some kind of emotional issue with food. It is used as a coping mechanism usually for many kinds of stress. So, to say that the overweight people are just plain lazy may be accurate for some, but not accurate for the vast majority of overweight people. Also, there are educational and environmental factors that come into play - a true lack of knowledge of how to live in a healthy way and as a result have become fat. This is not lazy, but lack of education.

    I think it is possible to be fat and happy. One way it can be achieved is through meditation and simply accepting yourself as you are in the moment you are in. I would not say that is being happy necessarily but being content. In this way you don't keep beating yourself up about the past or worrying about the future. You are simply enjoying each moment you are in.

    But being the emotional creatures that we are we do have feelings and achieving the above state and maintaining is nearly impossible for me at least. However, accepting yourself as you are in the moment is a positive way to handle regrets for the past or worries about the future, and can put you in a more positive state of mind to make effective change going forward. It works for me. But it takes a ton of practice and I have only been doing it for a couple years and I have a ton ton yet to learn. It has fundamentally changed my life though.

    There was an article in one of my trashy mags about 6 women who had gastric bands out of al of them, 5 years on only one was a healthy weight.. becuase they gave them the bands and that was it.. no mention of how to eat healthy, what is a portion etc etc so they went back to their old bad habits of eating and gained all their weight again!
  • BeckyLH
    BeckyLH Posts: 117 Member
    I grew up fat and peaked at 17.5 stones around age 18/19, in my final year of uni weight dropped off me and I went to around 15 stones in about 5 months, after that I became motivated to do more, i met my OH and dropped to 10.5st which is healthy weight for me but at the time was too much so I gained a stone back and settled for a long time happily at 11.5st. I have since gained back over 2st but am in the process of getting it off, for me it was contentment, moving house (and lack of a kitchen) and simply 'losing interest'. I am disgusted with myself now though and am determined to get back down.

    I think the language you used was quite harsh but I agree with the sentiment, it's a terrible thing to do to the body.